Tiny House Episode 20: Fireproofing with Cement Board

in #dtube7 years ago

In this video, I talk about how I retrofitted the areas around the furnace exhaust and the chimney with cement board and steel. One of the big advantages to building a tiny house on a trailer is that since the "house" isn't a permanent structure, building codes don't apply. However, just because you don't have to follow code doesn't mean you should be reckless. I had this image in the back of my mind of all my hard work going up in flames due to some oversight so ensuring I was building safely was important to me.

The two areas of concern, the furnace exhaust and wood stove chimney, probably would have been fine but I decided to be extra cautious and upgrade the exit points anyway. The furnace exhaust, for example, was designed to go through a sheet metal and foam exterior and I had it running through wood and foam. The chimney pipe I used wasn't to code because the stove called for a 4" chimney and in Canada the chimneys rated for wood stoves and fireplaces by code have to be no smaller then 5". I didn't want an oversized chimney because I had read that this could lead to issues getting a proper draft. I suspect the people writing these codes never imagined someone would install a stove quite this small. Regardless, I wanted to have no doubts that these appliances were safe and not simply installed with bare minimum precautions.

cementCement board similar to this was used to help fireproof the chimney, furnace exhaust and under the wood stove.

The main combustible material that was in close proximity to the chimney and the furnace exhaust was the sheathing. The insulation was Roxul which, as I previously mentioned, is virtually fire proof. After considering several different materials I ended up settling on cement board for my fireproofing needs. Since I needed a piece for under the hobbit stove anyway, I didn't have to buy extra. I then confirmed that cement board definitely doesn't burn by testing it with a blow torch.

furnaceBefore and after the cement board and extended steel plate were added to the furnace exhaust.

I remember taking pictures of the modification process but they were lost along the way. Unfortunately, I don't enough enough images to do a step-by-step walk through but the basic procedure was cutting out the wood sheathing and replacing it with cement board. I even went a step further with our wood burning stove by lining the trusses closest to the chimney with cement board as well. Once this was done, I expanded the metal plates and flanges to cover the cement board. The areas around the furnace exhaust and chimney were now fireproof.

chimneyThe sheathing under the chimney roof flashing was replaced with cement board. If you look closely, you can also see an extra piece of metal over the top of the flange. I installed this so I could cut the shingles back further since they are also flammable.

As I mentioned earlier, these extra precautions probably weren't necessary and are most likely even safer than code. Regardless, I can now sleep easy knowing that even in the event of a chimney fire or furnace malfunction the tiny house won't burn down.

Thanks for reading/watching everyone! Please upvote, follow and resteem to support this work. As always, comments are welcome and I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about tiny houses.

▶️ DTube

I would love to come and see this little house. It's too cold out to be messing around on the roof. Cement boards never seen such a thing, this little piece of info gives thought to putting a stove in my garden shed. The wheels are spinning. Thanks so much my friend

No problem. Maybe we will meet one day.

Haha you said 2016!

Actually the video was filmed in 2016. When I was building the tiny house I didn't think I had time to blog (although now that I am much busier with twins I probably could have managed it). So I just documented everything with video and photos. So the video is 2 years old and the text for the article I wrote 2 days ago. I'm not trying to be confusing it just seems to be working out that way!

Right on... Just thought it was a harmless little bug since it is January right now and all.

Wow twins!!! One 3 year old gives us a lot to do, I can't imagine the work but I bet at the end of the day, you get twice the satisfaction.

No confusion here. It works.

Good precautions. I have seen a lot of travel trailers in without anywhere near the same kind of precaution and never really heard of a problem....but than again the winters in England aren't the same so the wood stoves I have seen are only on a little here and there.

I'm sure you've seen how quickly these tiny houses get hot so far! Thanks for the video

Yeah they sure heat up quick.

I think some of this was overkill but like I mentioned it is all pretty much experimental and I want to be able to sleep at night with the wood stove burning knowing there is zero chance of a fire.

You're absolutly right. And now with the wee ones, you know they're safe too!

excellent working!

I gave you some lovin How bout you give me some too?


How's this for some McLovin? Oh and by the way you're getting flagged. Spamming and you didn't even upvote after you said you did.

He wants to stopyoutube but apparently doesn't want to stop spamming. I love your response to his superbad behaviour but too bad the link doesn't work. I need to watch that movie again.

Yeah, it is just a link too a picture. I wouldn't mind watching that movie myself. It's been awhile.

Well done. So how does that work when someone does this sort if thing? Just cick on the flag and that's it?

Just wondering cause I've seen a bunch of this behavior lately on my post replies.


Ps: Don't know if you're up for it but I've nominated you for a sort of challenge and a contest. Come see on my page, didn't want to just post the link right here....it's about you 5 favorite posts of 2017.


For some reason I haven't been getting push notifications from steemit so thanks for mentioning this here. I am just about to go to bed but I'll take a look at the challenge tomorrow.

As for the flag, you just click on the flag and choose how much % you want to downvote. It still uses your vote power but it is the only way to stop this sort of behavior. If the post has been upvoted then your downvote will lower their reward. It also lowers their reputation.

Ah. Ok I hadn't taken the time to looking into how the downvoting works. Thanks

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