Money For Nothing

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

It seems my first effort at dsound has failed and I am out of time, will try to fix this later today, or else put it on youtube.

Crawling back to ewetube again... It really baaahhhthers me but it is what works...

This is my entry into two karaoke contests. "The Art of Music"( by @killerwhale has a theme of the 1980s this week. Scrolling through a list of songs from that decade, this is one I remembered as being fun. When I went to do the karaoke, I found they cut a verse out. I looked at 4 or 5 versions and they were all politically corrected. I prefer historic correctness in all its ugliness that we may learn from past mistakes. Sanitizing history to pretend the mistakes never happened... no, no, no... So I am also entering @simgirlandsnooks Bad Karaoke contest ( because I am going to be a bad girl and sing the "forbidden" words. Voting for my comment at those links helps me in the contests, thanks! Photo is from a creek in New Mexico... Jimenez Creek I think... taken 2 years ago on vacation.
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Dire Straights - epic. This is really good, I used to love this song - you have done it proud!

#thealliance #witness

Thank you, you are such a sweetie!

Thank you, there is a working video now too, if you interested!

can you include a soundcloud link d-sound is not working as always :(

CRAP! I am out of time today, I will try to fix it this evening. Thanks for letting me know.

it is always good to include it by default as they also pull the music after a month or so i have found ...

OK, youtube version I could do...

that works too :) so much fun I want my MTV

Thanks! I loved Dire Straits!

and he was portraying a bigot he wasn't one , i can't believe people don't understand that and sanitised it ... p.S i love the cows

Lol! Thanks! To be able to get it on youtube I had to put something visual up...
And yeah, the whole story about how the song was written was part of what made it such a great song and I dunno... hope I don't melt any snowflakes.

There is nothing to melt , this was satire. anyone who ever saw the video knew it was satire. i am from the LGBT community and i sang this song all the time when it came out ...

THANK YOU. I thought it would be too cliche' to mention but yeah, I used to rock out to this with the gay cook at work too.

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Some folks are easily offended. History is what it is. We shouldn't exclude parts because it is inconvenient or unpleasant. Learn from and move on. Don't repeat past mistakes...Hope you win, @fishyculture!

Thanks! Hey, how is the expectant momma doing?

We are still waiting for her to spring her little polliwog. Since the labour stopped, it looks like the baby is content to wait for a while. We don't want to rush things...let nature take its course.

Oh, absolutely! It drives me nuts how in the US now, everyone just schedules it. Induce labor for the convenience of whoever the biggest whiner involved might be... Doctor, mom, dad... I had my first one in a hospital and they broke my water and used the salad tongs and all. I had my second one at home and it was SOOOOO much easier to have the baby when my body said it was time.

Amen to that!

Political correctness in Karaoke. My goodness. Time for me to get off this crazy planet...

Indeed. People need to realize the being offensive is indeed a choice but so is GETTING offended. Getting offended when no offence was intended just makes your own life less happy.

Great stuff! I didn't realise the PC nonsense had gone quite this far.

I did a little more digging, turns out Canada actually banned it for a while. It is unbanned now, but the censored versions remain on ewetube.

Ah, Canada, now that explains it;)

do what ya' damn well want to, I like it and think what is working best that works for you works
As for the thought police, no comment where that is headed, lol

You don't approve of thought police? I am stunned... LOL!

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