Drink it /Sink it!!

in #drinkitsinkit6 years ago (edited)


NO.. this isn't a new challenge, and NO I wasn't tagged by anyone.
Just my own crazy idea about what not to do when you've been drinking or Do when you've been drinking!


▪️Don't tag anyone (as this is no challenge)
▪️Don't use the tag #drinkitsinkit doesn't exist
▪️There is no rules as this is no challenge but all things are allowed as long as you have fun!


Here are my 5 things to do



Absolutely something I never do as I'm way to shy to sing in front of people but I totally did that yesterday after having a few snaps and it was crazy fun
Yes @snook I might even be able to do the bad karaoke.... Lol


Write lyrics


Yes I'm one of those people that has a mind that works weard on fever or booze... Lol
My imagination just runs wild and as a friend and a her friend was working on a song they asked for help and we all no I'm no lyrics writer,but I have ideas and I'm all about love and heart so I just hummed a few bars and found some lines and apparently it was ok enough as they wanted to use it 😉 cool.
So write lyrics when your mind is relaxed


Drink snaps or shots first and THEN try to drink a glas of 🍷 it actually worked and I didn't even need to mix it up with coke 😲 So ya drink wine after other drinks and even I can learn to like it
Didn't se this coming..... Lol


Challenge your friends on things you never do in clear state.
I got challenged to choose between chocolate and sprinkles and only rule was to not drop anything...


I dropped the whole spoon in my first try 😂😂
but my second was better but the spoon to big and way to much sprinkle to be able to not drop any.... Lol really delicious tho


To go or not to go 🤔 that is the question!
Make decisions when guilt doesn't control you.
I have a friend who moves to Knoxville next year and she's my childhood friend and I will miss her much. I was asked to go with her and I have been trying to find a way to make it.
I only saw the downside earlier and how my family means a lot to me and my sister being sick and my job, my dog, my garden.....
You get the idea..... But then yesterday I heard my friends voice in my head as I never Do things for myself unless it helps someone else to, feel guilty if I do. Miss doing things and yet don't.
But heck..... I deserve to go on vacation to and se things I've dreamed of and visit my friends that means a lot to me. Hell let's do this.... I only saw my heart and the positive things about it.
I will also be a better person for others to if I get the chance to recharge and do things my heart wish for. Right?

5 Things not to do


Feed the fishes... 🐠🐠🐠
yes I was going to be nice and feed her fishes in her tank and I didn't know she didn't have like a filter on the fish food can (as I do at home) so I just turned it upside down and... Dayum it all just came out all at once and soooo much 😜
kick myself for not looking first...Lol but the fishes seemed happy tho....My friend not so


Tell your friend your heats mind about her moving away....


This just ended up in lots of 😭😭😭 tears and going down memory lane and thoughts of.. "What if we never se each other again"?
Also woke other things in my head and we felt so sorry about ourselves.... Lol
Took like an hour to get back to normal again


Dont tell a guy you barely know that your biggest wish in the world is to be a mom....


we were 8 girls and one guy yesterday and that guy was really sweet and cute but so sorry he had to deal with us.... Lol 😁
We came to talk and as my friends boyfriend sended a picture of her adorable daughter we all went all..... Awww.... How cute.
But I guess my eyes said to much as he asked and ya it is my dream....
Then he said that he could totally help me with that if I become his girlfriend.... 😲 ehh.. Hum..
I need to go get some... Ehh... Air...... Runs out on the balcony.... Never doing that again and need to work on my face as I hate being a open book... Huh...


Dont say it's 5 things if you only can come up with 3....I got nothing more 😂😂😂😂


Ohh... Ya don't erase pictures in your phone when you're drunk, I was gonna push the once I wanted to erase but apparently clicked in ALL
It just erased all my pictures in the gallery... I am lucky as I already putted them in my hard disc but all pictures from yesterday.... Gone 😔
Don't drink more than you can handle that way you can wake up happy and sober the day after... Like I totally did 😉


I hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday my beautiful friends. Thank you for being so amazing and supportive and just stay as you are
Much Love to ya'll 🤗💙💚💖💛💜😘

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Oh shit that part about feeding the fish cracked me up! My little girl wanted to feed the fish one time and she did the same thing! I handed her the fish food thinking, you know, she's seen me take a small pinch out of it like a hundred times but no, bottoms up!

Yes that was a little embarrassing... Lol
Then she is like me just don't take a little pinch, just bottoms up 😂😂 hahaha
Fishes were happy tho and I know a pinch but this way... Much more fun 😜
I have filter on mine at home so it comes like a pinch at the time.. Lol
Wish you a fantastic Monday and stay as you are.
Love 🤗❤️

I guess steemit teaches you how to be generous with the small fish. You just feel their hunger :'D

😂😂😂hahaha That was a great way to look at it... Lol Yes I saw their hunger and just went.... Here ya Go.. Bottoms up!

What a great post!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you and sprinkles will now always make me think of you!!!

Aww... Thank you so much darling 🤗
Yeah that sprinkle thing was crazy fun and really delicious but not a easy one.... Lol
Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday. Love you too 🤗💙💚💛💜

Hilarious! Such a funny post. Your friend is moving to Knoxville TN? My parents moved to Nashville this year, and I'm stoked to be meeting people in Tennessee. Yay for friends all over the world! You totally deserve to do something for you and go on vacation, sweetheart. Maybe we can even be there at the same time. :)

Won't be far from me! Trying to convince her to come visit :P

Ya ya..... Koockville 👊 here I come.... I know Knoxville.. same thing..
Heyo Kat 🤗 Heyo Boss 🤗

Thank you so much sweetie 😊 glad you liked it I can honestly say I was hesitating a bit about this post as I know it's a crazy one... Lol
But ohh.. well 😜
That's so Awsome if we could make it at the same time and se each other... Yeay 🤗 Hug you for real... Lol
Yes my friends just seem to move one by one and most of them started in New York to and one lives now in Chattanooga... First time I heard that name it cracked me up... Who wants to live in a place called Chattanooga? 😂😂😂
Almost like here in Sweden were there is a place called Panties.... For real... I would never move there.... Lol
Have a wonderful Monday beautiful and stay as you are and I hope to se you 🤗❤️❤️

lol! There's a place called Panties? Who names these things? I like the word Chattanooga though. Fun. :) Sure hope you can come visit and that I can make it at the same time! ((hugs))

Yes I know.. Unbelievable huh? 😁 I don't know who came up with that but not a person very sane... Lol
Yes that would be so much fun to se you and fun to se how you have it in the states.. Lol much love 🤗🤗💕

Haha! Too funny! 😂 Now there's a #drinkitsinkit tag LOL! Glad you woke up on top of your game! This is great advice really of what to do and what not to do when you're drinking!! 😃❤

Thank you so much beautiful 😉 glad you liked it. Wasn't sure if I should do this post or not but you know me 😜 just follow my mind and heart and this time booze 😂😂😂 hahaha
I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. Stay as you are. Cheers! 🤗💕💕

Love it!! And you totally have to come to the US. You have so many friends here!!!

I'm so glad you liked it even if it is a little crazy 😉 yes it would be so much fun to go and I do have at least 4 weeks vacation in summer each year so it should work out... Lol
I wish you a wonderful Monday and stay You!

Happy Monday night to you and stay you for sure!!! ❤️ 💓😄

Lol this is such a brilliant post even the rules of non rules are such fun

Thank you so much Jay 😉 it was fun writing it and a little 🤔 hmm.. to as it's a little crazy one.
Ya the rules were my favorite... Lol
Happy Monday dear and thank you for being you. 😎🤗💕

Happy Monday to you to


That's hillarious, I guess the most important is to keep your phone away when you are drink else you can do some messy stuff.
I once washed my phone wit water....hehehehe, the next morning I was wandering what's wrong with y phone why does it not work...lol

Hey Awsome 😊 I'm glad you liked it and Yes keeping the phone away is a great advice 😉👍
Oooo... You washed your phone in water? 😂lol
No wonder it didn't work but I understand your comfusen.... Lol you are the sweetest.
Have a wonderful Monday beautiful and stay as you are. Much love! 🤗💙💚💛💜

I know you said we're not allowed to do this, but I wanna play :P #drinkitsinkit

Had so much fun reading this. I hope you get to visit your friends AND keep close to your family <3

Anj x

Hey you ARE very much allowed to do this if you want, only rule is to have fun and I would love to read your #drinkitsinkit 😁 lol
Yes I think it won't be a problem to go away for a month on vacation and be back after... Lol
Would be so much fun. Have a wonderful Monday and I'm glad you liked it and you do this if you want and who knows mabye it get to be a challenge after all 😜 much love 🤗💕

You missed the opportunity to throw in a #SublimeSunday tag here, what an amazing story sounds like you had a wonderful night - and still made it into the Discord voice chat in the very early hours of Sunday Morning - legendary. A spoon of sprinkles - it's an interesting idea not surprised you dropped a few! Follow your heart and experience as much as you can while you are young, I know myself the struggle when you have family to worry and care about - but sometimes you have to remember you have your own life to live and dreams to follow - they will always understand and be there for you. 8 ladies and one guy, that's one brave man...but isn't time you let him out of cellar now? 😳

Thanks for sharing, it's wonderful to know you have been able to take a little time for fun after everything you have had to deal with recently - massive #thealliance 🤗 keep being amazing.


I actually added that now 😉 didn't think of that
Thank you for reminding me of that cool tag.
Im glad you liked this as I was unsure about how people would react as it wasn't like a real challenge even tho I have had a few that asked if it's OK to do this..... Just might end up as one anyway 😁😁hahaha
It really was a fun night and OMG... Sprinkles that was fun but I dropped a lot... Lol
And that poor guy he had a hard time with us ladies.... Lol no we were really nice and we did let him out 😉 hehe...
About following your dreams that is important and to get a break to recharge and travel to se something else would be a nice change and like you said it's been much lately that has been heavy and sometimes blocks your mind but I belive in hope and I know whatever life throws at me I can cope, just find the best way to deal and move on. Tomorrow is always a new day 🤗
And friends like you who cares so much and are being such a wonderful support and makes you smile are the most precious thing.
Thank you for being who you are and don't ever change. 🤗🤗🤗💕

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