O Comet of Another's Dream [Day 4] (With short update!)

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

O Comet of Another's Dream

original poetry featuring the art of JanRobbe
...with recitation on @dsound...
[short update on the contest at the bottom!]


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.:.My recitation of this poem.:.
.:...:...:.Is on @dsound.:...:...:.

.:...:...:.► Listen on DSound.:...:...:.

.:.► Listen from source (IPFS).:.

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O Comet of Another's Dream


Someone else's history,
a subtle barrage of memories bygone
cometlike descent rescinds me
            flayed by the haunting likeness
   of their idealshpere.
              personified fancies,
                       & a brazen button.

Objects that absorb                              
                                        more than reflect
  Psychic energy like the ground opened up:
Absorption abysmal – capturer of joy,        
I am vacuumed through to                            
   someone else's eyes of beguiling

In the heartful looking-glass                               
           orbs strobing disillusionment & ecstasy
a land barren – wombful of prophets,
loom of accosting striations, here the              
crunched edges are brigands, here the      
 smooth corners are speaking cadavers
O Ancestors!                          
              O muse.
               Lessening, or quickened,
            The gnome intellect hermetical
With blasphemous momentum 
Autonomously builds and unbuilds
Its capital cities.


Empire of lustrous unbecoming—           
You who fit to the pedestal                    
Some artifact uproarious with hellfire.           
        You who clenches the bristling falcon's roost,
Who agitates a pristine pond                    
Who executes abstruse decrees  
                    Who maims the flush of youth's careless glee
Who laughs in disaster's wake                   
                         Who cries cruel fantasy through moonbeams
Who rages in the face of love                                
Who snuffs promise with      
an acolyte's gown     
         Who turns away the agonized bride
Who wallows in despair's necrotic fluid   
                    Whose plenitude of wile chokes the righteous
 Whose pyramid of fire blinds the poor.
You, whose ætheric stone bends
the universe's gravity &
          produces greatness & mediocrity
Inside a gourd of papyrus:                
Who are you?                
And whence came                
The traces of universal essences                
You trail barrage-like, O comet of dreams?                



Written & spoken
By @d-pend
Art by

1 — "Riverside"
2 — "Solace"
3 — "Ice Strength"

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Steemit school discord
& become part of the movement!




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Short update on 100 days challenge

Hi all! @d-pend here. First I want to apologize for my lack of formal updates for day 3 & 4. To be completely direct, I am way behind in my work on the challenge. I am currently building a team to help me manage everything. Most of my life I have been a person that tries to do everything myself. However, this undertaking is too big for one person! So I must express my apologies that I have not been able to run this challenge as well as I would like.

Here is a mini update to tide you over:

  1. Winners for days 2 and 3 are not yet announced. More information will come tomorrow.
  2. Maximum skip days in the 100 days is increased from 7 to 10. HOWEVER, If a contestant skips 3 days in a row, they will be disqualified.
  3. Poetry class is moved one hour earlier, now at 6 PM GMT (the same time days begin & end.) It lasts for 2 hours. The reason is so we do not go over into the next session as we have been.
  4. No official class tomorrow. I want to take a day and catch up on some things.
  5. First theme for Monday's class is the use of repetition. Second topic will be "inspiration/writer's block."
  6. I am reading many poems, but currently don't have the time to leave in depth feedback via comments. A huge shout out to all the participants that are helping in that area!!
  7. Massive gratitude, love & respect for all participants, as well as the curation team I am putting together. An emphatic and joyful thanks is also in order for the visionary founder of the Steemit school, generally amazing person and friend, @dobartim.

    Tomorrow I will come forth with a traditional, mega-update. Thanks for bearing with me. I'm doing the best that I can. :-)


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Why do I feel you are talking to me ... lol. A guilty conscience, I guess. I should get over that. But indeed who is to be blamed or applauded for all this chaos and wonder, who indeed. Masterful write, Daniel:)

Hahaha! Thank you so much @prydefoltz :-) Been really enjoying your entries, even if I scarcely have the time to form my appreciations to the mould of a comment and release them, paper-plane-like, through the digital trade winds.

No worries ... I have been reading quite few myself. There is a lot to offer. You have your work cut out for you, Make sure you take time to recharge:)

I had a similar response. 😂 I do it all the time, paranoia yes and for me ego too. Then everytime this song starts to roll in my head, You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you...

D - I can't imagine anyone needs an explanation from you about daily updates or keeping up with schedules. You are human, one person can't do all of this and it will take time to coordinate a team and then for every one to work cohesively. This is new, it's OK to take time to iron out the creases.
You are doing great.

I had to bring out my dictionary to understand most words you said. Great punch lines... at least I could learn new things before the end of today not just reading the poem but i learnt some English.. Go d-pend!!!!

Haha, well I am happy to expand your vocabulary @segunreus. I am guilty of using unusual terms, for sure. I applaud you for making an effort and am grateful you find my writing worthy of that time. Have a great day and thanks for the encouragement!!

You always welcome bro!

I often won't title my poetry, which I have been trying to remedy. This title is gorgeous, it really struck me. Today , like many days, I am thinking of all of the builds and un-builds and wondering if these cycle are infinite and so am I , how can I be so goddamn tired of it?

Thanks for the kind words and genuine comment @kilbride. I know what you mean about thinking that the life-weariness is a bit odd considering the actual dynamic of the cosmos.

In my opinion, well-crafted titles are VERY important, especially through the medium of Steemit. They are something like clickbait, lol. Obviously different types of titles appeal to different types of people so it's interesting to experiment with it.

I only started following you two days ago, but within this short time, I can say that you are doing a good job towards the advancement of this platform. I have been following the proceedings of the Steemit school poetry contest and I can say that it is absolutely amazing. I visualize @d-pend occupying a position somewhere among the first 10 witnesses in future

Thank you very much @penking, we work together to achieve greatness :-)

Great Job!
Keep It Up!

I can only say you have started today with beautiful poetry, you are a great hard worker, I am truly amazed at your work thanks

Thank you so much for your message of appreciation @putry83 🙏 Have a wonderful day :-D

A very beautiful love letter gives a wonderful appearance
Great article I made a good choice, my friend

No komen.. you goood. ..

I prefer to listen/read your poetries just before going to bed, they make me much more comfortable :)

Hola. Que bien.

Me entusiasme demasiado leyendo tu poesía esoterica.

Muy buen trabajo.

Hoy voy a dormir

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