The Wackiest Sleep Schedule

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

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I Can't Help It. I'm An Owl. 

When everybody else is sleep, I'm up. Since as long as I can remember this has been my M.O. I find being up late a relaxing and peaceful experience. The problem though is that too many times my late night work binge ends up being a little too excessive. I go from getting loads of work done to reveling in the fact that I have so much uninterrupted time to enjoy to just create. Honestly I enjoy being able to follow my energy day in and day out. But I do need that extra hour or 2 of sleep. Many of you have stated that you feel I work alot even to that point that one person said it appears that I'm a workaholic. Now while I don't think that's the case at all, I do feel that it can appear that way. 

Right now in my life I am trying to focus on my health (as you all know I mention all the time), my family, and my purpose in this world. Managing all those things are definitely a full workload but I'm at the point where those things are starting to line up so well it doesn't feel like work. This is what made me really want to write How I Played My Way Back To Good Health And How You Can Too! It was simply because doing all these things has improved my overall health by leaps and bounds and I am in the FLOW. I want to stay in the FLOW of course but also I don't want to overdo it and burn out like I have in the past. So if you have any suggestions on what things can help me improve my sleep habits just drop it in the comments. 

Going outside and being in nature is so underrated.

And if you need a bit more encouragement, check out what I did to overcome burnout. Shalom

How I Played My Way Back To Good Health And How You Can Too!

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I feel i also a kind of Owl! But I am trying to take atleast 5 hrs sleep per day! While I am sleeping, I am in a deep sleep, so basically it refresh my mind, and body very well! I think you also try it! Having a sleep is number one concern! Health is the most precious thing for our lives! So, we must keep it at the best!


You are right. I at least try for 5 hours of sleep. I'd prefer 6-8 though.

Hey bro @humanearl 

Been following you for quite a time but didn't commented but i feel like after watching the video i should comment on this so lets get started !

Sleeping very late 

Not a problem at bro even i sleep at 2 a.m in the night and wake up way before usually 9 a.m in the mornings after setting the alarms but i don't think you need to set as you follow the proper workout routine as well and i am not doing that at all so you sleep schedule is kind of fine i don't think you need to worry a lot on that.

As you said

Person that stay's up at night are usually productive and its quite silence to focus more on work

Absolutely, Correct bro the night time is the best time to work with more efficient and minimum effort because from my personal experience i have seen the brain works quite well i am not kidding it help me to get things done quite easily and once that happen i have the sense of satisfaction along with me to enjoy a peaceful sleep so even i am also on the kind of your schedule if we compare haha :) 

You do quite a lot more activity and i only do little bit of it so you have extra edge you are living life in a more beautiful manner helping your wife along and taking care of your little daughter :) so its all fine try to schedule the things up so that you can be finish up your work and keep your self busy so that you can have a great sleep because its very much needed otherwise all those migraines and pains you know it better 

Let's close this topic seems like your daughter is having a really great time enjoy with her and keep posting amazing post's like you always do keep inspiring all of us and have a great day ahead

Cheers man !!

@mkmohit Cheers to you man! So I don't want to stop going to bed so late. That's not my issue really. It's the fact that when I go to sleep I usually only get about 5 hours. I would like to be able to sleep 6-8 hours. So now it's about figuring out how to squeeze that extra hour or two in.

And sometimes I may only get 4 hours of sleep. I see to my daughter all day and then have to get a lot of work done at night.

That's really great then Cheers Man !!

I am for work. I work very hard, yet I also understand that sometimes working excessively is a subtle sign of worry because it happened to me in the past.

Time will fail me to share my personal experience.

It's possible to want to use work and more work as an escape route from fear, apprehension and plain worry but wisdom gives profits when we allow it direct us.

Scripture says that when we believe we enter into rest. That implies that if I'm not enjoying rest I need to check whether I'm believing as I should.

In my case, I found that worry and fear had subtly crept in, pushing me to work and work and handle my body in ways I didn't have to.

I love the scripture that says, "The Lord said unto my Lord, SIT DOWN at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool." This scripture is one of many that show us that we reign when we learn to rest.

We rest to reign!

Sometime ago I heard a wise man say, "If you don't rest you'll be laid to rest." It made an undying impression in me.

We can reign more in good health when we rest more because enough rest refreshes one's health. These are just some of the reasons I take quality time out to relax and rest.

I hope these help.

I know exactly where you're coming from with working so hard due to worry. This happened to me about a year or so ago. I was so burned out and depressed for basically a year. I still haven't fully recovered but I'm so much better now than I was just a couple of months ago.

Overwork I believe is very much a sign of some deeper rooted issues. Maybe insecurity, worry, pride, etc. It's something I have to look in the mirror and figure out for myself at times.

So as I recover back to full health, the last piece of the puzzle as I have mentioned to others is rest. I will have to seriously consult God with this since it is ridiculously hard to get much work done during the day since I have my daughter for that time. When my wife comes home I usually work from about 7 till 3 or 4. So yes my work that I do here on top of the job of taking care of my girl is a difficult load.

Don't know exactly what to do for sure. We will figure it out thought. Thanks for the encouragement and helping me to think about things.

I love you bro. God bless your dear heart.

now I understand that working on the Internet and the work that it is fashionable to call - being a father is not an easy and responsible job that can take away your sleep.
My dream takes away what I have poisoned and I feel myself, although I have a responsible day.
To be an owl is not bad - an ordinary owl is a creative person.
do what chtovy do, but do not forget to sleep and let luck with you and your family. Thank you I'm definitely not getting rid of my owl status. Haha. But just need to squeeze in an extra hour of sleep or two.

I thought the same and almost gave up on it.
I had to deal with that problem since I was 13.

I have raped and murdered that problem now.

But now is not the time to fix it for you Earl because your little girl is still very little and probably cries a lot at all random times.

You need to focus on improving your sleep at whatever time you get it.

The best Earplugs in the world are called "Cord Max Extreme".

They are comfortable and block a lot of noise. I don't hear the neighbors child crying when I use them and a ventilator next to my head is only half as loud.

That is a 100 pack, I recommend that you do some research to find a 10 pack (which will be enough for a year).

Well she actually sleeps through the whole night. The problem is that I end up getting to sleep about 5 hours before she gets up. So I just need a minor tweak somewhere so I can squeeze an extra hour or two of sleep in. An idea that I thought of is to get a nap when she takes a nap. But idk since I can usually get a good chunk of work done during her naps.

You need to wake up early and wake her up at the same time.

If you wake her and yourself up at 05:00 she will probably be dead tired at 20:00, that means you will have to go to sleep at that time as well (or at 21:00).

You will get plenty of sleep if you manage to do that.

Well I do have seen and met some people who really gets more active in working at night and they do seem to be pretty good at that !If that way you like to do your work than it seems to be all right to me !
I do really hope you keep the flow going !

That's how I am. I am so much more productive at night than the daytime. I like the peace and quiet of the night. It helps to focus.

Being able to enjoy each moment that what's count bro the sleep is just a time to relax our mind and give some time to our body to refresh
i barely sleep or when sleep get wake up quickly i try to sleep at least 8 hours but not possible at all in this today's age

It's hard for me to get 8 hours every single day. But I know I need at least an extra hour or two of sleep as it is now.

@humanearl - Sir I'm raise my both hands... You needs more sleep... By checking your posts I understood it & I think Sir please have a sleep atleast 6 hours per day... I love your thoughts & vision, but I hate your sleeping schedule... Hope you understand the value of it Sir...


I try to get at least 6 for sure. I try to get to sleep around 2-4am and then wake up at around 10. But it's a hit or miss.

sleep schedule?
what is that?
I sleep when I get sleepy.
I steem when I'm awake.

Sometimes I sleep for a couple of hours...some times for ten or more.
what schedule?

@everittdmicky I'm torn. On one hand I feel exactly as you do but on the other hand it's a different story. Honestly I'm not a schedule guy at all. I go to bed whenever I finish what I need to do and sometimes that just happens to be around 4 am alot.

So I assume you end up getting the rest you need, it's just shorter some nights and longer others.

I'm retired.
I do what I want to do..IF if feel like doing it.
other wise I nap.
Mostly I'm awake at night.
and sleep during the day.

Man you're sitting cush. Haha.

yup..when I have the cash
I'm doing very well by Steem.

Exhausting yourself is the key. For example, every day I used to sleep by 12.00 p.m.

But in the last week, I am exercising intensely and hence I fell asleep by 11:30 p.m.

So, you can work out hard to induce the tiring effect and lure your body in to sleep.

Good luck buddy.

That's usually what happens when I work out really hard.

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