Drugwars: 7 of my accounts apparently banned; airdrops deleted.

in #drugwars5 years ago

ban hammer.jpg

Seven of my thirteen accounts have wiped out. All the units and resource generation are gone and I can no longer make buildings or perform any other actions on the accounts. The most annoying part of all this is that two of the accounts that were banned still had Future token airdrops on them, and those tokens appear to have been deleted.

Presumably, this ban hammer was swung in response to me setting up attack streams on AFK accounts. I was attacking several accounts every 11 minutes with bouncers and locking out everyone else trying to farm those AFK accounts.

The messed up thing is that my accounts didn't gain much benefit from this type of farming. Most of my progress was made legitimately.


Even more messed up is the fact that these bans come in the wake of the @drugwars team already implementing a solution to the problem. Custom JSONs are now encrypted, breaking my script.

When it really comes down to it the @drugwars team created a flawed product that practically forced players to bot if they wanted to get the upper hand. Rather than fix the mechanics of the game they throw out bans to botters like myself who got a bit sloppy. The real cheaters are still out there or they've simply given up because they already got their airdrop and 90% of the prize pool has already bled out.

The reality of this situation is that the @drugwars team is simply punishing botters who didn't separate their activity to dummy accounts. I could have just as easily used new accounts to bot on and these bans would have meant nothing.

@drugwars still continues to be vulnerable to Sybil attack. These bans mean nothing. They are a small hiccup. I can just as easily make 7 new accounts and farm my non-banned accounts and be back where I started in no time.

It would have been nice if I was given some kind of warning. A 3 day suspension of the mentioned accounts would have been nice.

Blessing in Disguise?

Do I continue to dump my time into playing a game whose mortal wounds are being taped up with bandaids? Maybe I'll call it good and move on to better things.

The original purpose of creating a JavaScript interface with @drugwars through the Steem blockchain was to further my knowledge of JavaScript and the Steemit API. Mission accomplished. However, if the @drugwars team didn't want people do bot the game and create their own frontend they should have never been posting the information on a transparent blockchain in the first place (duh).


Seriously though deleting the airdrop that I could have already claimed is way out of line.

You owe me 8000 Future tokens imo.


Thanks in advance.




Meanwhile, the two most known botters to me are still up and running. WTF? Seriously.

I do not run any bots after it’s been prohibited.

Nice. Was that in the terms of service that no one is ever required to agree to in order to play?

The thing is, nobody is going to sue them for something like this. So they can do whatever they want.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, I can see that they can allow or disallow players on their platform, but I have to agree that right to control their platform does not extend to taking your tokens.

That's messed up. I don't see anyone agreeing that tokens you owned are the property of the game and therefore theirs to delete. It's these kinds of issues that the novel interfaces on which money is now extant that are going to produce tort actions that redefine money, as well as school folks that can't into prudence and reckon code is king. Code isn't king in the courts. Just because it's possible to do a thing does not mean courts won't find it to be theft, or some other tortuous action.

Not advising in any way at all you seek such redress. It's just an observation I have been encountering more often as cryptos are dispersing more broadly via novel mechanisms that haven't been designed as nominal venues for money handling, like DW.

Just sneaking in a comment with borrowed internet while I can. I'm likely to be pretty scarce hereabouts in the coming days due to bandwidthus interruptus. Some problems have simple solutions. Innawoods internet is not one of them =p

considering you don't even have to agree to the terms of service to play the game... yeah... I'd say they have a lot to learn.

You could move on to @nextcolony, it will be live soon and there will be no banning for bot users.

so you want to create a game for bots playing bots?

nextcolony will be a real blockchain game with all the benefits (complete replay possible, game state can be reconstructed by parsing transfes and custom_json ops), decentralized action (broadcasting custom_json is possible from everywhere).

It is not a game for bots but for human, as working together will be a key element of the game.

what I have seen until this day makes me believe that nextcolony will be fantastic and I will definitely join from the very start on..
however what you are up to in regards to bots and JSON operations makes me wonder how this will fit into the game..
I mean at the end we will see and I am happy to be wrong.. on the other hand I believe 90% of the people here can not script java... so if players that are able to script java have and advantage you might loose everybody who is not able to do this...
.. at the end games live from human interaction, humans coming to your platform.. if bots can play bots successful why create artwork or a good UI anyway?

The key is time delay and space coordinates,
nm DW you can attack every few minutes and it is possible to attack everyone. In this case a bot has an advantage.
But in nextcolony, this will not be possible. Moving will costs a lot of time and you have to move through space before attacking. I think that a bot will not have an advantage here.

excellent, THX for the reply

Bots have an advantage in easy, repeatable scenarios like drugwars, but if it is about strategy, planning and coordination, developing a bot that plays as good as a human is really hard.

What we could see are auto upgrade bots that maybe are also offered as a service. But the more complex (and interesting) a game becomes, the less likely bots are. See SteemMonsters with their dynamic battle system, before that is was easy to bot, now with complicated and changing rules it is way harder.

I believe botting the game is cheating and user need to play with only on account.

Posted using Partiko Android

You know, drugwars usually end in a lot of deaths... a lot of players being taken out... just didn't expect in this way.

Yeah... and now I'm checking people I know who botted way worse than I did and they are still up and running.

Meanwhile I'm just playing for free slowly making my "money" on the game.

I thought they were supposed to start paying out in Future. Have they implemented that yet. I'm just suprised I'm still getting Steem payouts for playing the game.

If you want to farm my accounts I still have 6 up and running. I can get you up to a 130k/270k/270k production pretty easily.

If you want to share what the AFK accounts were, im all ears. ahah


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