The briefest glance into Talia's world.

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)

Drop in the Ocean always sneaks up on you.

a note to my sweet subscribers

You think, "Simple! I can write a post about that topic!" But - slowly, inevitably, as the week progresses - you find yourself questioning how you ever thought writing on that topic could ever be so simple.

Simple. Complex. Maybe it's neither. Maybe we're just making it up as we go along. In the past, I've been told that I'm a complex person to understand.

More recently, I've been told I'm fairly easy to understand. At first, I was shocked to hear that. How could they think I was easy to understand when I myself still couldn't tell you how I would react to any given situation? Some days - I can see through glass clearly. Other days - I find myself looking through jagged shards that are pointed centimeters from my eye. How is a mind like that predictable and simple? But maybe they thought I was easier to understand because they were not just taking the time to listen in the noise, but in the silence. Hm.

I don't know. Minutes ago, I saw how it was all connected.

Now, I'm confused again.

Today, I released a chapter from a series that I write. No need to mention the name, because it's not about promotion. Just using it here. In my opinion, in order to be a decent writer, you have to value your readers. You need to also protect the story. Undoubtedly, you think your words are worthwhile. So there is a sense of confidence, pride, maybe even a little arrogance and ego stirred into the mix? You write - and expect (and hope) that someone will think that your words are worth their time. It's not a bad thing. But, balance is needed. There is a certain amount of humility that needs to be present in that slurry of emotions. Without it, you just become a clanging gong.

As I'm nearing the climax of this story, it's becoming much more emotional for me. It has already been an emotional experience, since so much of this story has concepts and connections that are personal and intimate. However, as the climax has begun climaxing, (as climaxes often do) my emotions have been intensifying and branching out into sub-categories of emotions. How should I deal with these things?

There were several comments and DMs regarding the released chapter today. I cannot tell you the absolute honor and treasure the experience is - to connect to someone through words that you've written. Their replies (some guarded, some raw) touched me and connected me to them. And the means of that connection? A fictional story.

But - is it simply fiction? Doesn't every story have elements in it that act as tuning forks - eliciting waves of truth and emotion and resonance from our hearts? I treat writing with respect, and I honor my readers from a place of humility. To my sweetest subscribers, I want you to know that I would never waste your time.

In my eyes, the ultimate gift from someone is the gift of their time. The people who have chosen to take minutes from their day and journey into Talia's world with me have been dear to me. The comments that you've left have been enjoyable, humorous, surprising, challenging, raw, touching, tender, and priceless.

The story already has a destination, though I've been able to bend it here and there to acknowledge and incorporate the longings of my readers. However, the heart and symbolism of the story has not been compromised. As the ending quickly approaches, I hope that I can do justice in the telling, as I listen to the whispers of characters from my past.

I'm so humbled that you've been willing to lend your imagination to me. I've enjoyed every moment.

Image Sources- glass soundwaves

*Sweet Subscribers*


Humility towards your readers, but not towards your characters. You need to respect them so that they stay true to themselves, but as their creator, you must also be a bit domineering - I know, because I am not and I have seen how I get bullied by them.

Hmm, so now I see why you wanted me to continue with my faërie story... you wanted me to go through what you are enduring. lol

Actually, I find that I also use a lot out of my life, but it is not so much that I revisit those moments, it is more that I see past experiences through eyes changed by my story and I realise I was not often right in my decisions and my world-view. That means I am growing - which is what I am hoping is happening to you.

Good morning Arthur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes - i think i've been true to them. I can't compromise too much - but... i will say - in one point, I tried to hear my subscribers - and I did slightly change what I felt was "right".

After I wrote it (after being influenced) - it ended up being a stronger story!

I didn't see that one coming! LOLOLOL

Your faerie story.... hehehehe I wanted more because I wanted more! LOL the end. ;)

As far as using my own life for Fireflies - I didn't realize what this story was about until I was reflecting on it. The first chapter was based on my life - but it was going in a completely different direction (in my mind)

but as i started to really feel the much more emerged. and i found myself taking a lot of deep breaths. and going deeper.

my question is... well. hm.

hard to describe. but we have the power as the writer. we can rewrite history,(and control the future) so to speak. What feels right to me? That's the question. Some days - one way is certain. Other days - the opposite.

and on others... both :)

I know where it's going. But I'm open also. I know for certain when I finish each chapter and feel it.

and.... yes, there has been a lot of growth through this one. I'm embracing it. enjoying it. loving it


Dreem, I relate to so much of what you said here. Writing that "fictional" story that has so much of you in it... sometimes it can be draining to reach in and pour yourself into every chapter... and thats why your story is so great.

As one of your readers, I have enjoyed your story so much... and taking this journey with you has been a great pleasure. I'm not sure how it feels when you start to come to the conclusion, I'm sure there has to be a sense of sadness that it's coming to an end.

And those whispers from the past, that can be a slippery slope love, some good, some bad but all emotional on some level.

There are so many great things ahead for you. And you are on of the kindest, gentlest, most generous and most humble people I know. Love you Dreemie!!

Yeah Monch.. it's been getting so emotional. My daughter and I.... Well. I won't say it. I'll just share it with you when we finish :)

But... I'm not sure how much of it will match my past. You know?

Do you change it and conquer?

Or do you keep it and heal(embrace and have closure)?
And then there are just the fictional parts that still have know??

Aghhhh YES you know exactly what I mean!!! Lolol
Because you are in the same position!!!

Lololol I love you too B ♥️

this is also a part of the Booty Trail and i feel like im coming to the end of a story but want to be on that list!! im feeling the group thing lately. 🤣🤣

Hahahahhahaa ok!!! I will add you to the sweet subscribers list @eaglespirit!

You're not too late... We have 4-5 chapters left.... Not too late to have fun with us hehehe

And then a little surprise at the end 😍

@dreemsteem oh nice, i think @bengy and i should def create The Booty Trail. just sayin

end surprise hehe

This is such a beautiful, honest post. I can't imagine the strength of character it takes for you to release this story as a series, in episodes as you are still writing it - absolutely amazing because your emotions are still so invested in your characters and their world, and comments, good and bad must have a direct route into your creative brain at some level.

From what I've seen, there seems to be a process of separation from something you have written when you come to the end of the story, which makes sharing and hearing feedback and opinions operate at a different level.

So much respect for you and the way you've done this, and I hope you are able to embody and enjoy writing the climax and ending of your story. E x

Hi @eveningart!! ♥️
What a wonderful comment to wake up to! You're right... Comments have definitely influenced me (in good ways) but now I find that as my subscriber list has grown (people who have asked to be notified of the next chapter) I'm finding this burden growing for them.

It's so different to write and finish and release.

You can sit back and wait for reaction that may or may not come. You're so distant from the reader.. and who knows how many you'll actually "meet".

But in choosing to write this exclusively for Steemit... It's been amazingly interactive. The energy that people have invested in this story.... I've just become addicted to their comments and their interest and like I said in the's been very humbling and a little overwhelming.

I always honor my readers and their time. In everything I write. But this ... It's just a bit more intense. They wait for my chapters.. but I find myself waiting for their comments ♥️

It's been a really fun relationship! And... I just hope that -in the end- I've made them as happy as they've made me 😊

All I can advise is - take a deep breath and smile in the knowledge that you've touched so many people with your words... and then start the next series ;)

Breathing is good! hehehehe it's always a pretty good place to start ;) (and i do need to be reminded of that often!)

Beautifully said Dreemie.

And in reading your words and the weight you carry with this story, I retract my threat to come and rip the next chapter out of you 😉 and instead I'll be patiently waiting with love.

And if you find it in your heart to have Talia hit Derek over the head with a heavy pipe I'll be ecstatic. And if not, I'll be okay with that too.

In all seriousness, this was a lovely post and we, your readers, appreciate all the time, heart and soul you put into your writing.

In Peace, Love and Health (except for Derek) ~T

ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL oh my gosh - I'm laughing so hard!!!!! and i love that you want to rip the next chapter out of me, lady! ;) i kinda want to rip it out of me too!!!

but Talia is even MORE stubborn than me.... and she makes me wait ;)

Thank you for this T.... really :) I truly do take it so seriously. and I'd love it if you would patiently wait with love - and beg me for the next chapter.... simultaneously hehehehe

i can't imagine how difficult this is; i simply love the story and your voice. thank you for creating this space for us. all the love...

xoxoxo, b.

This comment gave me chills, lady :)

Thank you so much for that! I'm so glad that you're here with me! hehehehe

I can understand what you mean with the humility in writing. I mean, you want to do your best and put something that others will want to read, but not for the sake of pride or recognition or anything of that sort. I look forward to catch up (slowly) :3

Hehehhee have 4-5 chapters left...
And then a little surprise 😍

There have developed teo very specific "teams" cheering for one character vs. another....

I'm very interested in seeing who you will be rooting for. Lolol

I think I'm gonna have a post asking the sweet subscribers to make a case for why their character should "win" hehehehe

Just for fun. lolol if you catch up in time... Come play! Hehe

I will definitely try to because that will be fun and obviously only my opinion matters (just kidding). But if you want my answer in advance: #teamjeremy

But of course!!!!! Lolololooolol
I missed that spark 😍

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