Number of Views on Dtube 5/365

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

This time I would like to talk with You about something I think it would be cool to have here on Dtube.

  • Number of views on Your Videos

Because on Steemit the number of views You get on Your videos/posts it is not necessarily related with the amount of rewards and success You might have.

In my opinion having this possibility would allow us to know if People are actually enjoying the videos and which type of videos People actually enjoy to watch the most.

Let me know what do You think about it.

Today on my video we had some cameos by:
myndnow -
slayerkm -
tim.clarke -

Make sure You go and check them because they are awesome.



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I enjoy the none view counter on videos. I judge my videos by the type of comments.

OK I read the comments and it seems to me that the way to go is put a button that says "Views" and if you click it you see the number of unique views and if you don't you don't. There are a LOT of important reasons to see the view count. Knowing what people find of interest for one thing. But there are a lot of reasons and I can't really buy the reasoning that knowing less is better. I don't judge the quality of information by consensus. People who do failed science. But we still need to know how many people watch a video to get some notion of whether or not it is worth the effort of making them.

Hum that is an interesting point as well. But the thing is that sometimes even when I enjoy a video I dont leave a comment because sometimes i dont have anything intereating to add to the table. And also if i commented on all the videos i watch i probably would have wear out my fingers lololol but it is for sure a way to see if people are engaging and enjoying. Thanks for the feedback 😁

I almost always comment on the videos I watch haha. That's just who I am though. I also upvote a lot. Way more than I should.

Ohhhh when it comes to the upvote I know the pain. Sometimes I get to the end of the day and I look to my voting power and I am luck: F.......................CK LOL When it comes to videos here on Dtube I try to engage as much as I can as well. But when it comes to Youtube I love so many Youtubers that is impossible to leave a comment in everything. LOL

View counter would be some quiet interesting data to analyse. haha love my little face on the side hahahaha

I told you that wYou had a small cameo eheheheheh. Well as i said you can view how many views ypu have on your post... but that is deceiving because you dont knkw how many of them were straight on dtube and most likely to have a video view and others are from steemit where people probablh just read the post. Well lets see if we get more people opinions.

the value that a video ads to dtube will be the number of viewers the video will generate in 10 years, 20 years, etc....the number of viewers of the first 7 days is not very important, it only reflects the number of followers the author has at a given example, if you post a video tutorial about some technical thing not related to steem it's an intemporal content that is adding a lot of value to the site but will not have a lot of viewers in the first 7 days...if you add a video "PRICE OF STEEM IS AT 7 USD NOW!!!", it will have a lot of viewers on the first 7 days but will be an irrelevant content in the long run and will not add intemporal value to the site....number of viewers in the first 7 days is irrelevant for the blockchain philosophy, that's why there is the curation figure, when the videos are curated by the stockholders of the blockchain(the owners of steem) and they decide what value does it add to the steem blockchain

Yeah But also if the creator want to post time stamped content it would be good to know the results and if it is working. At least in my opinion it is a type of information that would never be too much.

well....but the visitors on the first 7 days, usually come from the feeds of the followers....after it, you it's hard to know the results

Please let me now is it another way of earning? is it different than youtube earning?

Yeah it ia different. Dtube is part of the steem blockchain. So it works just like steemit.

Sometimes I feel like the only person that upvotes me is dtube and a few other people. I would get like MAX 20 views - that wouldn't make me feel good haha

Yeah I know what You feel. But I think it is normal. If Your videos doesnt get to the trending page probably it wont get a lot of views. People need to now start building the routine of coming and check Dtube daily, consume videos on Dtube the same way they consume on Youtube. That's why I think it is important to diversify the content and not only post crypto related videos. They are important and I really enjoy to watch them but for People that are just internet consumers maybe that is not the most appealing type of content.

Thank you so much. I had a lot of fjn editing this one.

First of all, thank you for shouting me out!

Second of all, to be honest, I prefer not to have view counter because people mostly judge by it as well. Imagine you landing on a video with only 1 view, you would subconsciously say that this video isn't too great because not a lot of people watched it. As opposed to only seeing the comments you receive, which is much more meaningful.

Winny out...for now ;)

It looks like the comments fans are growing. I understand and agree to certain extend. But maybe is the youtube addicted in me that still love the views. Ehehe And you are welcome. You need to get more followers. People need to see your masterpieces 😁

I personally don't need / want a view counter. The upvotes and comments show me more reasonable data than just views.
Also I like that is different than all the others and that the reach of a post is measured in upvotes / comments.
but they should really improve some things in the search and the tag view..

If you have any suggestions you always can use to leave them 😁

yes! views are very very important for me. I am a game dev and I want to move my content exclusively to DTube, but as for now the lack of ability to see the number of views is a BIG problem

Well you might not be able to see the number of views on the video but you know that you can see the number of views on the post right? 🤔

No I did not know that.
How do see the number of views on a post?

I vote for having view counters. I do look at the view counts and make a pre judgment of content. Sorry, but sometimes I even skip it based on the number of views if I'm searching for an answer.

But in the end it would be nice to know that people are watching my creations.

I think it's better to have one than not.

Even steemit have got rid off the views counter :( now there is no more views counter anymore.

That's too bad.
I understand the reasoning behind the removal from the web pages but it would be nice if there was some way for the authors of content to find this information. It's needed for a bunch of different reasons.

I was just watching dtube, then thinking, I'm not sure I want "you" to know what I was just watching.?!
You = the man, machine, system, public, whoever.
I still think I want to know it was viewed but I'm not so sure it's in the best interest of everyone that we know exactly who watched it..
I wasn't watching anything out of bounds, I was just thinking about what I said earlier.

Make sure to see my reply to myself. I meant to send it to you. I sent this one to you because i wasn't sure youd see my re-rereply. If that makes sense..🙄

I read it. Okay I get it.

how about tracking how many people without DTube accounts watch your videos? you only care about signed up DTube users who have time to comment?? (all this with a 2 week waiting period for signup lol)

No. I care about all the type of info that i can get to be able to know if people are enjoying the content that is being created :)

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