Learn To Draw With Friends! - 55 SBD PRIZE POOL! - Week Five Update and Proposal For Future Contests!! :[)

in #drawingwithfriends7 years ago (edited)

So far, we are having another amazing week in the 'Learn To Draw With Friends!' contest! It has been another fantastic turnout with many excellent entries already having been submitted and some absolutely incredible process posts to accompany them.

I am really thrilled that everyone is having such a good time taking part and overjoyed at the engagement and support shown by and for all of the entrants. We are building a fantastic little support network and our efforts are not going unnoticed with lots of talk about the contest and even a notable mention in the Hit ParadePost by @arcange for the number of comments on the contest post.

We ranked 9th for comments on steemit yesterday with 156, a great achievement considering the others that were also ranked in the top ten. If you would like to have a look for yourself you can click the link below! :[)


And if you would like to join the contest then please visit the main contest post below!


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Image Credit - @w0olf - Week One Winner! :[)

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After just a couple of days we already have 15 entries with lots more expected in the coming days and the comment count stands at 240 which is a testament to the engagement of our very friendly contestants. I would love to keep up this level of interaction and involvement and would like to make a few proposals for evolving the contest with a view to continuing it's growing success. I hope the contest goes from strength to strength and becomes more popular than it already is and I would like us all to be able to share in that success.

The prize money on offer each week is surely a great way of getting people involved but it is the success that we have been having with our process posts that I think is the biggest plus in terms of allowing us all to showcase our talents and even if you are not lucky enough to win a prize in any given week, there is usually some reward by way of the process post to make it worth while, apart from the obvious enjoyment of taking part of course! :[)

So it would seem to me to be a win/win situation for entrants and I would like to propose that in future when making process posts that they be given a hashtag specific to the contest. I would suggest something along the lines of #drawingwithfriends but I am hoping that everyone will get involved and make their own suggestions so that we can decide together which is best. So please feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments of either this post or the main week four post!

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Another thing I would like to suggest is that rather than having a set prize pool, we change the prize to all of the SBD rewards paid out by the main post for that week. Up until now these have not been very much but my reasoning for the suggestion is that I feel it will encourage entrants to promote the contest more in order to increase the rewards for the post and thus increase the prize pool for that week. I know this might sound like it would mean that the prize money would drop but I think in time this will be a better way of financing the prize money for the contest and in conjunction with my next idea I think it will be a very promising change.

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So, the next suggestion I have is that the winner of first place should be offered the opportunity of hosting the following weeks contest.

I will of course be on hand to help whoever is hosting the contest each week but I thought it might be a good idea to hand over the contest to everyone and allow each of us the chance to benefit from its success.

When hosting the contest you will obviously keep all of the steem that is generated by the contest post and hand over the liquid SBDs to the winners. You will be in charge of choosing the theme for the week you are hosting and will also be able to make update posts throughout the week from which you will keep all of the rewards.

If the winner of the contest is not comfortable with hosting or not able to host the next contest then the offer will go to the 2nd place finisher and if they also are unable then it will go to the third place. If no-one is willing or able to host the following weeks contest then I will step in again and get us started over.

I think this is a good incentive to win the contest also and if we manage to continue the success as I think we can, it may in time become a very rewarding prize. :[)

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This is ofcourse just a proposal and everyone is equally entitled to have their opinion heard on the matter so please let me know what you think about the ideas I have put forward either in the comments section here or in the main contest post.

Do you like the ideas I have put forward??

Are you happy with the way things are going and would like to keep it that way??

Please let me know your thoughts as well as any suggestion you might have. This contest belongs to all of us and we are all entitled to have our voices heard. I look forward to hearing your thoughts! :{)

I hope everyone is having an excellent day as always!! :[)

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Image Credits



Page Dividers by @concept and @aleister

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Banner by @son-of-satire!


Yeah Tony...

very nice great work! @tonyr :-)

Anywho, this week's contest is really heating up. I am excited to be judging for the Doctor Who theme and at the same time AMAZED at how many people took on the advanced drawing of Peter Capaldi right from the start.

Thank you to all the entrants so far, and a special thank you to those who added their own work in progress post. That helps Tony achieve his goal of having this contest help teach others how to draw by example and practice.

Passing the torch and rotating guest judges is a good idea, kinda gives the contest legs and the ability to grow organically across Steemit. Rewards by post payout is also good, that would encourage sharing of the contest itself. The contest host could always still offer a bonus SBD reward is they chose, or accept reward pool donations too.

It keeps getting bigger and bigger each week.

It's almost as if... It's bigger on the inside.

Haha! Nice reference to finish on! :)

Definitely! I would still be willing to donate to the prize pool every week also and would do everything I can to promote the contest as I'm sure we all would. If we work together to improve the contest every week, continue with our process posts and continue also to support one another then I feel we can build this contest into one of the most popular art contests on the platform.

If we build it, they will come! :)

This is a great project Bro!
Wish it all the success it deserves :)
Keep on steeming on!

Cheers Mark. I really appreciate that mate. Especially from you. ;) Thanks for stopping by buddy! Hope everything is going well in The Big Green Steem Machine! :)

Wow! I had no idea you were doing this! Maybe I need to learn to draw too!

We would be very pleased to have you join us @dmcamera! :)

How have you been finding life on steemit so far then? Are you enjoying yourself?? :[)

I go with the flow! LOL! It's hard going trying to be seen, but I plod away. :-) I took sumi-e painting classes and enjoyed them, but have never really learned to draw, although I do have a self-portrait I made somewhere back in the 60's - bouffant hairdo and all. LOL! My art is photography, which is the art of seeing. :-)

You have an artists eyes which will help you very much with the drawing and I'm sure you will do a great job if you try. :) The point is to join in every week if possible and see your skills improve as the weeks go by as well as giving and receiving support from the other entrants. It's a really friendly group we have taking part each week and some of the process posts have been pretty successful so it seems a pretty good thing we have going. Come join us! :[)

It is pretty hard to get noticed at times and often it's when you least expect it rather than when you do but the contests are a great way of getting involved and I've noticed you've been taking part in a few.

I resteemed a post today that dealt with the 80/20 rule which essentially says that 80% of your success will come from 20% of your efforts. It's an interesting read and makes a lot of sense as well as seeminmg to ring true in my own experience.

With quality work like yours it is only a matter of time before you find success here on steemit and with abit of fine tuning by finding out what works and what doesn't you'll soon find your niche in the community. :)

Thanks for your kind and encouraging words! I will check for that Resteemed post. Your group does sound like fun, and I am always game to try new things!

Ok! I read the rules! But am I supposed to copy the tardis as I see it? Put it in other situations? I'm not sure what I am supposed to do. Lol! Do I show you the steps as I am going along, like I saw someone else has already done? Please forgive all the questions, but I would want to get it right! :-)

You can attempt whichever you feel comfortable with and post your finished work on the contest page so that it is visible. If you decide to do a process post as well which most people are doing now, then try to include atleast half a dozen photos of your process from start to finish with a brief explanation for each. You don't have to make a process post to enter but it helps others who ae new like yourself see the steps they might take to create the drawing themselves which will hopefully help make things a little less daunting for anyone wanting to give it a go. Some of the process posts have also been quite successful at earning rewards in their own right with a couple even receiving over $100 so there is a bit of a win/win element to the contest whereby if you don't win a prize you will usually get some reward for your process post....Hopefully! :)

I hope that answered your questions and if you have any more I'd be happy to answer them. :)

I may just give it a try then. Good for a laugh, in my case. :-)

I can't wait to see how you get on Diane. :) I hope you have fun! :)

Everyone who has mentioned in the Hit ParadePost by @arcange deserves attention! I've missed the contest, could take part in some of the next ones.

I would be very pleased if you would my friend. A lot of people seem to be enjoying it and having some successful posts along the way also so I am very pleased. :)

I have just visited your page and must say I like the look of it. I enjoyed your 7 Reasons You Should Leave Steemit Now! post. You have a very nice writing style. :)

Thank you! I'm now participating in @merej99's big challenge - the toughest contest you've ever seen. Thank you for the kind words. I've never considered myself as a good painter. Art for me is something I mostly enjoy as a consumer.

Are you close to completing the challenge? How many comments have you left to get?

Currently under 100. Thanks for asking. I think actually about 50 already :)

You should be crossing the line in an hour or two then. You will soon be able to relax and bask in your own glory at having completed such a difficult challenge! :)

very nice great work! @tonyr

Thank you very much for your kind words @hokieu. You are more than welcome to join us my friend! :)

Have a fantastic day! :)

learn to draw could also be a good tag but # draw with friends works! I think it's a nice initiative to pass the hosting along to someone else but this is your contest, maybe you should just have a co-judge like you are doing now? Maybe lots of people come here because they want to learn to draw with @tonyr as the host :)

Edit- I don't know why this is so big maybe because I used a hashtag at the beginning? I think I just accidentally learned some new code

Another happy little accident! :) Haha!

You are too kind @juliakponsford but I would really love it if the contest went off on its own and was successful. I think if it stays with me it might get a little stale after a while and interest would wane. I'll definitely be doing the fifth week anyway and if others do like the idea I will pass the torch on for week six and see how it goes. :) I really like the idea of community engagement and I think this might be a good way of increasing it. I hope so. ;)

Headers use the hashtag

One hash

Header 1

2 hashes

Header 2

Goes on till 6 hashes

Header 6

#drawwithfriends could work

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