My Anatomy Exploration (with Detours)

in #drawing8 years ago

I've really been at it in my sketchbook. The more I practice, the better I feel and the better I feel, the more I WANT to practice. I love it!

Another TIL about things in general is the more positive energy I put into my passion (drawing, creating) the more time I seem to be able to make for my fellow Steemians ;) It's a win-win.

Now I share with you my work from last Monday (5 Dec) through today (14 Dec).

This is an abstract rendering I used as a warm up to get loose on the 5th. (On this day I only got to the warm up stage and never made it to a proper study). I started with the border and then drew some groupings of lines in the center that eventually became that hand-like shape "holding" the cloth-like shape.

5dec img

I was at a busy truck stop on the 8th. I took it as an opportunity to practice "gesturals", as you can see on the left-hand side. There was also a self-serve air compressor as depicted on the right. I took about twenty minutes on that one. Also there is a parking curb, a side view headlight housing and some quick scribbles of other objects I saw standing around.

8dec gesture-air

Okay, the 9th is a day I'm proud of, personally. I felt like I got on a roll with these noses! Initially I was just messing around, but as I got deeper into the groove I realized they were at the level of realism I was aiming for. What satisfaction! (Of course, as many of us artists do, I feel there is always room for improvement) The letters I drew while waiting for my auto inspection, a bit of extra practice I squeezed into my day.

9dec noses-letters

Here are a few more noses, some very sketchy faces and a quick male profile.

9dec noses-face

On the 12th I started to play with the mouth a little, but I didn't get too far as we can see. The next day (yesterday) I felt like going back to the basics. I like to perform regular "skills maintenance" by sketching basic forms and doing value exercises and the like. All of this is practice, practice, practice - which makes perfect!

13dec warmup

Today I continued practicing the basics. Here I was focusing on turning curved lines into 3D forms with apparent mass/weight

14dec shape-render

Once I felt good and warm I decided to try my hand at some human eyeballs. Sadly, I ran out of time before I completed this first study. It's got some potential, perhaps. There's still a few hours left of the 14th, I may get back to it before bedtime.

14dec eyes image

Reflecting: I see my progression as I become more comfortable with each part of the anatomy, which is also very motivating in its own right. I will continue with the mouth and eyes this week. I'm sure there will be abstract and miscellaneous sketch work thrown into the mix, for the sake of fun.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Be Easy :)


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Thanks for sharing your sketches!

When I see others being creative, it inspires and challenges me to do more. ;)


I know the feeling exactly. Sometimes I can be overwhelmed by that self-imposed challenge, but then I come back to reality and get back to work! Thank you for commenting 3-)

You are very dedicated and talented!

It takes one to know one! ;) Thank you very kindly

I love your use of curves and flowyness of your work...I am inspired to be more bendy in my art! lol thanks for sharing

I appreciate your compliment! Curves and arcs can be both daunting and fun to work with :)

Amazing work :)

Hey! Was checking You out. Me by myself, have finished art school, so I think I have some kind of artistic knowledge laying on my shoulders. Look, You seem to have certain type of "strich"- those lines You make while sketching, but I do miss Your own way to express Yourself. Be brave. Also, whenever You want to sketch something in a more realistic way, try playing with shadows and light. If You want to emphasize certain form, try leaving some blank spaces next to completely dark-ones. Keep it up, You are doing just fine ;)

Thank you for your advice - I always appreciate honest, constructive criticism. And thank you for the encouragement also! See you around in 2017 ;D

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