Opportunity is knocking, anyone home?

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)


The topic for Drop in the Ocean this week is opportunity, to find out more please head on over to @buddyup ;)


They say opportunity doesn't knock twice. But what if it did. In fact what if it knocked more than twice. What if it was a constant stream that was knocking. You would say that's crazy, cuz you would have surely opened the door to it.

The truth is, opportunity does knock all the time. And because I can only speak from experience, let me use my own.

If you haven't read any of my previous posts, just this one would give you a grand example of how opportunity kept knocking, and it still does.

But most of the time I'm too busy cowering under some table talking all sorts of self limiting bable about why I don't want to open the door. Regardless of whatever nonsense it is that I manage to conjure up with all that creativity put to bad use, the fact remains opportunity is knocking.

Like me most of us don't seem to be answering the door because we feel we're not ready, need more resources, or perhaps have had a bad experience and don't want to get hurt again.

Whatever the reason, it seems like we are giving opportunity the wrong signals as if we're not home. And so the knocking stops, .....at the front door, but it doesn't mean opportunity has gone away. Sometimes I find it lurking in the backyard, sometimes it waits till I'm out and about and tries to catch me by surprise. It seems that's the only way I will do it, cuz then I don't have time to come up with excuses.

The truth is, the reason I pretend not to be home is because it can be overwhelming, opening the door you don't know what comes through, and you don't always have control over it.

But if there's one thing I've learned over the years of being caught off guard, it is that the unknown is NOT as scary as it seems, and the unexpected, when we let go of the need to control has a way of just working out and working around the madness of life.

But yet! Oh I'm laughing at myself so hard now. Yet! I still cower. I still babble.


So it seems, though opportunity knocks what we require really is a little courage. Courage to step towards the door. Courage to first peep through the hole too see what's at the door. The courage to open and take a peek. And sometimes, the courage to invite it in for a leisurely cup of coffee, have a nice chat and entertain, before deciding if we would like this guest to stay, or say "Hey, I really like you, but let me get back to a few things in my life and maybe we can catch up again next week or next month".

To be honest, like most of my posts, I write this as a note to myself - like gentle reminders. It's as if I'm writing to that part of me that needs to hear this. Im sure we are all similar to a certain degree, a fearful mind mixed in with a little more courageous mind, and on occasion a wise mind. It really just depends on which one we choose to focus on. Which reminds me of this old Cherokee story ...


Our fight may not be so much about good and evil, but the gist is the same when we change the virtues with ones that build us up, versus ones that keep us cacooned in some self made safe zone.

Confidence ...or is it something else?

Even after having the courage to open the door, there is then the question of following through. More than the power of organization and technical skills to deliver, I find myself really reaching out and grasping at the air for confidence, as if I could pluck it out of thin air. And like clutching at straws, it seems confidence to me, is this elusive thing that materialises just when you're at your wits end. I don't particularly like that feeling. As if I'm about to run out of air before just diving in. It feels more like I got pushed off the cliff.

So I've been working on this instead: compassion. The more I explore confidence, the more it seems to resemble compassion rather than some form of puffed chest, in control vision I had.

Confidence is really Compassion saying, hey let's just give it a go without too much expectations. Confidence is Compassion in saying, you may not be able to get all your ducks in a row, no one ever does - and sometimes we learn the ducks need to face another direction, so lets just get there with what you have and see how you can do better next time. Confidence is Compassion in being patient with taking one manageable step at a time.

Again this is advice for me, as I find myself overwhelmed with what if I can't do this or that. What if I promise and don't get enough support. What if I get too many orders. What if they don't like me. We have a part of us, which out of a deep need for self preservation, that conjures up the worst case scenarios to frighten us from failing. It makes for great quality control, but it doesn't help us get off our feet.

Often times, contingency plans are meant for the one time things go wrong. And unless it's an aeroplane or some dangerous or high stakes project, even mistakes are OK to a certain degree. It gives us an opportunity to improve. These are of course, not meant for acts of blatant disrespect or neglect. These steps, or tips are for times when we truly do our best, and even if we overlooked something like getting enough food or seats for a workshop or event, there will be ways to sort things out. It is never the end of the world.

The idea is to continue having a warm welcoming home to opportunities , creating healthy relationships , movement in and out, visits and long stays and even healthy boundaries with opportunity.

My personal mission/challenge will be putting this to action this month. ;) Let's see what happens from here.


But most of the time I'm too busy cowering under some table talking all sorts of self limiting bable about why I don't want to open the door.

Oh how many times have I felt this? Too many.

This is an awesome post and a great reminder to us all! I especially like the wolves example and confidence as compassion with ourselves.

This is a keeper post to read on those days I'm cowering under that table.


Hey hot tamala! Yup! June is the month of opening the doors, so I hope Providence brings to You all that in abundance, with all sorts of good stuffed within. ;) Xx

Hehehe .

@penderis said to me that opportunity requires you to not be lazy and he is soo right - to make the best of an opportunity you need to grasp it and make it pay :) wonderful post!!

Real wise one that @penderis! Carpe diem xx

Wowzers, what a brilliant post. I loved the cherokee story, that really hit home. I liked how you brought up what opportunity requires and related it back to a reminder to yourself.

You aren't wrong at all, it takes a mixture of compassion and courage to seize the day and make the most out of it. It's something that grows over time, and varying mistakes.

It is never the end of the world.

It's not. This phrase is how I deal with my confidence :)

Yes! That easy and perfect go to phrase.

Thank you @calumam for the opportunity to write this. Ideas are wonderful opportunities to explore, and with writing what a safe way it is.

Even after having the courage to open the door, there is then the question of following through

Yes this part I definitely struggle with, it is like hitting a wall stepping back and looking at a master plan of your shortcomings.

It is like you say not a good feeling to have but it can be sobering, making what could be a dream state sink in and be your reality.

Hahaha, yes that sobering part and getting grounded is so important, and sometimes hits you rather unapologetically. Lol.

I smiled when you said that even though it might stop knocking at the front door... it could be hanging around the backyard - or waiting for you in town! hehehehe

I am honesty giggling at that because IT'S TRUE!!!!

And i love that it does keep on coming ;) Patient - and waiting for just the right time! :)

You know when I was writing it, I was thinking of you. I thought to myself, if anyone gets it, especially with the visuals, it would be @dreemsteem. Hehehe.

It sure does keep coming. Xx

Wow, I didn't expect that to be quite touching. I was just looking through my feed for some short articles and when I saw yours I was like -- Oh, boy. A long one.

But when you spoke about opportunity knocking I was like "Okay, I agree..." and kept reading on. You going on about us being blind to opportunity. I was like, "Oh, I think I can relate to my recent big frustration. Nice that this author spoke in general, so that I could relate."

And you spoke about the good and bad wolves, and when I read "who wins" / "the one you feed" I nearly felt goosebumps! The one you feed is a podcast, and I've been feeding myself positive podcasts over these few years. I felt like it was speaking more closely to me.

And then you spoke of compassion. And I was just like: "That's me." Wow.

Although I think you'd have gone on to speak more about opportunity again, as a conclusion for your write-up, the message I got personally for myself is another reminder to not be so hard on myself in my situations and to exercise more self-compassion. Not to stay sooo far away from those, that certain good things to me (opportunity for you) begin to feel like a fearsome thing.

If I'm in a mood for another long post in the future (or see how my reading habit evolves!), I may read another post of yours :)

Looking forward to more from you :D

Thanks for the gift you shared with me today :)

I had to interject myself here.
@kchitrah's posts will never disappoint. She has a very special way of communicating (as you have already seen) I would highly recommend you follow her - and try to chat with her real time in any of the Discord channels she is a part of. hehehehehe Soak her up if you can!!!! :)

@dreemsteem Ahaha, thanks, yo! :D Thanks for recommending her! It helps to show her some more love, and to give me a snapshot that her posts have a consistent quality to them! ;) I was in a rush as I read this post of hers unfortunately :O I'm certain I would like to read her future post(s) at a time when I'm more relaxed and able to "soak" it in :)

Awww! Sweet Dreemie, Im just seeing this. Hahaha, i see now what you mean by my name was mentioned .

Thank you for most kind words my dearest friend!

Oozing more love reading this now..... ;)

Heelllooo @reconstitution. Wow it's such a joy reading your reply. It's a very special feeling to share a journey, and you shared yours and how it relates to your present time.

Thank you so much for stopping by. May opportunities of great joy and abundance grace you always.

Happy holidays.

Hi Passing by and Upvoted you :) !
“Big people never scare me. I am a little man. I can easily hide.” ====> Ljupka Cvetanova

Hey @eos-coin! Welcome to Steemit. Size and influence should never scare us. It's a pretty big ocean to swim around and explore.

I'm not all that big in size though... Hahaha. Still a plankton. ;)

Good luck with your personal mission @kchitrah.

Personally, with the exception of a few times.. I have opened the door when opportunity knocked, and sometimes its been good and sometimes not so much... but everytime I've opened the door, I've learned something valuable to push me along in life. It's sometimes scary but always worth it.

Thank you @monchhichi23.

Good for you! And you are such a strong beautiful soul. I can just imagine just how far the rigjt opportunity can go! It is true, it is always worth it. Be it positive or ...meh...there is always something to learn.

I'm coming out of a bit of a meh, so gotta push a little harder to get back out there. :)

Thanks for stopping by xx

Thank you very much for the motivational write up on courage. I am really touched by your write up, most expecially what is written on the picture about the two wolves living in man.

Hello @oluwashinaayomi, thank you for dropping by. So glad you enjoyed the read. :)

You are more than welcome

I’ve always loved the tale of two wolves. It resonates every time I read it! And maybe I have also hid from opportunity, hoping it would leave me be in my safe spot! 😋

Right?? That darn comfort zone! Why'd it have to go and be so comfy?

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