The Little Voice - New Year's Resolution

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)


Image source edited on Canva.

Danny entered the bathroom and grinned at Susan. "You gonna really go for that jog? It sure doesn't look like you wanna."

She looked up at him from her seat on the bath and gave him a wan smile. "Yeah! Of course I am. I told you it's my New Year's Resolution. I'm going to lose 10lbs this month and then I'll have made a start in losing the rest."

He smiled. "Yeah, but 4.30 am is a bit extreme, don't ya think? How about coming back to bed? You can always start tomorrow." She looked up at him. Even though her head still felt weird, she realised she wasn't going to tell him about what had just happened, and she certainly wasn't going to go back to bed either.

"It's important to me, Dan. Can't you see that?" She clutched the rim of the bath and felt her stomach tighten into a knot.

"Sure Susie Cakes, I know. I just don't want you killin' yourself. You know you're perfect to me."

And there it was. Danny didn't want her to change. He was happy with the way they were. What he didn't realise though is she wasn't. She needed to make the change. She had to allow herself to move from the person she was now and by small incremental changes become someone completely different.

Her mind flashed to the other woman she had seen in the mirror. "Danny, what would you think if I cut my hair short? Do you think it would suit me?" Susan knew already what his answer would be.

She also instinctively knew that her resolution to change meant she would have to loosen the hold Danny's opinion held on her. She would need to release herself from it and allow herself to become her own solution.

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source image edited in Canva

This is a continuation of the short story I wrote last week, written for this week’s Drop In the Ocean show. Drop in the Ocean is a weekly show over on Discord in the BuddyUp server.

You can join us anytime by clicking here. When you first arrive you will be welcomed and directed to introduce yourself. After all, we want to know who our new buddy is.

The Drop in the Ocean airs every Monday at 8pm (UTC) and together all the buddies discuss their individual posts on the word of the week.

This week's word is:


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Wow!, that's really something, to take the prompt and turn it into a story, and keeping up with the narrative even as each prompt comes along.

That said - and even minus the cheating bit - I think it is hard for us ALL as humans when we so want the change within, but struggle with the environment we have built around us. The conditions that are ingrained in our psyche.

So, it's a real herculean effort that is to be celebrated when someone takes that first step towards the change.

Nice one @juliamulcahy

It really is something to be celebrated when achieved. But it is also understandable when people choose to remain in the same place that they find themselves.

It's like a traveller, who although loves travelling, finds a spot that they just feel home in and so stay. It isn't that the yearning for travel switches off, but instead they have chosen something else over it.

Often, that something else is the people you have in your life. Fear of losing them can be a big obstacle from moving towards new goals and changes. It is still not obvious whether Susan will make the changes, but it is obvious she wants to.

Beautiful analogy and perspective @juliamulcahy

Glad you thought so, @kchitrah <3

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