
Really? I will make one more that are for Gaia if you want more Sigils to color. I should make more for Her anyway...

Well, two is enough for me in one week. But I'd be happy if you made this a regular thing!

Really? Well why don't you give me something for you to color a sigil about - you come up with the statement, I will make you a design, you color it.

Okay sure. I have a family member on chemo for a treatable cancer, and another with a hospital appointment next month for ongoing issues. So a sigil for the health and wellbeing of my family would be appreciated right now.

would you like it to say "Anton Channing's family is healthy and well" or "My family is healthy and well" or "written some other way" ? orwould you like 2 separate ones which each have the name attached to them?

I prefer E-Prime wording, such as "Good health brings wellbeing to Anton Channing's family". I'd prefer not share names publically.

Good -thank you for clarifying. I have to look into E-Prime - I must have missed this in high school - remember I am American so we don't get that European education you got...or I was cutting class that day :)

Lol. I learned it from a certain late American, Robert Anton Wilson. ;)

PS. Did you join the SteemMagick discord chat? I've been promoting you a little there in the #sigil channel:

Here is my first one finished:

(plus a sneak peak work in progress on the second...)

I finished the other one of these last night. Took me longer than expected, but I think the result is worth it. I'll share tonight...

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