Art Explosion Contest, theme: Mythology

in #drawing6 years ago (edited)

I went back to an art contest that was always pretty cool (leaving so much room for me to make it all creative). The contest I mean is ART EXPLOSION WEEK 43: Tema MYTHOLOGY.

My Entry;

(The magician with the mystery flowers on his body and the magic wand ....)

What's this about?

The majority of witches are old-haired old granny, crooked chin and black cloak. however, not all magicians like that. a Witch who lives far away in the dark forest is not bad at all. they are so beautiful. But there is something in common with that wicked witch's grandmother, they are equally evil. he is also a great magician concocting and bewitching anything. It is said that the mother of a witch named Bellarosa, formerly a kind witch. However, when married to an ordinary man, the man even fell in love with another woman who is prettier and younger. Angry Bellarosa killed her husband and the woman. From then on, he swore an evil woman who hates men and vows to stay young. He raised his daughter, with anger and resentment against man. As a result, a beautiful girl named, we call it EFA daughter, she also became a wizard that is not less evil with the mother.

One day, a prince from one of the kingdom came to Bellarosa and his daughter Efa, the arrival of the prince to meet the witch Bellarosa to ask for help remove his younger brother who had been crowned king. the prince does not accept his sister made king, because he feels more worthy to command the kingdom.

The wizard after hearing what the crown prince was saying. he thinks this is an excellent opportunity to master the kingdom. then the witch offers some advice to this evil prince, Bellarosa ask in what way? magic? fast? slow or poison?
It turns out the prince prefers by giving poison to his sister, because he knows that the poison that is mixed from the flower by this beautiful wizard is very powerful and works very quickly to kill.

In short, this evil prince returns to the palace with a packet of poison made from flower to wipe out his sister, so that he can take over the royal throne to be his, but what happens. everything that the wicked prince had planned was contrary to what he expected. it turns out that the king is none other than the siblings of the man the prince has immunity against various types of toxins. the beautiful witch of the poisoned owner was astonished and furious after learning that the poison created by him could not kill the king.

((Sorry, I am not a good writer, but I feel that what is in this picture deserves a small brackground story;))

The progress

Step 1: the sketch

I started with a simple sketch of how it should / look like. if you can already see the character pose and even the shape in the background. Here the witch is skeptical enough or doubtful even looks angry, at least more like the last picture.

Step 2: Full sketch

In the second step, I made out of the whole sketch.

Step 3: lines and flat colours

At the top of the sketch line I drew a "real" line and I also added some colors and put flowers on it.

Step 4: adding some shadows

In this step I added some bumpy shadows, because the shadows will be a common part of this picture ... as you know: magicians are very identical to dark, creepy and unclear and so on.

Step 5: adding details

Details such as fog, light reflections from random clouds, and some shahows are also added. as well as the magic wand that symbolizes the witch.

Step 6: The final picture as seen above ;)


Saya kembali mengikuti sebuah kontes seni yang selalu menjadi cukup keren (dengan meninggalkan begitu banyak ruang bagi saya hingga menjadikan semua kreatif). Kontes yang saya maksud adalah ART EXPLOSION WEEK 43: Tema MYTHOLOGY

Entri saya ;

(Tukang sihir dengan bunga-bunga misteri di tubuhnya dan tongkat ajaib ....)

Tentang apa ini?

Mayoritas penyihir adalah nenek tua yang berambut putih, berdagu bengkok dan berjubah hitam. namun, tidak semua penyihir seperti itu. seorang Penyihir yang tinggal jauh di hutan belantara yang gelap ini sama sekali tidak jelek. mereka sangat cantik. Tapi memang ada kesamaan mereka dengan sang nenek penyihir yang seram itu, mereka sama-sama jahat.
dia juga penyihir yang hebat meramu dan menyihir apa saja. Konon, sang ibu penyihir yang bernama Bellarosa, dahulunya adalah penyihir yang baik hati. Namun, ketika menikah dengan seorang manusia biasa, pria itu malah jatuh cinta dengan wanita lain yang lebih cantik dan lebih muda. Bellarosa yang marah membunuh suaminya dan wanita itu. Sejak saat itu, Ia bersumpah menjadi wanita jahat yang membenci pria dan bersumpah akan tetap awet muda. Ia membesarkan anak gadisnya, dengan amarah dan dendam terhadap manusia. Alhasil, gadis cantik yang bernama, kita sebut saja putri EFA, dia juga menjadi penyihir yang tak kalah jahat dengan sang ibu.

Suatu hari, seorang pangeran dari salah satu kerajaan datang menemui Bellarosa dan putrinya Efa, kedatangan sang pangeran menemui penyihir Bellarosa untuk meminta bantuan menyingkirkan adik kandungnya yang telah dinobatkan sebagai raja. pangeran tidak terima adiknya dijadikan raja, karena dia merasa lebih layak untuk memerintahkan kerajaan.

Sang penyihir setelah menyimak apa yang disampaikan oleh putra mahkota. dia berpikir ini adalah kesempatan yang sangat baik untuk menguasai kerajaan. lalu penyihir tersebut menawarkan beberapa saran kepada pangeran yang jahat ini, Bellarosa bertanya dengan cara yang bagaimana? sihir? cepat? pelan atau racun?
Ternyata pangeran lebih memilih dengan cara memberi racun kepada adiknya, karena dia tahu bahwa racun yang diramu dari sari bunga oleh penyihir cantik ini sangatlah ampuh dan bekerja sangat cepat untuk membunuh.

Singkat cerita, pangeran jahat ini kembali ke istana dengan membawa bungkusan racun yang terbuat dari sari bunga untuk melenyapkan adiknya, agar dia bisa mengambil alih tahta kerajaan menjadi miliknya, namun apa yang terjadi. semua yang telah direncanakan oleh pangeran jahat ini bertolak belakang dengan apa yang dia harapkan. ternyata raja yang tak lain adalah adik kandung sang pangeran ini mempunyai kekebalan tubuh terhadap berbagai jenis racun. penyihir cantik pemilik racun tersebut heran dan berang setelah mengetahui bahwa racun yang diciptakan olehnya tidak mampu membunuh sang raja.

((Maaf, saya bukan penulis yang baik, tetapi saya merasa bahwa apa yang ada dalam gambar ini layak mendapat cerita latar kecil;))

Langkah-langkah Progres

Langkah 1: Sketsa

Saya memulai dengan sketsa sederhana tentang bagaimana seharusnya / terlihat seperti. jika Anda sudah dapat melihat pose karakter dan bahkan bentuk di latar belakang. Disini tukang sihir cukup skeptis atau ragu bahkan terlihat marah, setidaknya lebih seperti pada gambar terakhir.

Step 2: Sketsa Penuh

Pada langkah kedua, saya membuat dari keseluruhan sketsa.

Langkah 3: Garis dan Warna datar.

Pada bagian atas garis sketsa saya menggambar garis "nyata" dan saya juga menambahkan beberapa warna dan meletakkan bunga padanya.

Langkah 4: Menambahkan Beberapa Bayangan.

Dalam langkah ini saya menambahkan beberapa bayangan yang bergelombang, karena bayangan akan menjadi bagian umum dari gambar ini... seperti yang Anda tahu: penyihir sangat identik dengan gelap, menyeramkan dan tidak jelas dan sebagainya.

Langkah 5: Menambahkan Details.

Detail seperti kabut, pantulan cahaya dari awan-awan yang acak, dan beberapa shahows juga turut ditambahkan. begitu juga dengan tongkat ajaib yang melambangkan penyihir.

Langkah 6: Gambar terakhir seperti yang terlihat di atas;)

If you like the fantasy world, follow me with my works.



Excellent artwork, @marzukie! And thanks for the story, too. What a lovely post! 😃

thanks for the motivated response from you @trincowski

Hello again. I have featured your work in My entry to the "Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 16"

I hope some new followers will appear!

forgive me, late reading the good news from you @trincowski, thank you for the appreciation that you give to me ..

You're welcome. Keep practicing cause I see a good evolution in your works! 😃

You're welcome! Keep up with the good work! 😄

@trincowski featured you in the Pay It Forward curation contest that is what brought me to your post

What an awesome piece of art!! and I quite liked the story as well. Thank you for showing your process too :)

I found your post because @trincowski featured you in our weekly Pay it Forward Curation Contest. Feel free to join us next week :)

Wow ,,, amazing done by @trincowski .. I did not expect this. thank you very much for your appreciation for me, hope this be the motivation for all .. good job... thank you for your presence in my post @lynncoyle1

You are most welcome @marzukie! It was my pleasure :)

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

thanks @resteemboot, I will follow your advice

Beautiful and fantastic art work @marzukie. I appreciate your work. Perfect!! 🤗💚😍
Nice content

Thanks for sharing this post.

Have a wonderful day!

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

I have voted for you please vote me back

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just needed 30 or above reputation on steemit..
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thank for information @quootes , good job

bereih.. bereih.. kop hayeu gamba droun, han taloe ngen atra awak luwa nangroe peugot. Luar Biasa awak Bireuen memang, adak pih kerja bak pemadam, kop hayeu2 bak meunggamba, artis meunan lah.

I like the story as well as your digital art, it's accomplishing each other and the witch is beautiful but why the yellow rose, aahh ... black rose is something too common for a witch, right? Great Job, Brother.. Love it.

Thanks to @trincowski who has featured your post for the pay it forward contest this week, so proud of you! Saleum!

My Comment Protector is @dustsweeper

This is an excellent post and amassing artwork! Thank you, I dropped by as you were featured by @trincowski.

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