🎧 Steemit Openmic - Week #128🎧 - Original Song ¨Lágrimas de sal // Tears of salt¨ #openmic Patrocinado por @Luzcypher & @Pfunk

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Un gran abrazo musical para toda la familia steemiana y al gran equipo de @openmic: @luzcypher, @verbal-d, @passion-ground, @meno, @krystle, @soundlegion. Luego de unas semanas bastantes complicadas, he logrado grabar nuevamente un vídeo. Bueno, les cuento que me ha pasado en estos días, pero rapidito. Tuve problemas con el programa que utilizo para el audio del mis videos ¨Audacity¨ no sé porque al exportar el audio el mismo perdía tota la calidad del sonido y la verdad sonaba bastante mal. Pase semanas tratando de resolver ese problema y no logre resolverlo jamás. Se me ocurrió la brillante idea de que ya era hora de cambiar de programa y conocer algunos nuevos. Intente con protools, y no logre instalarlo, ya que mi laptop posee solo 2gb de memoria RAM y el programa exige un mínimo de 2gb, así que no me funciono. Intente con Cubase y ahí me quede. Es un programa bastante completo, no más que el pro tolos, pero si más que audacity. Bueno, otro de mis inconveniente fue que mi cámara no le dio la gana de encender, espero que se le pase esa locura porque me duele mucho el solo pensar que se dañó. Y si me pongo a contar todo lo que hice en casi 2 días sin luz en el país donde resido Venezuela, no terminare nunca jajaja….
A great musical hug for the whole Steem family and the great @openmic team: @luzcypher, @verbal-d, @passion-ground, @meno, @krystle, @soundlegion. After a few complicated weeks, I managed to record a video again. Well, I tell you what happened to me these days, but quick. I had problems with the program that I use for the audio of my videos ¨Audacity¨ I do not know because when exporting the audio it lost all the sound quality and the truth sounded pretty bad. I spent weeks trying to solve that problem and I never managed to solve it. I came up with the brilliant idea that it was time to change the program and get to know some new ones. Try protools, and I can not install it, since my laptop has only 2GB of RAM and the program requires a minimum of 2GB, so it did not work. Try with Cubase and there I stayed. It is a fairly complete program, no more than the pro jects, but more than audacity. Well, another of my drawbacks was that my camera did not want to turn on, I hope that you lose this madness because it hurts a lot just thinking that it was damaged. And if I start telling everything I did in almost 2 days without light in the country where I live Venezuela, I will never end hahaha ....

Pero bueno chicos, como dije, ya estoy nuevamente activo con mis canciones y escribiendo nuevos temas. Para esta semana les cantare una que ya muchos conocen, la llame ¨Lagrimas de sal¨

Porque no siempre las lágrimas pueden ser síntoma de arrepentimiento, muchas veces hay quienes las derraman para chantajear

But good guys, like I said, I'm already active again with my songs and writing new songs. For this week I will sing one that many already know, call it ¨Lagrimas de sal¨

Because tears can not always be a sign of repentance, many times there are those who shed them to blackmail

Lágrimas de sal (canción original) // Tears of salt (original song)

letra// letter

Me fui…Sin mirar hacia atrás. Para no verte, no verte llorar. Lágrimas de sal… Me fui… Siguiendo al sol. Con mil silencios. Que me hacen sufrir… Seca ya tus lágrimas. Que no quiero más, más de tu sal… Me fui…Sin mirar hacia atrás. Para no verte, no verte llorar. Lágrimas de sal
I left... Without looking back. Not to see you, not to see you cry. Tears of salt... I left… Following the sun With a thousand silences. What make me suffer... Dry your tears. I do not want more, more of your salt...I left... Without looking back. Not to see you, not to see you cry. Tears of salt

A bordo de la nave
me despido, mi querida familia steemiana.

Si deseas ayudar al proyecto @cervantes puedes votar por él como testigo Aquí. Gracias.

▶️ DTube

Oh dude this was so beautiful. You put in these deeeeeep and true emotions. I was not able to understand any word in language but I felt the feeling by your voice and facial expression deep within my heart.

Thanks for sharing your talent and this #awesomediycontent with us!


btw: I like the two column style of your post and the overall format of it. It looks really nice and now i know the lyrics :) Thanks for writing in english as well!

Thanks brother!!! It is quite comforting to know that even if you do not understand a word of what I sing, the feeling reaches the heart. I think it's part of the artist to convey the feeling with which you sing. I'm very happy that you liked it. I send you a big hug XD

Thanks a lot for your creative, inspiring and motivating video!

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Me gusta esta composición, seca tus lagrimas Edward, benditas letras. Saludos y bendiciones.

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