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RE: Are SMT's replacing SteemEngine?

in #dtube5 years ago

Yes , if I remember correct SMTs are not pegged to Steem.
Also SMTs whilst having a lot of options you can play around with when setting up. Once you finalise the SMT it is no longer an option to fine tune it. Where as SE tokens you can . At least that’s what I understand.
Like @apshamilton said in a comment on this post ‘horse for courses’
He summed it up nicely .
People will uses whichever they feel more comfortable with .
Anyways thanks for you awesome reply ,
Have an awesome day!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Hi @mickvir

Big thx you for your comment and sorry for replying so late.

May I ask you for little favour? I'm not sure if I did ask you about it already or not (hope I'm not repeating myself).

Could you please check out also my recent post if you have few min and share your thoughts on questions related to concept of "introducing steem blockchain to businesses":

Your feedback is always appreciated ;) And I will upvote most valuable comment with 100-200k SP coming from project.hope account.
Yours, Piotr

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