Today's hill sprints.

in #dtube7 years ago

It doesn't really look like much in timelapse mode... but these really took it out of me... I actually felt sick by the 5th one and was breathing crazy heavy... it took a good five minutes to calm down.

That said... if I'm going to do a quarter mile (400 meters) in under a minute and a half... these crazy hardcore death sprints are exactly what I need.

The far bottom left corner is the roof of our house, so our driveway has a decent incline.

▶️ DTube

Awesome workout mate. The more of these i see, the more i think you need to make an overdramatic montage of you training for the "big day".

hahah agreed!!! you should do that adam!

Hahahaha, oh lordy.
I will keep that in mind... I'm pretty sure I can come up with something... who doesn't love an amazing montage? Wonder if the Team America peeps can help me with that.

i just finished my hike when i read this.

can you do a tutorial on exactly how you post your videos?

Nice dude! Hiking is so good... I love it actually but don't do it nearly enough.

Sure thing! I'll whip something up on the weekend for you.

It does look intense still!!!

Even in hilarious timelapse.... You know I wasn't actually going that fast right? :P

Uphill sprints are the absolute worst/best. I have never had better run times than after training uphill/stairs. It is mega killer though, especially on the knees :/

Hahaha, your comment is such an emotional rollercoaster Beth! I can definitely see the benefit to them, and they do absolutely make me want to lie down on the spot for half an hour, but man, it is tough. I can't imagine it'll ever get easier though... I'll just get to the gate faster... which is exciting in itself.

Awwww hell yeah! Hill sprints are deadly -- good work. You managed to fight gravity and exhaustion at the same time. 400m in 90s is pretty gnarly. When I'm training for races (I'm not the greatest runner by any means), I'm pretty fired up if I manage to get in shape for a 4:50min/km pace. 400m in 90s is 3:45min/km. That's quick, bud! Keep it up!

SO deadly!
It is weird though, it's so steep that unless you're really pushing your sprint, it feels like you're running on the spot and not exerting any energy. I have to drive my arms really hard just to gain any distance.

I mean, there's a big difference between 400m and running a couple of kms. I have no endurance or conditioning at the moment, so a 5km seems so far to me now... but my partner can punch those out a couple of times a week. Still, I will get the 90!

way to keep fit my friend... I just attacked you on steempuknet...
then I realized your item count is off the scale... wooow.... it seems you really are some kind of ninja... lol

My friend... you absolutely killed it yesterday... well done! I'm going to have to up my game to give you some competition.

lol... trust me, your game is already sky high... I am the one who needs to get pumped to give you some competition... what ever you are doing it is working, keep it up... I attacked you twice yesterday and got destroyed both times... lol... I had to accept defeat and retreat... Right now I am in the process of training and strengthening up to take my revenge on you. .. Way to hit the ground running, you the man... for now. hahaha.

Hahahaha, do you want to know my secret? I'll share it with you since you are such a worthy adversary. I left my browser open on Steem overnight while I was sleeping, and when I woke up there were so many equipment chests. It only worked two nights, it didn't work last night... but maybe give it a try?

You still won the most fights for the day... that's the important stat!

hahaha... thanks for the tip bro... I will definitely give it a try... yes it is, I put a lot of time into so it is good to see my name on the leader board. =D

Well, actually it does look like a lot to me :) I got tired just watching it, haha. Good stuff!

Hahaha, that counts as your exercise doesn't it...? I honestly had no idea people would actually watch a video of me being terrible at hills. I love this platform so hard.

great workout mate. keep it up nice sharing @aussieninja

Thanks @kamchore! Thanks so much for the support and comments, I really appreciate it!

Well done :)

Thanks Nora! Well done to you getting mentioned in Aggroed's post... that was amazing. I was so excited for you.

OH YEAH! You're killin it! I would be absolutely on the ground sobbing if I attempted that!

Thanks CaityCat! I so want to kill it harder, faster, better, but thanks for the support. The video cut out before I collapsed in an unmanly sobbing mess... shame.

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