Starting My Week Off Work With Absolutely No Plans? Ideas Welcome!!! - D00k13 Digest #340steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dtube6 years ago

What up my Steemians, welcome to the @D00k13 Digest, today is my last day of work before I start a week off tomorrow. Having been so distracted with everything going on in the Steemiverse I have not really planned anything for my time off. I will be taking this week to try recuperate but I am wondering what should I do while trying to relax?

The one thing I have planned is to do something nice for the love of my life my fiance Melissa at least once every day that we have off together! Make her breakfast in bed, run a nice bath, pick some flowers, that kind of idea.

I leave you with a few questions I would love some feedback on!

  • Is there anything on Vancouver Island you would like to see in a Vlog?
  • Is there anyone local wanting to meetup?
  • How should I spend my time?
  • What are a few cost effective ideas of things I can do to show my fiance how much I care about her?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!!!

Thats it @d00k13 OUT

Check Out The @FreeWriteHouse Prompt Of The Day By @MarianneWest

FreeRead Week 4 - Author Reading - a OneLoveDtube and Freewrite House Project

@OneLoveDTube & @FreeWriteHouse are proud to collaborate on this #FreeRead initiative! All participating will receive support from both communities, simple as that! You have the opportunity to help shape this contest, the contest is meant to be hashed out by our communities and all input is appreciated so please feel free to help make this something great!

#OneLoveDTube Free Use!!!

Need some graphics to spice up your creation check this out!! Better yet do you have something to share with our community? Please drop it in a comment on that post for easy referral!

#OneLoveIPFS Video Hosting Services

The IPFS Node Hosting Services and the IPFS Node Uploader are just two of the projects we have on the go to help support our DTube creators while also supporting DTube’s video file hosting network known as IPFS. With these two services you can upload despite what happens to the main nodes and your videos remain playable forever. Another benefit is quicker load times with multiple sources, IPFS works like torrents more nodes quicker streaming capabilities. If your interested please stop into our discord and speak with either @Techcoderx or @Graylan they are in charge of this project.

  • Customer Review & How To By @MVD -
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    Sometimes I feel that I need to remind good men like you that they are still human beings not just machines without mercy.

    What should you do...!!! I will tell you .... move your ass and go outside and search for any homeless man or woman and invite him or her to a well treat meal and give away some bucks to this poor human being...

    By this you will fill your day by a good useful thing and God will support you when you ate in need plus you will satisfy your ego and your humanity good feelings inside yourself. ..

    It would be better if you take your kids with you to witness how much great their dad and one day you will thank me for this advice as your kids will copy your good reaction s towards the poor community and they will be kind as you did...

    Tough guy... I challenge you to do it... and if you do it...take photos or make film to keep it in the history records that a great man did a great thing to his community...

    Bye bye

    Posted using Partiko Android

    Alright so.... I did a lot of that last year and I learned some very hard lessons. Yea it’s good to help those in need but the only homeless people you will find around here in need are those not willing to deal with their drug addictions, plenty of resources available.

    I spent months getting a good buddy of mine off the streets and off drugs only to have him kill him self with the drugs after 9 months clean. I learned the resources for his recovery were there he just refused to jump through the hoops to get the support. I know it does not mean that every person on the streets are addicts but those whom want to get off the streets have all the means available already they just choose not to use them and I cannot enable someone in not helping themselves.

    As for me being a tough guy, I’m not sure where you get that from. I am very sensitive, empathetic and caring for all life.

    It is a great idea and the thought is a great one though I have no kids or anything to show, this week is more about my self healing and showing my fiancé I love her. I am not continuing to put myself out when I cannot afford it for people whom show little or no intention in doing right for themselves.

    I learned the hard way literally walking the streets tracking my buddy down for months, if they so choose they can find a way out and the consistent handouts only enable their desires not to do better. That’s right from the mouth of the homeless whom I spoke with while tracking down my buddy. They said he was too far gone and sadly they were right, those same people also said that my intentions were good but he would only take advantage of me which was also true.

    Posted using Partiko iOS

    I am sorry to hear these bad news about your passed away buddy for his wrong choices... well in all means I did not and I will not dare to call you mean heart ...May be it is the translation from my Arabic writings to English caused you to understand my point in a way further what I had ment.
    And...I hope you will get kids to enjoy your life with your partner and your kids and your pets.
    Now let's go back to my proposal. And try to understand my writings please.. most of poor people are not trying to jump to the scenes saying hey guys we are poor ... they really hide their needs in a smile and you will think that they are rich or at least they can afford their food and daily living expenses while in fact they are not.
    These people I ment by homeless ....
    If you search your community you will find them
    I know from your writings the pain you got when your friend cheated on you and took the chance to ....kill himself by his own hands but that does not mean that all poor people are addicted to drugs...
    When I wrote move your ass I meant do not be lazy in searching for such poor families... this is a well know wesdom in my Arabic language move your ass means do not be lazy.
    Ok.ok ... I will advice you another thing in the same field... is 100 bucks a big deal for you... I hope not... then there are so many local foundations in your city will welcome your donation to feed some real poor no house 1 night gusts or you can donate this 100 bucks to red cross foundation to help a poor man or family in Africa or you can simply go to any orphans house under your government supervision and get toys to these young lonely kids....the choices are too can think of any suitable one...

    Again... I was really rude and tough in my writings to you in my first post but my intentions are good...

    I want to help poor people and I call always my community here in the middle east to help others...

    The smile of a hungry kid when he finds a good meal in front of him is more than a ton of gold translated in my heart if you know what I mean

    God bless you... no hard feelings

    Posted using Partiko Android

    No hard feelings but yes $100 is a lot for me.

    My experiences with trying to help the “needy” around here has simply lead me to understand they are not innocent as we have ample resources if so chosen to be accepted.

    Posted using Partiko iOS

    Hey man, sometime's it's good to take break from everything and give yourself as much time as you can.. "Live your Life" , so don't think much and get ready for Vancouver , we love to see your travel journey... so, leave the house now and grab this chance of living your life.. :D :D

    Most definitely my dear just wanting to make the most of it while enjoying myself 💪

    Not thinking is a hard one for me 😅 as you saw from my previous vlog.... this week is about trying to think more of how to enjoy myself rather then what I wish to create... I’ll create something relative to what I do bringing that creation into my life like I planned for this year!

    So wishing I could meet up with some fellow local Steemians, very few on the island.

    Posted using Partiko iOS

    Grab a backpack and put clothes for 3 days, and take the first bus that looks and then the next and the next, and reaches a place where you've never been.

    Aha well I could just drive would be a lot less complicated.... can’t really leave my dog behind for a week 😅 but I have been thinking about exploring the north end of the island 😉

    Posted using Partiko iOS

    Dude, I feel you on this. My restaurant has been getting remolded over the past 2 months. This video does not want to play for me. I thought I would make a ton of content, however, I ended up putting together a huge plan for dtube/steem/myself over the next 5 years. If I were you. Be open to grand ideas and let them come to you!

    Yea buddy will do, if videos are not playing you could try the DTube or IPFS link at the bottom.... we seem to have a little issue with Partiko and OneLove Uploader videos I’m still trying to get to the bottom of but Sida is a very busy man 🤞

    My grand plan is already in action #OneLoveDTube 💪
    We Will Get There Together!!!

    Posted using Partiko iOS

    Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

    Much love 💕

    Posted using Partiko iOS

    A backrub or footrub for your girl.

    Sounds like a plan, thank you for your input 👍

    Posted using Partiko iOS

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