Do You Explore Perspective?

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)

When you draw an object in perspective you depict it on a two-dimensional surface in a manner that the dimensions of the object is accurately shown in relation to the point it is viewed from.

If life could be that simple. Sometimes the perspective is a simple these are the facts look. Other times, there are multiple viewpoints and very little common ground to find. Without some common ground, lines get drawn and battles break out.

In most of my life, I tend to find I take perspectives on subjects largely depending on the point I’m viewing it from. I think most people do that, at least initially. Sometimes I make the mistake of taking my stand and refusing to look at other perspectives. When I do that, I actually deny myself a chance to explore the bigger picture.

Taking a look at the glass being half full or half empty can be a great exploration. Finding what it is like to walk in the shoes of another person’s viewpoint can be so informative. It can be a great way to learn not only aspects of a subject I’ve never thought about but also an opportunity to learn empathy for other people’s viewpoints.

Then there are times when I learn the other viewpoint is something which I can’t fathom as being something I can have empathy for. Then I need to decide if I should challenge the other side of the argument or step back and simple respect their right to hold their views.

Most times when those situations arise the topics have a religious, cultural or political base. I’m very aware those are hot button topics and should always be addressed with a generous portion of caution. But, well, I did say hot button and often I’ll leap in with both feet and flail around pushing my own ideas before caution catches up to me.

In most instances, I tend to take a live and let live unless it’s going to directly impact me or people I care about. Selfish view, but, sometimes I have to choose my battles.

Sometimes I really enjoy taking perspective from good photography. The photographer decides on the perspective and I get to enjoy the result, or not, depending on my viewpoint.

Seems we can’t avoid perspective in our lives.

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In most instances, I tend to take a live and let live unless it’s going to directly impact me or people I care about. Selfish view, but, sometimes I have to choose my battles.

I think we tend to do that. We higly respect what others feel and do.

I kept telling a friend of mine who always quarrels with his ex-boyfie "choose your battle" maybe that is all they need to have a little peace and quiet once a while. Waving your white flag does not mean you are surrending, its just means to signal pause. Stop for today, lets go to war in some other day.

I was going to mention that exact same point!!! i'm the same way as @shadowspub - and i think we all are! :)

it's hard to be objective when it concerns family! :)
choosing battles - that is very very important!

Hahahaha its the woman in us that chooses our battles every single day. Petty stuff will only lead us to nowhere but hatred in our hearts.. i just let them slip, but my one eyebrow will arch a little showing them its a warning.. hahahaha do it again and you will see a dragon next time.. 😂😂

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hahahahahahaha yes - i have the same!!!! they know the look - but for me? the Tiger comes. LOLOLOLOL

i love you Queenie!!!!!! heheheeh

hhahahahaha i love you too miss dreemie hahahaha I think we are twins from a different mothers!!

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... opportunity to learn empathy for other people’s viewpoints.

I think for me at least this is something I struggle with since I can get detached when in a discussion that I forget others might approach it from a personal viewpoint and therefore I should show empathy and respect. Then bring their world crashing down if I am correct, but end it with a hug. muahahaha.

Seriously though some subjects originate from a personal point of view, a feeling in a relationship for example. When one side brings it up the other might still have to discover this perspective which causes it to be a very one-sided situation, unless the other can show empathy at that moment and learn from it so that moving forward they are going the same direction.

In most instances, I tend to take a live and let live unless it’s going to directly impact me or people I care about. Selfish view, but, sometimes I have to choose my battles.

I would not quality that as a selfish view and I agree with it completely (or maybe I'm selfish?)

In the grand scheme of things I just don't find that many topics to get really worked up over in day-to-day living when there are so many huge tragedies around the world and possibly right around the corner. ( Except if you're going to deny me my wine.....then I'm gonna get worked up.....prohibition would have been a bad time for me to be alive 😉.)

Let's just all keep it in perspective shall we?

I forget to take a step back and view other perspectives. I get swept up in the immediacy of how I feel and how I think... where if I could just take that distance and gain that perspective... well, I think I'd be a much better and kinder person. Something work on perhaps 😁

I completely agree with you- you have to choose your battles...and like others have said- i actually think that this is the oposite of selfish.

E x

Heard about this gem in the PYPT morning addition!

Perspective is powerful, in art and in life. Putting yourself in the shoes of others, and you might just end up with pequeca, but seeing from their vantage point often reveals new truths! I haven't yet seen or heard you flail around, most frequently you are a cool customer when it comes to discussion!

I hope you enjoyed my alliterations!

Learning empathy is something we need more of in this world today, no doubt about it! Wonderful piece of writing! Bravo!

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