Please Enter my Contest about Contests or Challenges on the Steem Blockchain!

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Do you enter contests and challenges on the steem blockchain?

Why or Why not?

If you do enter contests and challenges, how to you find them?

How do you make sure to enter and not forget?

Do you have any contests you enter all the time?

Answer any of these questions or give any other information in a comment below and you might be a winner of 1 sbi share. I am giving out four sbi shares for the best comments I get by the time this post pays out, or near about that time.

Here is some of what I do to succeed with contests and challenges on the steem blockchain:

Places I find contests and challenges

  • @contestkings daily contest listing post
  • @mariannewest’s daily freewrite prompt post
  • my steemnow feed
  • @steembasicincome contest listing posts
  • Various discord channels that have rooms with contest listings in them

Some Contests and Challenges I Enter

Why I Enter Contests and Challenges

  • I win steem and sbi!
  • I get out of my box and stretch my skills
  • I meet new people I would not otherwise encounter

NOTE: I do not play @steemmonsters, but there are a wealth of contests for them. The @contestkings post above gives many. Currently @berniesanders is offering 2500 steem for a New Year’s tournament!

How to use steemnow to find contests and challenges

I use steemnow by @penguinpablo to find contests and challenges. I have this open all day to check my power before upvoting anyway. Whenever I refresh, I see new contests! Some are the contest offers and some are other people’s entries. Click on any of them to find out more.

steem now contests.PNG

Enter your user name to steemnow

and change the settings in the last panel like I have here and you will find contests right when they come out. When they say "the first 10 people to comment will win" you can be one of those first people!

Writing contests and me

Recently I decided to try and enter some writing contests. I’m a writer and have a lot of trouble being brief.

(I won a week of bigger upvotes from @scrooger's @feedyourminnows program with this gif!)

So I decided to enter the 77 word contest by @hairyfairy recently, and I placed and got some sbi! Next I tried’s 240 character zapfic and created a blockbuster post in such a short number of words (imo). It is on my theme of weight loss and I am currently blasting it all over my social media.

And I found the #antipost weekly contest recently by @sndbox and came in second with this crazy entry

If I did not try new contest ideas, none of those great results would have happened.

Please Enter My Contest!

The best 4 comments I get on this post before it closes are going to win 1 sbi share each. This contest requires:

  • no follow
  • no upvote
  • no resteem

and so qualifies to be listed by @contestkings.

I hope you will enter and give me your thoughts. I want to hear from you.

Please also visit my other contest going on right now about the @qurator program.
If you post original content daily, this might be the contest and program for you!

= =
Thank you so much for watching my video, reading my words, and letting me know your ideas today. This post is for the #znap initiative by @nathanmars. I participate in this as a proud member of the dtubefamily777, and I am so grateful for everything I have learned by this effort.

You can do it too! Go on over to Nathan's blog, follow directions and start posting your short videos to dtube. If I can do this, anyone can.


Are you worried about gaining weight over the holidays?

Or are you just going to worry about it later?

December 2011 is the month when my weight loss efforts really took off. Please follow my blog for weight loss information, or contact me directly if you would like some individual help.

▶️ DTube

I use Steemify app by @blockbrothers to know when someone is posting. It sends you a message instantly so it is really good to enter contests where you have to answer fast.
... and you don't need to login anywhere!!

Nice! Thank you for this great tip. I will check it out for sure :)

be sure to do that. The iOs version is in the appstore. If you happen to be on android, mail [email protected] for the beta.

that is great to know!! Usually, everything is for android first. Going to find it right now.

Did you find it?

I did and I downloaded it. Thank you.

That’s actually a quite clever reason to use our app Steemify ! Thx for spreading the word.

Thanks guys! Really good job with the Beta for Android. I use It every day as an 'alert' for my fav author posts and contests. And also for all that happens to my account: replies, mentions, votes, transfers...
@fitinfun: try it, you won't be disappointed!

@blockbrothers are the creators of Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:

Thank you for using Steemify

How do I get this for Android? thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

Send an e-mail requesting for a link for the Android beta to: [email protected]

Done, thanks!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @fitinfun

Yeah, I often enter contests... a) It helps me stay more active here on Steemit and b) Well... it's cool to win shit :-)

I belong to a few discord servers for some programmes (ContestKings, SBI etc.) where random authors are allowed to promote their own contests. It's also pretty easy to find contests using hashtags like #contestkings #steembasicincome and even #contest.

I enter @contestkings contests for Steem Monsters cards, Steem Basic Income, and various other things.

Posted using Partiko Android

They have wonderful contests and it's nice to get the daily update!

Apart from the need to create networks and be engaged, the many contests organised are a big source of any starter pack for beginners, I did get my very first bit os steem in such.

I didn't really take part in any challenges or contests when I first started on Steemit, they were often too time consuming for barely any gains and the chances or winning were so low due to so much competition.

But about 4 or so months ago I started getting more involved as the Steem price tanked and made it incredibly difficult to gain any rewards. I think I may speak for most when I say I find most contests a good experience but some also require way too much effort for something that wont even be worth 1 cent. This is why I often look for simpler contests to enter it's not so much because I'am lazy but often "time" is just not on my side which is why contests that want stories or for you to watch 30min long video clips,or write full posts among many other things I just avoid them like the plague, dont get me wrong some people offer big prizes for these bigger kind of contest but the problem is most of these get flooded with people, some competing spent 2 or 3 days writing one of these entries and for what? Well mostly nothing, when you could of wrote 3 normal posts and gained 3 times as much without spending hours of you life.

As for not forgetting posts I mainly look at steembasicincome or contestkings, I guess I could set-up notifications but if I haven't got to a contest it just means I haven't had the time.

I dont really have a particular contest I enter all the time people either stop doing them eventually or change the rules like insisting on resteems or inviting friends which then I don't enter any competitions who ask of these, upvotes no problem as I think every contest should atleast request a upvote "just dont ask for %100 upvotes..." not only for in a sense "saying thank you" to the person who is hosting but it could possibly create enough funds for a 2nd competition.

Thanks @fitinfun

Contests are fun, meeting new people.

Most of the contests I have joined are in communities like @steembasicincome @phototalent @steemitbloggers @qurator - Others I see are in @steemkitchen one with our local flavour enjoyed around the world is #MeatyMondays with @braaiboy

Thanks for the shoutout @joanstewart

Ha ha I see Sharon active in there too, loads of braai cooking done in many parts of the world. Now to find awesome recipes!

thanks to you now I know where to get funny contest to enroll myself in ;)

You got it down, girl!!
I see contests and other opportunities I want to enter. then I get busy and forget until it is too late.
Part of it is that I am trying very hard to balance on and offline life and spending way more time offline right now. When I am on here, I first try to visit the freewriters and take care of freewrite house activities.
At this point, if I don't do it right then and there, I end up not doing it. 😱😳

Thank you for the mention.

You made some good points in the video.

Good Day! In my case I try to participate in contest and giveaways regulary. To thind then I use tags like contest or giveaway. Also in this year I participated in @ Original works writing contest, coingecko contests and some other. For me it is interesting because I can try my forces in this challenges and also get some Steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

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