It's not FUD , but Education !

in #dtube4 years ago (edited)

Some are telling us that we are creating FUD and panic about the situcation, but it's not the case !

When I or any steemian create a content explaining the difference between steem and steemit. When we explain that it's impossible to just move steem blockchain to tron. When we explain that steem is all about witnesses and the community. When we say that we can fork. When we say that only steemit was sold but not other applications. When we say that those applications are working with steem and at the same times they have the reward system, by tokens, points or what ever. Just like @dtube has it's own blockchain at the same time.

We don't create FUD in this case, but we educate people from outside about steem and those who are already here and confused.

Even before the news not everyone here understand the difference between steemit and steem before the news and maybe they didn't understand other things as well.

So, stop calling us emotional or something. We are just educating people about the right things.

Justin is the one who is creating FUD, because in his first tweet he said that they will do a swap, then in the AMA is said that there will be no swap, then he creates an other tweet telling that seemit will merge with tron. I mean people are really confused. Maybe because of his language, but I don't think so, it's all done by purpose.

Let's just keep educate the world about steem. All steemians who are active in twitter and other social media writing about this are there just to educate people. Also, being emotional sometimes is not shame. We are people, we can be emotional and that's ok. We are just protecting our freedom !

I said everything in the video ! Enjoy it !


You can follow me in all these social media and let me know in the comments, how can I find you to follow :

Facebook group , Twitter, Quora, Reddit, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok , Medium, lbry , Uptrennd.

I'm promoting steem in all of them. Let's connect there and promote it together !

I'm also the founder of @dcooperation , the community where we collaborate. You're welcome to join us in our discrod server.

Here is the community in beta.steemit, you can subscribe and post in it : . We are giving autoupvotes for that and you can get up to $5 upvote for that.

Check here what else I do to promote steem : The efforts I do to promote steem !

▶️ DTube

@clixmoney I have had this exact same thought several times over the last several days.

In my perspective calling things 'FUD' is an attempt to control the narrative and basically invalidate the views, thoughts, opinions, and even the facts that are being expressed. Ultimately it stifles the conversation and reduces it to something deemed frivolous or reactionary.

It all makes me think of this quote by Stephen King: In the land of the witless the halfwit is king.

For sure, it's a kind of manupulation and even trying to move to things out of context instead of discussing the main topic of the conversation.

Yeah. It casts doubt on the author and makes others take it less seriously. This last weekend it was horrible to see because lots of people expressing their concerns were basically told to 'Shut The FUD Up!'

Well educative info @clixmoney. Yes!, the whole things leave us many interpretation, because on the go I was thinking the difference between partnership and haven sold which are two different words. Thanks for this clarification!

You're welcome !

DTC is coin??

Yeah, it's a blockchain, but in testnet. They are seeling it here : You can use a steem to buy it.

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