My Life Experience With Alcohol Up To Now (North American Male Perspective)

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)


It's a ubiquitous thing amongst almost all cultures, unlike a lot of different recreational substances that are separated by cultural, governmental and geographical boundaries. Because of this it is the most accepted and probably the least worried about substance that you can abuse, which makes it a perfect place for people to accidentally stumble into addiction which leads to bad habits and destruction of productivity!

In this video I wanted to address how alcohol has played a role in my life for the better or worse form the time it was introduced into my life at around 14 until now, at the age of 25, to show the impact that it's made. I also wanted to talk to you guys about how my perspective of alcohol changed over time and what my relationship with it did throughout those years as well.

I know alcohol can be a hot button issue but I think addictions should be talked about and I think destructive behavior should be talked about. I think it all comes down to what your true relationship with alcohol is!

Hope you guys enjoy the video, thanks for watching and for showing support steem fam!

▶️ DTube

I have a similar experience ... and would like to follow you in this journey

Let us know your expertise in this area

Alcohol is state sponsored poison to numb & dumb the masses. There’s a reason it’s been featured in every movie & tv show ever. If the controllers are pushing it I don’t want it

Great perspectives! New Years resolution for me is to cut back on my alcohol intake to 1 to 2 times a month. Was drinking 10 to 15 times a month last year. Doing well so far this year! Wish you continued health and prosperity @brianturner

Hey man that is REALLY awesome to hear! It's crazy how quickly habits can form but I'm pumped for you to continue to make changes this year! Thanks

Everything is useful in moderation!I do not understand those people who do not drink at all..

It's funny how much we hear in the media about "gun violence" as if alcohol was not involved and an actual cause of violence.

You're great at storytelling. It's a pleasure to listen

I appreciate you saying that, I used to be very deadpan in my delivery but I've figured out how to speak more engagingly now!

Im an addict i like to drink and alot! But i no longer drink havent for years due to black outs and avoidable circumstances i encounterd through out the years! Lol i no longer evn want to drink no more...

I'm glad that you're able to stay away from drinking, you know exactly what it can do first hand

Alcohol and the whole industry and especially lobbyism around it makes me really mad. Also the hypocritical treatment of way less dangerous recreational substances adds to this.
If governments want to make money from taxes consumers of alcohol and cigarettes pay, why dont let people the freedom of choice for what drug industry they support? Legalize it! ;)
In my country it‘s like cilturally demanded to drink what makes really uncomfortable.
Friends of mine used alcohol heavily in younger ages, building up the habit of addiction they still have.
I’m hoping for a change in world drug policy!

I agree, I've been to Denver after the legalization and the improvements they made there were huge! Looked so beautiful with all the renovations ha

I've found you on Youtube. Now I'll follow you here!

Hey that's awesome glad you are following now!

SUUUCH a good point about the value in experience! I've always disliked the taste and feeling of alcohol, and I worked at a restaurant during my teenage years, so I saw (and smelled) a lot of drunk people which really put me off it too. Even so, it's been easier to have a bit just to fit in. I've found that if you're not drinking people are so negative towards you, to the point where they can get pretty aggressive.

Experience is everything as long as you take the time to analyze and cash in on those experiences :) Truth, when I was in highschool I was really into bodybuilding so I never drank and it was definitely always a huge issue!

It's crazy how people look at alcohol like it has no negative effects. I enjoy drinking but I know it has consequences.

People love to sweep facts under the rug when they are facts that are bad news for them! It sucks to see that

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