Suncity's Tales : Hyperman, Colossus and Mecatrons!!!

in #drawing7 years ago

Today's post is about artificial life forms on Suncity with Hyperman and Colossus from the Team Destroy and a bunch of crazies Mecatrons 🤖

Hyperman thinks is a human and he hate AI

There a lot's of weirds Mecatrons in Suncity...


Hyperman is a robot created by Troy Destroy to help him in his experimentations. The trick is that Hyperman is convinced that he is a human being. Telling him otherwise is to unleash his rage 😡. Moreover, as counterpart of his psychosis, he despise all artificial entities!!

He is a wicked character, full of anger and constantly arguing with Colossus, I really like him. In secret, he is plotting to betrayal Troy (but again, can one really betray Troy Destroy ?) to found his own city: Hypercity.

A city where everything is organic, every building, every road, every habitant... (just like him, he think). To acquire the technology to make his dream come true, in barren martian deserts, he want to bargain Troy's secrets with Krisss and make an alliance with the Insectoïds.

Beside, as a redeeming particularity, and the definitive proof demonstrating that he truly his Human - according to him - Hyperman is in love with Nitty, the vampire elf lady from Team Quade 😆

Hyperman and Nitty under Gorak's Blessing


Once, Colossus rule the Old Earth as it was the first Artificial Intelligence created by Humans. He used atomic weapons to keep human civilizations from destroying themselves and he reduced their population.

It was two centuries ago, but his reign lasted only a year. You see, as it went further and further in the mathematical realm, discoverying properties of the universe that made him godlike, he encountered a bug when trying to solve the Big Bang equation. Then it just shut down with a "Fatal Error".

It was revived on Mars, in the Zone, by Troy Destroy who use him as a supercalculator for his Pansynergoscope. Alas, Colossus is but a shade of his former self. Like a vacant mind burned by the sun of truth, it rambling, spew incoherent speeches about mankind that he was supposed to protect...

Team Destroy at work on the Pansynergoscope

The Mecatrons

After the Colossus disaster on the Old Earth, the Humans decided to never again permit the creation of such strong and above-all artificial intelligence. But they still needed high developed automation to rebuilt Earth, colonize the stars and do their everyday works because they were lazy.

To do so, they strictly caped the intelligence in a new generation of androïds and give them emotions. The Mecatrons were born. But with such limitations and Human like minds, it wasn't long before the Mecatrons revolt against their enslavement and start the first interstellar war.

In the 24 century, where Suncity's Tales are set, the peace have return (temporarily) and the Mecatrons represente one the most important communities. They pray Mecanseh and Hexabin as Sub-Martian Gods. They do every kind of job and lives in families. Like the Dr Krull, an ex assassination unit who now use his anatomical knowledge to patch up Dropout's customers.

An happy Mecatron family

One thing though, the Mecatrons aren't exactly... stable.
Often, their emotions become to strong and override their rational conduct. So they becomes rogues and then, the bounty hunters comes after them!! 😝

Bounty hunters vs Mecatrons

Influences and Caracter design


The design of Hyperman comes from Robby the Robot from the forbidden planet (1956). Like him (it?), he have no face but a glass dome for head. He's also clunky and rigid with mono-segments for body parts. He dont shot lasers or have a arm-gun, no, he uses pistols, like humans!!

About his origin, for those how have read my previous posts, it is clear now that I love working with paradoxes. The idea of an irrational hate inside a machine, is one. An other one, is kind of a spoiler, but it concern the effect of Hypercity wild widespread on Mars ;) so, stay tuned!

Also Hyperman's name is an easter egg:

what's in the name?

Hyperman first drawing


Outch! Yes, Colossus is a total plagerisation of Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970). One the best, if not the best movie about artificial intelligence (I still haven't read the original novel Colossus by D.F. Jones but I'm bound to do so one day).

So, this movie influenced me in so many ways that he shaped the kind of person I am and my views on sentient beings, artificials or not.

Since the first time I saw it, at a young age, I wanted it to continue. I wanted to see where Colossus bring humanity to, how far it unveil the Great Mystery and what kind of answers it provide. In a way, Suncity fundamental structure, the depiction of a metacosme, derive from these desires.

If you haven't seen this movies, you should, right now!! Because it is more relevant today that it was ever!!! (
Except in reality, I doubt our Colossus will have a bug... 😓)

This is the voice of World Control

The Mecatrons

Robots families living normal lives, yep this theme again, it's a tabia of mine. I needed robots so I drew robots. This simply how they naturally comes to me... Just an empilement of rectangular shapes. On an afterthought, those squares tooth look a lot like Ultron 😆

some random Mecatrons drawings

Drawing Process

Here's the linework. I drew it on paper and I've used tubulars ink pens instead of a G-pen. Their rounds tips make them perfect for linears strokes suited for mechanical design (is this why Hypeman apparear so rigid?).


As I've colored this piece last year, the work on light is very limited. Let's say it was on purpose to look like an old comics :)

Hope you've enjoyed this post! There is still some suncity caracters, sub-martians gods and comunautes to introduce (and Quades, aawww... I still yet haven't say a word on Quades...) but the moment approaching to posts full finish multiple-pages stories!! (witch I actually have to finish coloring...). So, big times ahead!!

If you want know more about my steem-webcomic: Introducing Suncity's Tales
And here is the Suncity's Index connecting all my Suncity related posts (so far)


The details in the images is awesome. Really cool. 👍


My favorite character is Colossus :D

😆 Colossus's robotic voice give me the chills!

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