From the basement #2 - Who stole the transistor radio?

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)


It was the first advent eight years ago. I was sitting with my girlfriend at that time, family and friends and we wanted to celebrate the old fashioned way. Christmas cookies, candles, oranges pierced with cloves and Christmas songs. @tassproject and me played guitars that night. Oh Christmas tree, holy night, and so forth. It was festive and amusing, the way a bunch of grown ups tried to sing old Christmas songs to our guitar strumming. After we had completed the experiment of advent Christmas festivities the guitarists just had to start jamming. While @tassproject and me were improvising we couldn’t help but notice how much fun that actually is.
We’d both had been very active as musicians, but reached the point where the fun just wasn’t there anymore. Either we were struggling to survive, or the jobs were so terrible, that it drained every spark of musicianship from us. But while jamming the old enthusiasm lit up again. Right there and then we decided to write an album together. The only rule we had was: there are no rules. We can write what we please, and play how we please. So we did it.
In the course of a few months we composed several songs that just enabled us to enjoy music again. It’s been quite a while, but recently we dug out those songs and decided to mix them and release them.
The mixes aren’t done yet, but I’ll post a pre-version anyway. @tassproject plays guitar, Chris Stöger plays the incredibly groovy drums. I play bass, guitar and turntables.
For the life of me I can’t recall why we called the song „Who stole the transistor radio?“. But that’s the title and we’ll leave it that way and release it to the public.
I’m curious what you think. Constructive criticism is very appreciated!


Es war zum 1. Advent vor 8 Jahren. Ich saß mit meiner damaligen Freundin, Familie und Freunden zusammen und wir wollten mal richtig traditionell feiern. Also Plätzchen, Kerzen, mit Nelken gespickten Orangen und Weihnachtsliedern den Advent begehen. @tassproject und ich spielten an dem Abend Gitarre. O Tannenbaum, Heilige Nacht usw. Es war schön und amüsant wie ein Haufen Erwachsener gemeinsam versuchten zur Gitarrenbegleitung alte Lieder zu singen. Nach erledigtem Experiment der Vorweihnachtsfeierlichkeit konnte es ja nicht anders kommen, als das die zwei Gitarristen Jammen mußten. Und während @tassproject und ich improvisierten merkten wir wie sehr das eigentlich Spaß macht.
Wir hatten beide schon viel Musik hinter uns und einen Punkt erreicht, wo es einfach keinen Spaß mehr machte. Entweder es war ein Kampf ums Überleben, oder die Aufträge waren so ätzend, daß von Musikalität nichts blieb. Aber beim Jammen flammte wieder die alte Begeisterung auf. An eben jenem Abend entschloßen wir uns ein gemeinsames Album zu schreiben. Stilrichtung; egal. Instrumente; egal. Die einzige Regel die wir hatten war: es gibt keine Regeln! Jeder schreibt und spielt worauf er Lust hat. Gesagt, getan.
Im Laufe einiger Monate schrieben wir etliche Lieder, die uns die Möglichkeit gab einmal einfach nur Spaß zu haben. Und obwohl das schon lange her ist, kramten wir kürzlich die Songs wieder hervor und entschlossen uns das Projekt nun zu Ende zu mischen und zu veröffentlichen.
Die Mixes sind noch nicht fertig. Aber hier poste ich schon einmal eine Vorabversion. Das fertige Album kommt demnächst. @tassproject spielt Gitarre, Chris Stöger spielt die hervorragend groovigen Drums. Ich steuere Bass, Gitarre und Scratches hinzu.
Wieso das Lied „Who stole the transistor radio?“ heißt will mir beim besten Willen nicht mehr einfallen. Aber so steht es nun mal da und ich entlasse mal dieses Lied in die Öffentlichkeit.
Ich bin gespannt was ihr davon haltet. Konstruktive Kritik ist übrigens sehr erwünscht!

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So lovin that Funk in the beat! Amazing sounds and that guitar! Wooo Hooo the break down with the cutts and the drums kickin back gives me goosebumps haha ! The Wheelz o Steelz in aktion. Love the track enjoyed listening, keep'em comin

Thank you very much :)

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That is so awesome! Thank you very much!
I woke up with a terrible mood this morning and then I read this comment: now my mood is really good :)
Thanks for posting our song! :)

Cool, funky tune, great changes in it, unexpectedly going 5-4 and not right back to 1 ...

Thank you :)
We enjoyed creating that tune. But there is more to come. @tassproject is mixing at the moment and soon the songs will be ready for release. There's also some crazier stuff to be expected :)
Have a nice evening

That's great, I do like crazy! ;-) "From the Basement" does sound appealing. I saw the link to this on the #smlchallenge channel of discord. Have you checked out the challenge (above your post linking to this on discord)? I think you need that hashtag #smlchallenge to be entered ...

I also commented on discord, "By the way, I saw Sun Ra, and his Arkestra in Greenwich Village NYC and in Philly back in the 1980's"


Sun Ra live?! That is absolutely cool!! I only know him from his records. He's a little crazy too :).
How was it to see him live? Did you get to see many of those great musicians live?
I would have loved to see some of those jazz greats live!
I will check out the challenge. It sounds like fun to write songs by a theme. Thank you for the tip.
And "From the basement" means exactly that :) I have hundreds of songs on my hard drive that are sketches, demos or songs, that never found a home. So I chose a few of them and will post them here and there just for fun. Some songs were recorded on cassette to cassette to cassette, or 4-Track tape deck. Those are actually my favourite (big analog fan!) although they sound terrible. Nowadays I have a computer and it's a great tool. But one day I'll get myself an 8-Track tape deck and record on that again. I just intensely love that tape sound!
I'll follow you now and see what discord is all about.
Have a lovely day!

Sun Ra, Miles Davis, and Frank Zappa ... The first two of those three were absolutely magical! Frank's show was in a venue so huge it was more like a sporting event than an aesthetic experience ... When he played 'Moving to Montana' towards the end of the show, it was like 'the home team just scored' the way the crowds roar and standing ovation drowned most of the band, a similar experience I had elsewhere seeing Handel's Messiah when the Hallelujah Chorus, (lest I digress...)

The really great experience I had seeing Sun Ra was at this place in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, called 'Sweet Basil'. It was a 'row home' as the East Coast folks once called dense-packed connected three or four story condominiums built for housing the working class of the early twentieth century industrial era. The Arkestra took up all of the stage and then some of even the bar/sitting area, a really intimate atmosphere. Such a glorious din when they'd get into some thick group polyphonic improvisation, in such a small room. Sun Ra had this ritual where the end of his set, or end of the show, the band would form a 'processional' akin to the New Orleans funeral/wedding style where they walk off the stage through the audience while singing some horn players and some handheld percussion keeping the beat and a melody while moving on ... I suppose I was the 'cool cat' in the audience, knowing to click or clap on the back beats 2&4, which generally identifies who knows the essence of jazz swing, and who's a noob or just uncoordinated... With my seat at the table with my small entourage, I was closest to the aisle that the procession passed along. In my clicking and clapping Sun Ra passed by, we made eye contact and he patted me on my shoulder ... quite literally 'touched' by a Jazz legend!

I also saw Sun Ra and his Arkestra at the Chestnut Street Cabaret in Philadelphia... That was a mid-sized venue that sat about a thousand or so ... we sat in this riser/balcony section that night, so it wasn't quite as intimate as the Sweet Basil experience.

I got to see Miles at this place called The Beacon Theater on/near 43rd and Broadway in Manhattan ... The Beacon was a 'Roxy' theatre ... If I recall correctly, Roxy was an architect/stage designer/acoustics expert in his day whom the steel industry baron, Andrew Carnegie hired to build a bunch of these fantastic theaters in a number of US cities, at the height of Victorian culture of the 19th Century ... It was beautifully and I suspect authentically refurbished when I saw Miles I think in 1986 ... He was into the Michael Jackson ('Human Nature') and Cyndi Lauper ('Time After Time') covers by then, but he did open the show with that awesome, tear-your-head-off extended improvisation that the heavy fans like myself relished in from his 1968-1974 period ... Surrounding himself with 'young lions' as he did throughout his career, he was still the fiercest bad ass motherfucker (a highest form of compliment in his own terms, mind you) on the stage, just a few years before his departure from our plane of existence ...

Yeah, great memories!!!

Heh, similar to your situation, I spent most of 2015 digitizing mostly cassette recordings from my band experience 1980's - 1991 and then making music visualization music videos and uploading them to youtube in 2016 ... Kind of 'cleared the path' (in my psyche) to get a fresh start in my present 'artistic period'. Judging what that did for me, personally, I know that will be a rewarding experience for you, if for no other reason, to 'get closure' on your past and move forward, revitalized ...

Now that is an extremely entertaining story! I would have loved to witnessed those gigs.
You also got my attention with your digitised/visualised music! I am looking at your posts now and will take a very close listen.
I have a friend in Australia that will go bonkers over your music. He's an artist through and through and now I have a way to get him here on Steemit :)

And about getting closure: that was exactly what happened. The songs were from a different period, and although nice to have, I write different music and from a different angle nowadays. Not necessarily "better", just more suiting to today. Starting tomorrow I'll get back into the guitar improvising. I used to love that. Just play, overdub and see what happens.
And there is something else that you might know/enjoy: microtonal music. I've been fiddling with that for a few years now. Tomorrow I'll post one of those songs. Maybe you'll enjoy that.

Thank you for the brilliant long answer! I really enjoyed that.

Have a great evening/morning :)

Wow that's absolutely great! Glad to be of service. Of course I would love to hear of an enthusiastic response to my music videos. If that inspires a friend to join steemit, then that gives a sense of providing a service.

I am also willing to help and encourage you and your friends in this direction. With tools for creating the music visualization video stream including digital art overlay and video editing, I would be willing to collaborate or at least divulge a secret or two. For the meantime I still upload to YouTube until I can determine what causes the red 'error submitting to the blockchain' failure message from DTube ... I think it has something to do with IPFS, but I need to debug that.

While I do admire some good things from my past, I dare say I am doing better now than ever. Perhaps I am just optimistic. ;-) I bet you will get back to your best given enough time. Holding on to experience and doing that which is suiting for today is a balance I contemplate, also.

Coincidentally I was recently reviewing some article about the Classical Modes where I just saw some intervals in some modes since classic times have had one-quarter step intervals. I did record a tune about a month ago that involved knob-turning and sliding, taking advantage of the lack of fret bars on a violin and blogging about electronic and mechanical 'analog pitch control'... I have read quite a bit about Just Intonation, though really have only played equal-tempered tuned instruments. But of course microtonality and Modernism in general is of keen interest to me!

Ok I will look for your post!

Guten Morgen mein Lieber!

Aaallsoooo, wie man schon des öfteren gelesen hat, bin ich ja eine sehr ehrliche Frau.
Da ich eine Frau bin, liegt es vielleicht Nahe, dass die Musik jetzt nicht unbedingt so gaaaanz mein Geschmack ist. (Oder hat das nix mit Frau zu tun?) 😅

Man hat auch schon des öfteren gemerkt (wenn man brav meine Posts liest..), dass ich gern mal einen frechen Schreibstil an den Tag lege...
Nun denn, mein Vote bekommst du natürlich, weil ich es mutig finde, diesen Song hier zu posten!! 😉😂
Ich schätze wär ich ein Musiker, hätte ich eine ganz andere Meinung! 🎸

Jetzt wird sich herausstellen, ob wir weiter nett zueinander sind, oder nicht!
😂 Ich gehe aber mal davon aus, dass du meinen Humor verstehst! Nachdem du schreibst, dass alle Lachen wenn du sagst wie wunderschön du bist.... 😇😘

Natürlich darf jeder glauben was er mag. Pff.


Ich glaube aber auch das ist eher Musik für Musiker, oder Leute die auf Gedudel stehen. Warte nur bis ich die anderen Lieder hier poste. Wird definitiv krasser. Das ist noch das freundlichste Lied von allen :-)

Also ich bin nicht beleidigt. Eine Freundin von mir hat mir mal beim Gitarrenspielen gesagt: "Kannst du nicht mal was schönes spielen?". Dann habe ich sie wieder versucht von meinem Aussehen zu überzeugen :-)

Danke fürs Vote :-)

Lach... Kreisch...
Oh, ich kann nicht mehr aufhören zu lachen!!
Also ich werde alles verschlingen was du schreibst! Ausser der schlechten Musik natürlich, WENN DAS NOCH DAS FREUNDLICHSTE WAR!!!

Also bitte schreib mehr, als du Musik postest!! Für mich!! Bitteeee! 😀
Schön, dass du hier dabei bist! Herzerfrischend!
LG Mo*

:-D Vielen Dank
OK. Dann schreibe ich mehr als ich spiele … hrmpf …
Und danke für das Kompliment :) Das sauge ich jetzt ganz ungefiltert auf

Dir noch frohe Ostern!

Super! 👍🏻
Und das kannste gern ungefiltert aufsaugen!! Genies es!

Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫resteemid

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