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RE: "FIRE AND FURY" in North Korea? How about a history lesson?

in #dtube7 years ago

This makes a bit of sense but I think the main problem with it is the false reporting on the situation and hyperbolic natural of the comments from the president. Which leads me think it's all a distraction technique for a bigger plan by the government. Or just a distraction to get the eyes off of Trump's terrible presidency.

Surely anyone can see that North Korea's government are full of shit and don't have the technology to hit the U.S or even sustain a war with anyone, nevermind the biggest military force in the world. They have been cut off from most of the world's trading routes how are they getting the technology and materials for all this that they promise??

Yes bringing the authoritarian government down is one thing... but to play it as another cold war in which U.S is going to be under threat of nuclear attack is just not going to fly.

(P.s I don't really know.much on this situation so sorry if I got it all wrong but this is just an outsider opinion.. I welcome other opinions as well)


My main concern is for the average citizen living in North Korea. When I say cold war, I don't mean it as a form of nuclear deterrence in which we're standing off against an enemy of equal power. Anybody who thinks that an isolated nation that's been living in a vacuum for the last 67 years is on a level playing field, is painfully uninformed...

When I say "cold war", I mean it quite literally. It's a cold war in that we're still technically at war with North Korea. We have been since 1950, we're just not engaged in combat. The war is "cold" because we've been existing under a armistice since 1953. Not a peace treaty.

So just to clarify, I don't think that we're personally under threat from North Korea. But the average citizen who lives there is...

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