One Thing To Change On DTube...

in #dtube6 years ago


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▶️ DTube
  • You Are Right

  • there are problems, 6 months ago you could not really use this, was crap, the Team is upgrading and changing the code.

  • you may also have another problem with the 480p for the moment as a limitation.

  • I will love that to work perfectly, and the phone app so I can use this to play videos like I always did on youtube.

  • All I know is that they make some money from the content and they will soon have money to get better technology, And in time Youtube Brought together all the technology on one platform and is copyright protected. We have to start all over.

  • Soon we will be there !

Damn! Nice Bot trail. You have me beat! I saw your @brianphotos account and thought I already upvoted your comment. LOL

I need a bot trail lol :)

One of the biggest mistakes I made on Steemit was not making more accounts back in mid 2016. These usernames are going to be like domain names in 1997. I'm glad I was able to get @pranks though!

I appreciate I,m with steemit from a long time from when was like crap :D now we are in the clouds we go to the Moon

Yeah I remember when I first joined we had to host our own pictures and when you followed someone there was no feed or anything. It has come a long way and these 3rd party applications that connect to the STEEM blockchain offer a ton of promise. When @furiouspete123 and the @hodgetwins get their payouts from these posts they are going to be super pumped and then the flood gates open.

Hey Furious Pete, great to hear from you again and I'm glad to see you are having fun down in Mexico!

DTube is pretty boss level and always improving and I was actually researching more into IPFS and the Filecoin project last night.

The suggestion you made is a valid one and something that might be workable intermediary solution until more features are available in the future is to automatically roll out regular Steemit post at automated times which would then host "private" embedded YouTube videos that specifically talked to your Followers on the STEEM blockchain. You can do the automated posts with

That way your YouTube Subscribers wouldn't see it and you would still be talking to your following on the STEEM blockchain in travel situations.

Great suggestion! I hadn't thought of that alternative.

Hey Pete!

I'm so glad that you decided to join Steemit/DTube! You make an excellent point about unlisted videos. I'm 100% sure that the feature set will continue to expand. When he launched DTube, he actually made it clear that it was more of a proof of concept that this type of system is possible, rather than an attempt to launch a legitimate competitor for YouTube. Then again, as the funding and users grow, you can definitely expect new features like unlisted videos, or at least videos that can be posted with some type of scheduler. That might be more practical as a first step than simply unlisted videos due to the financing that posts use with the IPFS system. If you aren't aware, a portion of the rewards from each DTube post are delegated to the DTube account, and a portion of those go to buy the storage space on IPFS that actually store the video files. With unlisted videos, there is a slight complication because those videos need to be stored, but they would not be posted directly and so wouldn't receive rewards to pay for the storage. So someone still needs to pay for the storage space, but I'm sure someone clever will work out the details sooner than later :) Remember, even Steemit is still in beta!

Trogdor :)

When #steem gets out of beta this thing will skyrocket

Hi Pete!

Scheduled video publishing is not really achievable for DTube because only YOU can control when something gets published (because blockchain / crypto / etc). So it would need to be done on your side. Maybe we can have a browser extension for that, but you'd still need to keep your PC on. So it's not really good right.

Unlisting videos can be done. Technically if you go to Edit and blank out everything, it should work. Also if you go on steemit and just remove the 'dtube' tag, it will also hide from DTube.

You already can do that by using your own ipfs server, maybe, dtube is adding this feature too, this should'nt be a problem to implement, i think... Nice idea! =)

You don't need your own IPFS server.
Just upload the video without submitting the post and save the hash strings somehwere.

Oh, did not know that, nice!

lol come on pete this platform is new in beta relax

Totally agree, Pete. I am located in China and DTube doesn't work that well for me (it has gotten much better though) due to my internet. I'd love to be able to upload videos at a certain time and then choose when to make it public. The same can be said about Steemit as well. For someone without a huge following, timing is very important in order to get noticed by someone with SP and can make a difference between earning hundreds of dollars and just a few cents.

If we have the unlisted option, then I could upload at a time the internet is working well and then actually publish it at whatever time I want.

I wish they can let you delete videos because you might want take down some videos in the future.

Sounds like a nice idea, I like you are not sure of it´s technical limitations, but someone more knowledgeable sure will see this :)


One week on Dtube and you want allready change things, thats ampitious! xD

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