in #dtube6 years ago (edited)


Hey guys today I'm bringing you some bad news. I tried to make it funny so atleast we could laugh but I'm so pissed I can't be funny.... It stole all my funny with it. List may grow, But this is what I got.


@kawaiicrush @Winny @Myndnow @KevinLi @Steemcafe @Bobaphet @Nathan Mars @DNews @Vladivostok @reseller


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I'm sorry if I come across a little stern. I'm just really bothered by this. Nothing like this has happened to me. I dont like it.

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...and now people are going to find out the hard way that I wasn't merely a whiner complaining about the shortcomings of this platform as it relates to content creators.

Good luck everyone.

Edit: @maneki-neko, @meno, @coruscate, @phoneinf, @maneco64, @dook13
Edit2: @davidpakman, @adamkokesh, @exile, @themoneygps, @dnews

We didn't steal it. Some other WEBSITE IS STEALING OUR VIDEOS AND USING THEM. Geez does no one watch or read? I am one of those content creators that you relate shortcomings too. If I read this wrong I'm sorry but I don't think you understand what I said or I miss understood and theres something further you'd like to say

I understood perfectly well, people who read my comments don't understand. Since this platform is supposedly decentralized, copyright infringement is your problem as the content creator. You have zero protection from an anonymous entity, hiding behind attorney/client privilege, who steals your content.

How do you file a copyright claim against an anonymous entity?
What if this entity is a foreign Corporation?
How much does a Lawyer cost? ..per hour?
How do you serve papers to some one you can't locate?
How much time is involved in filing a DMCA take down notice? ..for each piece?
How much time is involved finding all sites that host stolen content?
You can't sue for damages if the content is older than the 6 day payout window as you were not getting paid after 6 days to begin with.

It all comes down to this: Fighting copyright infringement is expensive and the potential earnings don't match the expense. Thieves are well aware of this; Steemians are not.

People don't want to hear what I have to say and dismiss me as a whiner; too much negativity they say. Even the unflappable @exile muted me. Well, ..OK.

Again, good luck everyone! I hope you nail the bastards that are doing this.

you right. Thats why I feel exposed.

One thing you could do, and I've seen others do this, is introduce yourself midway (or some other convenient point that can't be clipped off the end or beginning) in the video while using a transparent overlay showing your DTube channel URL so viewers know where to find your originals. It doesn't stop anyone from copying your original, but it may just motivate some to visit you on DTube and join so they can comment.

As far as stopping the thieves, I think the best recourse we have without throwing money at it, is to go after their source of revenue; the advertisers. Just remember what happened to YouTube when advertisers realized their ads could be shown during videos they didn't want to be associated with. We are in the perfect position to do the same thing to the video thieves. We have a platform and we have content creators who cross post on other platforms.

To be fair, we should first let the advertisers know about the stolen content their ads are sponsoring. If they continue we launch a campaign exposing the theft with screen captures showing our stolen videos and their ads. Could be a fun community builder for Steemians/Dtubers and from a legal standpoint I think there is little they can do about it in most jurisdictions IF we play our cards right.

"How much time is involved in filing a DMCA take down notice?"

@prettynicevideo - It takes almost no time to file a DMCA take down notice if you want to do this. I am an author and photographer for the last 8 years and this is very common. No one protects you but you regardless of platform.

I agree with the idea of inserting info midway in the video if you care about this.

Some people go insane with trying to protect their content. I recommend ignoring it for the most part. Stop one thief another comes. I's not hurting your rewards here and it is promoting steem on a big site.

The last time I looked there were 25,000 pirated copies of one of my books online and slightly less for the others. Most of those sites get no action, so I do not care. I have author friends that pay money to services to try to stamp this out but it does not really work.

It's possible you have have one bad actor at daily motion - the DMCA Takedown notice it your best bet as a first step. You file it - someone else does the work after that.

@fitinfun I agree that a DMCA take down notice is a good first step, but here is a case that took the better part of 5 years.

My sister spent years taking down revenge porn and filing a DMCA take down notice involves including the URLs and that means you have to find them all. Since she couldn't, I used search engine scrapers to do that and every week new URLs would pop up (so much for google's duplicate content penalty, right?). When your content is spread over hundreds of websites this can take a while, especially if you have to search with altered titles as well as the original. If you have copyrighted work like a published Book, filing a take down notice is relatively easy, but when proof of ownership can be questioned, strange things start to happen.

"Yes that is your face in the video and your name on the title, but some one else could be holding the Camera and could be the owner of the video" would be the reason cited to NOT comply with a Court order from another Country. Funny how they didn't question the uploader about ownership as he remained "anonymous" to the world at large.

Then there are differences in jurisdiction. In one Country this was considered a criminal offense, but in the country hosting the websites, it was considered as a matter for civil Court.

Don't forget, we are dealing with a bunch of sleaze balls trying to make a buck from other people's work. They don't start with a server to create their business; they start in a law office.

Then there is this platform itself. Is there any guarantee that DTube can not sell your video to a 3rd party? I'm not suggesting they did, but could they? Yeah, how dare I even think such a thing. Well I've seen enough things in life to know that businesses swindle each other more often than you would think.

I do like your recommendation to ignore it, at least for now to consider what to do with this situation. Do we fight it, or do we use it to sneak in free advertising?

Thank you for your time and contributing to the discussion, very much appreciated.


I do not fight it - I ignore it. I've been watching others go crazy about it for years. This is a new world and I do not want to be distracted by misery.

There are way fewer sleazeballs than you think. I just stay away from the dark side and let them have whatever it is they are taking.

Personally I would not bother with the advertising either, but maybe it's a good plan.

I'm trying to help fat people get thin and healthy. If someone steals my work and helps an obese person see the light and be able to change - WooHoo!

Wow. Yea, like I said I've never had this happen and I know plenty who have that take a less Nonchalant about it so. Your the 1st period maybe it's not that bag but I haven't gotten there yet. Thanks for the Advice I appreciate it💚

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Just keep doing what you are doing. Your success will win out. Keeping your focus will pay off :)

P.S. My comment wasn't critical of you @prettynicevideo. This platform does not register your content creation under your name; it protects itself from plagiarism while not protecting it's users from the same. This is also why I post using my real name.

Sorry if it came across that way.

No, I apologized in my response for taking it the wrong way if I did, and I did. lolol. much luv

Even big Money studios can’t stop this type of theft.... best thing is to keep creating new fresh material for your audience and inform your audience where to find you and where they are stealing. Audiences (fans) are smart and loyal.

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You know what really burns? When your YouTube video is stolen and gets 1,400 views per day on Facebook while your original sits there at 700 views in 6 months and YouTube tells you you don't get enough views to monetize.

@onnovocks I’ve never had that happen to me, I don’t think, but it would suck.
So what’s your take on all this?

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My take? That would take a while, no pun intended. The entire system regarding copyright law favors money, and I mean those who have money and not the creative minds that spawn new ideas. This is true for all kinds of things. Do you know who invented the seal that made Aluminum pop/beer cans possible? I do. He didn't get paid other than a regular salary but his employer did, even if the inventor's name appears on all the copyright filings globally.

Reality is reality until some lawyers write something on a piece of paper and call it law. From that moment on, the truth is whatever they say it is, ..22,000+ times a year. (new laws)

That's my take in a nutshell. Thank you for your time.

How page is that ?

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There's a link in the post. Yea, some ghetto site be making money off all our good looks

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This is sad, alexa play despacito.

In all seriousness this isn't looking good for content creators. Unfortunately, as bad as it sounds, @onnovocks has made very logical and correct points. There isn't much we can do, ATM at leas.

So far, I like the watermark idea put forward by @streetstyle , this can soften the blow just a tad bit.

and remember, there is no such thing as bad publicity lololol ok bye I will go back to my dark corner again

Haaaaaaaaa. Despacito 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Damn that’s crazy ! I always wondered about that site “daily motion” it seems no rules apply! Hope this shvt gets sorted soon !

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I had never heard of it before

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Yes, after knowing it I am really very upset. Now our hard work are stolen. 😱

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Very sad to see, unfortunately there are people out there that don’t want to put in the hard yards and are just trying to make a quick buck. They are quite happy to steal and make money off others. I only hope that they get their own back one day so they know how it feels.

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What can we do about it?
And how does that really hurt us?

They make money off us. I'm not too certain. I just barely got over the shock of it. I mean duh, I knew it was a possibility but I never saw something like this before

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm not happy about that either. But what can we really do? How to prevent this?

thanks for the awareness on this. it is too bad this happened. unfortunately. its a common thing. people. impersonation of other people for personal gain. often happens with many content creators on YouTube. too. its possible to get that Dailymotion channel taken down. just all of you need to file a dispute together

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