[Dtube Exclusive] BuzzSteem Ep. 34 - An Open Letter to @Ned

in #dtube7 years ago

Hey Steemies!

Today I read an open letter that I wrote for @ned addressing some of the Steemit community concerns in response to his latest blog release. I won't write much here today, so give it a watch/listen if you'd like!

Cheers loves!


▶️ DTube

Great video. thanks for sharing. upvote and reestem done

Thanks so much! You are awesome!


You really amazing , you should also consider being a global activist for the women folks allover the world. You have just encouraged me to embark on a campaign to bring more ladies on steemit. I just hope to get the needed support to embark on this mission. Like @udezee suggested, you can honestly take it up to bring some of the strong ladies on steemit to begin this campaign. Let's empower our women and world will be a better place for us all.

It is a tough sell to women! A lot of them are turned off by the complexity of crypto and the blockchain and don't think there could be anything in it for them! (There are equally probably as many women that resent programming/technology/gaming because they have a man in their life that overdoes it on any one of those aspects. I do think we need to attract more women if the platform wants to grow and get stronger though! Thanks for your thoughtful comment!

@bethwheatcraft all the wonder women on steemit needs to watch this. Like @oogowinner @Stellebella @isaria @lovejuice @hopehuggs @pinpinay @rea @aschatria and the likes
I think there should be a special #tag to trend content relating to this post.
This post is like an anatomy diagnosis into steemit challenges and I'm glad you gave a prescription on how to help tackle some trending issues in this community.
I'm so happy just like @steemit was able to take care of my tuition fee in your case I'm happy it took care of your medical bills.
In my own little way I do preach the steemit Gospel in my school, the trending issue now is to create an account, it's hard creating an account, I hope @ned looks into it
@bethwheatcraft as always, you are too good.
Your content makes me think out of the box, there is so much value on what you share here(I did love the poverty eradication concern).

The eyes👀 technique on the script in regards to what you said in this video was awesome. I'll need to learn it. Yours is so professional ma'am💯✔
This post has my five star rating :

You are so awesome, and I really appreciate that you support me so much! You're like my favorite person on Steemit!

@bethwheatcraft thanks for making me your favourite person.


@bethwheatcraft I'm shading tears of joy.😭 Like I said I'm your die hard follower and fan, thank you so much.
I just slide into wallet and I saw the best favour that I recd in my life in 2018.
I'm taking this a bit further from today I'll will always tweet your post link on my twitter account to gain more visibility on things you share here, I promise this!
What you just did to me now is motherly. Thank you for this embrace on a minnow like me.
I'm forever grateful😃
I just even upvoted the passion I have for you in my heart by💯%.
How I wish you have a platform where steemians can get together with you and enjoy your wealth of experience and advices, I'll leap for joy. Because I'll gather troops of newbie to your group to learn the steem success at your feet.
Thank you ma'am and my regards to your entire family

Oh and check your wallet! :)

I replied your comment in the wrong box of comment

If you get a wind guard it’ll solve all your problems and you won’t have to just be stationary with your pop filter :) some more photo and video tips here @phototutorials :D

Ooo I will have to look for one! Thanks for the tip. I hate that I have like a double chin thing going on when I have to lean over to use the pop filter! It makes me look SO FAT!!! Grrr. Haha. I will have to check out your vlog since we both have a news thang going on ! I will also check out @phototutorials!

You really hit the nail on the head. The little guys bust there arse off because they have so much enthusiasm for the concept.

But just ike a plant.
There is only so much energy in the seed.
It must be watered if it is to grow.
And a fully matured plant actually produces more seeds.

Perhaps @ned could organize a town hall meeting to discuss said problems.

I object to the characterization of Steem as a "sausagefest".

@theaudgirl pointed to statistics which showed that crypto as a whole has a male to female ratio of approximately 20:1, which is clearly abysmal. Steem however bucks the trend on male:female ratios. I go to several events in the crypto space, and the typical ratio is that 10% or fewer attendees are female, I was at one just on Monday with 9 women out of about 90 in attendance.

On the other hand both Steemfest 1 and 2 had about 30% female attendance. The meetups I've been to have similar ratios, and the traffic stats show between 20-30% of the web traffic is likely female users.

Yes that's still at least 2 men for every 1 woman, however compared to the general crypto space and even the tech space, that is actually really damn good in comparison. 1 in 3 is far, far better than 1 in 20 (crypto) and 1 in 10 (general tech, software jobs).

We certainly have further to go but what we have achieved so far in terms of bringing women into the crypto space should be commended.

I agree with you on the issue of bullies with large SP.

Haha. Well, Arwen and Aowen were written in as main characters in the Lord of the Rings movies, but it was still a considerable sausage fest. Plus, the amount of women attending Steem stuff is hardly comparable to the whole userbase on Steemit, only because women are more social in general, and probably more likely to attend something like that to get attention. (I don't mean that in a narcissistic way, I mean that more like "hey there are girls here too, take notice".) Either way, most of the apps are still pretty male-centric. Dmania seems to highly upvote mainly men, and dlive has mainly male gamers. Dtube has really done the best job bringing content from both I think! This was absolutely not intended as a male bash-sesh. Heck most of my followers are male, and I love every one of them! I am just trying to come up with ideas to expand the user base, and I think creating content that is attractive to ladies is a good idea!

I agree that women are more likely to attend events than the general userbase, but that applies in both crypto generally and Steem (5% women in crypto but 10% at crypto meetups). The traffic stats at a minimum suggest 20% female user traffic on Steemit.com (likely more). While 4 men for every 1 woman is still a lot of guys, it's 4 times better than the ratio in crypto broadly, and even better than most of the tech/software space.

I agree we can do more and we have good reason to want to attract a female audience (there is a reason department stores always put women's sections at the front despite men typically earning more money).

Hey there. I just watched your video. I read ned's blog post last night but I never really thought it through that much.

I think you have some good points and targetting women would be a no brainers as they spend so much on everything.

I also think a payment gateway form steem to and from usd would be perfect. Once that is done this would reach 100000 business in a year.

Btw, I was wondering if you would like to network outside of steemit like on social media or some discord chat.

I don't really do discord, but you are always free to friend me on Facebook! I am there under my username!

alright we will see how it goes.

Great video. Looking out for more.

I wish I understood Steemit. Working on that. Your videos are helping. You're talking about things I didn't even know existed. And that's opening my steemit world up. Thank you.

Honestly? I wish I understood Steemit too! I wish I could crack a few algorithms to figure some stuff out, and I wish I knew the magic formula for consistent upvotes!!! Some people have truly figured it out and I am so envious! I mean there are "obvious answers" that even I have thrown around like "make great content" and "comment, comment, comment", and while those things are important, they don't even necessarily apply. There are some people getting upvotes for actual shit, and not just bot votes. And there are some people who do well that don't even follow anyone. Haha, in some ways I think a lot of it is luck!

Yes. A lot of it seems to be luck. I've never really been a lucky person, but who knows maybe my luck will change. LOL

Great points Beth!

The Pinterest idea is still super solid and I'm trying to learn some programmy things to make it possible. I'm making more friends in that space but it's a lot to learn... if someone doesn't beat me to it, I've got your back! It'll happen one way or another. I love the idea of getting more women into the drivers seat of Steem.... female programmers used to be super super common in the early computing days... and then stores put all their computers in the Boys Toy sections and we lost all that potential. I wonder if we can find some female developers that would help teach some tech grrls to get good at Steem apps.

I've got an idea for a sort of whale police thing too, which hopefully we can get up and running... but obviously it would be super helpful for Steemit to help with these sorts of projects.

Oh, and not to criticize.... but.... where was your random sideways camera shot?

Random sideways camera?

Yeah, did you notice in Ned's video there was just one single sideways camera view... lots of videos do it, but it was just oddly singular.

Ohhh I get it. You were saying it like it was part of the letter. I haven't been sleeping much..let's just blame it on that.

Yeah I thought that really strange for such a short video! Like, usually videos use that technique if someone is going to be talking for a while, to break up the monotony of one single shot. It was like what 45 seconds though? Haha. I am glad you noticed that too!

Sorry, it's very difficult for me to pay attention to lip reading so long. Something about wanting more women in cryptocurrency, someone with a name I didn't catch at all talked about it before recently, and something about a blockchain instagram and women waiting in line to buy something for .. .samples I think?

If I can obtain the capital to get a halfway decent VPS, I'll spin a server optimized for Steemit and throw up an alpha front end that's geared towards the likes of Instagram. You don't have to rely solely on Ned and his team to do that, third party are capable of it.

Actually, as vapid as we women are, I actually suggested a decentralized Pinterest, ya know, for the women that exist above and beyond selfies. I don't have an Instagram account, and frankly, a lot of the insta type women are already on Steemit. The "I take pics everywhere I go of everything" types. Which is GREAT! But if we want to access the rest of women that don't live glamorous 24/7 vacays, a Pinterest app with a filter for eventually only allowing crypto-available products would be remarkable I think!

Also, I am aware that third parties have done most of the building on Steemit. The majority of my one-on-one with Ned took place after you stopped watching. Unless you have millions of dollars to spend on Steem to out-flag the whale flaggers, then I doubt you will be able to help with that particular problem. I was explaining to @ned how many whales are abusing their upvoting/downvoting power and it is turning people of to the platform and completely preventable at the next fork.

You might find this Pinterest video programming in Python interesting. Python is the main language of bitcoin core on Github.

I am going to need a coffee shot before I get into that video, haha. The first 30 seconds in and I already feel like he's speaking Latin.

I don't mind doing it, and I do have the skill to do it, I just seriously lack the capital at the moment. I do intend to eventually do something with steemit with an alternative frontend that resembles a more old school MySpace.

Dude, I just spun up a Digital Ocean VPS with a free $60 credit to be used in 60 days. You don't need capital, just a little effort.

Yeah, Digital Ocean, no thanks. I prefer a host that won't censor due to political ideology. They did drop Hatreon for the reason of being a "Free Speech" supporting Patreon alternative.

I'll figure something out. I'm not asking for donations, I'll work towards that goal myself :p

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