MandalasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Every time I see a Mandala on here, I’m drawn to it. I’ve seen them painted on stones, screen printed to t-shirts, I wanted to make one. There’s a lot of canvases and mediums used to create the circular, meditative symbols. For this one I used A2 paper, some Pilot pens, a GoPro Hero 5, an iPad, iMovie and this copyright free cover of Sweet Dreams.

@aleister, the signature is perfect. Thank you!


▶️ DTube

I’m glad you like it. Thank you!

Is unique @dandays!

for you

Thank you @eii. I’m glad you liked this one.

We learn everyday, first time of hearing about mandala before

We learn everyday,
First time of hearing about
Mandala before

                 - adedapo-glory

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I didn’t know what they were called either. I’d seen many of them, just didn’t know there was a name for it.

Thanks for stopping by @adedapo-glory.

Holy smokes sir dandays! wow, that is super cool. How long did that take you? Just the drawing part, not the putting the video together part. lol.

I sure am glad you liked this one, Janton, thank you! I thought it was really cool too. I like the art in it, the idea, etc. The community didn’t seem to like this one too much. Win some, lose some.

Oh dude I’m almost embarrassed to admit how long it took. I maxed out three 64gig SD cards in memory. But what I did was try to compress all three cards at the same time and that didn’t work so the iPad crashed. I started over and began transferring video feeds about 40 minutes at a time.. compress, send to iMovie, edit, delete the original—repeat. What I’m trying to say is those three SD cards are three hours each so nine hours worth of drawing. Lol! What a lunatic huh??

We could probably guess the editing time was right around there somewhere too. I tend to get all weird on projects and do things like lose track of time. 😉

Thanks a lot for stopping by @janton. I’m lucky to have you as a follower.

Howdy sir dandays! I'm shocked that this wasn't one of your more popular posts but you never know what people are going to perceive as good. I was impressed and as detailed as the drawing was, I don't think 9 hours sounds like a long time, it would take me alot longer than that.

Did you have the design in your head or did you have some of it and add more as you went along?

Did you check more into ocdb? I thought they said they weren't a bidbot but on their notice they send when they vote for you they say this:

"@ocdb is a non-profit bidbot for whitelisted Steemians, current min bid is 2 SBD and max bid is 12 SBD and the equivalent amount in STEEM." So I guess they ARE a type of bidbot. What do you think? Makes no difference to me as long as they're good guys and help people.

....”lucky to have you as a follower.” Happy post HF21 my friend, good to have you on my screen again.

I’ve done quite a bit of research actually, I’m not opposed to the ocdb bidbot but it’s definitely a big bod just a non-profit. Eh, I’m not here to judge anyone. It seems like a good method for building your rep score which would then possibly give you more exposure—have you noticed significant change in your following?

Cuz I went through your rewards and, at 40 Steem a shot, that’s a little over $7. Well, your highest reward balance is a little over $8 so it just doesn’t make sense to me to dump in $7/day just for a rep score if it didn’t attract followers. I’m down to give it a shot though.

Is there an hour limit? For example, can I vote multiple posts at the same time? Go over to the wallet on like Friday and just vote my last few articles, can you do that?

Let me know what you think. Talk soon, sir.

Howdy today sir dandays! I don't judge anyone about anything either so we're on agreement about that. I haven't seen it increase my followers though. I guess my main goal is to increase my account size in sp and then if people follow me that's fine. I don't ever look at how many I have, I never think about it and can't tell you right now how many I have. lol.

With ocdb you can't vote for multiple posts at the same time, just one at a time once every 24 hours. I've talked to someone who uses Smart Steem..or is it Steem Smart...I think it's Smart Steem and they say they get a better return of about 14-15% so that's one you could check into. It's not a non-profit though, I don't think.

Dang bro, that is sick 👍🏿

Man I sure am glad you think so, thank you!

Thanks for stopping by @idig. I dig the heck outta your handle—ima need to click your follow button.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dude!! This should be getting way more attention!!! I hope this little guy can help.

Hook this guy up would ya?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I got your back!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I’m glad you like it Splatz, thank you! You just never know, being pleasantly surprised by rewards that didn’t require much time makes up for the times countless hours went unnoticed—I guess, or something like that. I’m glad you liked it and I really appreciate all of the support you’ve shown me.

Thanks for stopping by @jlsplatts.

Hey @dandays
Your post has been determined to be Splat-Worthy!! Therefore You’ve been Splatted by the Splatz Curation Trail
Rewarding Your Original Work
With an Upvote
If you find posts worthy of a nasty Splatin’ feel free and mention @splatz in your reply to their post. Call me out!!

It really look awesome

I’m glad you like it. Thank you.

To view or trade BEER go to

Hey @dandays, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!

Do you already know our BEER Crowdfunding

Great video of this creation. You got this video stuff down. Really cool to see the entire piece completed in the matter of a minute and 19 seconds.
Thanks for the link to

Oh awesome, I’m glad you checked this one out. If you only knew.. 1:19—oh man!! I think the final tic on this project was a little over 9 hours. That 1:19 was a lot of work sir, thanks for noticing, after a few days worth of line work and inking I realized there’s a bit more than I expected and i ended up using three 64GB SD cards. I ended up using every bit of memory in the iPad to where i had to record, edit, clear, repeat every 40 minutes until i had all of the video compressed. Then the iPad was inoperable until i went through it, deleted everything, even the backup history, updated it and now its usable again. Ha!! Yeah, I’m glad you appreciate it.

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed.

edit These are the only progress pictures I took so had that recording and loading up the iPad not worked, I would’ve had to scratch the idea.

Posted using Partiko iOS

What a process, but the end results were worth it. This project should have gotten a lot more eyeballs. Despite that fact, those of us who follow @dandays really appreciate your work.
Have a great Sunday my friend!

Brother—those of you are all that matters.

Buenos dias... wait, wrong country. Good morning, Sweed. Happy Sunday to you and yours. It is Sunday, right?

Man, I finished another article last night and now I’m hesitant to pull the trigger because of HF21 and learning the way of the ropes the hard way, I did that for HF20—it didn’t work out well. What do you think? Maybe I should work on another one and just release them one after the other immediately following the fork? Or, maybe I just continue doing what I’m doing and not pay attention to the day? One before.... one right after. None before.... 3 or 4 in a row immediately after. Chew think?

Did I already say good morning? It’s still Sunday, right?

Funny thing about being retired. I had to kick up the calendar to see exactly what day it was. It is Monday morning here, so good Morning works.
I've been up since around 3 am. Usually get up around 5, but after laying in bed tossing and turning for an hour, I got up totally rested. Started my day outside in the pitch dark. Discovered a huge Yellow Jacket nest, which they build under ground. The best time to kill these suckers is during the night when they have all returned to the nest. Pour some gas on the entrance to the nest and light. Poof, the underground nest is destroyed and the Yellow Jackets all die as the fire consumes all of the oxygen under the ground.


That Hard fork thing bewilders me. Personally I am working on a rather large post myself, Chenango Blues Festival. When I'm finished, I will push the button down. We will all have to just wait and see how all of this plays out, or better yet pays out. God luck with your next post, just keep them coming would be the only thing I would do. Good evening to you, if it has not turned to Monday by now. Exactly what is the time difference between England and N. Y.

We’re 5 hours ahead of you. Your 5 is my 10. Ok, I’ll probably release mine today but, in my opinion, today or nothing. I think tomorrow is too late and Tuesday is the big switcharoo. You posting today?

Posted using Partiko iOS

with my latest blog not nearly ready, I probably will not post for a couple of days. good luck.

Woops, #farm-mom just got up and told me it is Sunday not Monday. Retirement is great, and I just gained an extra day. 😊😊

Great!! Does that mean everything you just told me about Monday this and good Monday that is ish?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Just replace monday with sunday and every thing is good to go.

Just replace monday
With sunday and every
Thing is good to go.

                 - thebigsweed

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

You got yourself a deal, sir!

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