
hey don't ruin my holiday for me! lol. Is anything ever said about today over there? Or people don't want to think about it?

Yea we call it Thursday or whatever day July 4th falls on lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Are you saying no one ever mentions it over there? I don't blame them but I thought maybe they would.

No, no one really cares about it here. It's just an American holiday cos #murica #fuckyeah

Posted using Partiko Android

lol! I thought The Motherland was closer to us than that but if that's the way ya'll are then heck with ya! lol.

Well well well the great redneck ruffler gets ruffled, never thought I'd see the day lol!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I thought we were closer than that, being the Motherland and all. I'm severely disappointed in ya'll. lol.

To be honest LJ, you're talking to the wrong person. History is not my thing at all so your energy is probably better spent speaking to another historian who's as passionate as you are about it. Then you can wind them up about it like I just did to you 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

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