D0pe'd Up!

in #dope7 years ago



So earlier this wk I've bn hearing a lot of talk in the media about marijuana stocks. Honestly I've been hearing 0f this since 1st hearing about being able to invest in marijuana stocks a couple & a half yrs. back, but moms brought it back to my attention along with the news and so, I'm telling her that we have something MUCH bigger taking place than investing in M.J. Stocks and I've bn telling this to everyone I encounter - BLOCKCHAIN!

@that point of speaking I was really discussed talking about wonderful things to 0r are taking place yet, no one is still hearing me! So, I told myself to start investing also towards marijuana coins so I can not only prove to myself but also to my non-listening audience surrounding me ha! These c0ins are cheaper than M.J. Stocks with more potential.
First name that popped up in my head was @matrixdweller I remember seeing him speak on D0pec0in and @that time I did want some but thght I wasn't able to considering how it was only available for purchase outside of Poloniex. Now that I know that I can register on over@Bittrex without verificaiton(dealing with Crypt0-only), I went ahead and opened up an account and was highly motivated to purchase some Dope ;)
And b0i did I catch it right on time! Below are my first DopeC0in Purchases :

D0pe Purchases.PNG
I woke up 2day to see that the highest it's been since my purchase was around 740Sats 4rm 185Sats - Wow! Had I known it was set to shoot up, I would have put some day-trading money on it. This was my long-term money and sure, I can take profits along the way but f0r me to catch it on time @185 Sats makes it very special to me, especially since I was late to investing in this c0in. I may just keep this one untouched till it really hits higher levels. So far I'm up $40 in profit but again, this is long-term thinking so, I'm not taking any shares off the table just yet. Crypto-Life is such a beautiful thing!
D0pe Stats_5-20-17.PNG

@matrixdweller also put me and others on game letting us know that we can also 'Stake' this c0in. Yes, you can gain "interest" 0ff of Dopec0ins simply by having them just sit in your wallet ;)
So I downloaded one yesterday http://dopecoin.com/ and was impressed how fast it synced in. This is of course due to it being a new coin on the market so, no clogged up blockchain just yet. 0nly issue so far with the wallet is that I can't seem to deposit money to the given address. Does anyone out there who own Dope, have the same issues? I tried transferring it from 'Bittrex' but I've been waiting f0r a whole day now and so, cancelled the transaction. Dope is now back in my Bittrex Dope-wallet.
I will probably attempt later on. Please do let me know below in the comments section if you are experiencing the same issues.



haha on that dope stuff:)


Ye knw!!! It took me awhile to understand the profitability in Crypto-trading. I see now tht trading Crypto can make us some serious m0ney! Forex along with Crypto-trading, is Dynamic! Very Powerful Stuff!
I could have taken profit from D0pE this passed wknd but I couldn't thk straight on what to do - keep it f0r long-term without touching it despite missing out on profit if it did head back down to my entry price(s) 0R take profit!
Now that I can think straight today, I went ahead and made a decision to take profits. Price is in an area where I can take $55 4rm my $20 investment ;) And this wasn't even planned! I was just trying to get my feet wet by having some D0PE on deck in case it shot up even higher. I love these types of trades.

F0r those of you who may be reading this and are new to all this crypto/crypto-trading, due keep in mind that I just took "shares"(coins) off the table. This is called taking profits along the way. I still have coins f0r long-term, it just won't be as many shares as I had gotten off of the lower price(s).
Now, I will use this profit to either wait f0r a dip(drop in price) on this c0in(D0PE) 0r I can find an opportunity with other c0ins on the market. And say I do trade with another c0in, I can then use tht profit f0r s0mething else while putting my previous profit back into D0peC0in when I see fit ;)
It's a lot to ingest when first starting out but once you get a grip, it's $imple- M0ney!

Nice profit.

maybe you can buy them back cheaper?


It's a lot to ingest when first starting out but once you get a grip, it's $imple- M0ney!

I agree big time, but im not there yet. still learning

So! I w0ke up 4rm a nap to see that my order to sell@a profit, was hit(691Sats). But I also seen that price had a nice quick pump all the way up to 1200Sats WHOa!
D0pe Spike_5-22-17.PNG
@least now i know where price is going in the very near future so, I will now look f0r a nice dip to get back in. Maybe now is a good time as it's rate is currently floating in the low 500Sats range down from 1200Sats.


I buying dope coins soon. Poloniex should add them to their list

You have a Bittrex Acc.?

yes but I lost my password....

You can buy dopecoins there?

Better recover that pass and yes we can buy DOPE there ;)

I stake dopecoin. "Receive" should have address. If not, create new address.

0k thx but I did happen to copy/paste the initial address in the 'Receive' section. Maybe I should try to re-generate a new one perhaps. I will try & let you know my results later on tonight....
So how long have you been involved with D0peC0in and the Staking process? Does it reward everyday and do you have to have a certain amount of coins for it to start giving interest 0r it just doesn't matter how much you hold?

I think it is based on stake weight. So you need quite a lot, at least 30,000 or more to mint everyday. I've been into it for about two weeks.

0k thx f0r the inf0. 0ne last thing! I created a new address from the desktop D0pe-Client and made a withdrawal via Bittrex 0nce again. But it still seems to be taking quite some time to go through. It's been 5minutes.
How long does it normally take f0r D0pec0in transactions? You may have already t0ld me, not sure.

It normally goes through very fast. I had a problem with bittrex once, but the problem was not clicking my confirmation email. Hope it works for you.

Thx f0r helping me to become aware of the issue I was having. I can now transfer DOPE to my Staking Client(Wallet) ;)




Hmmmm! I will see to this! I did notice numerous of Bittrex emails but thght maybe it was just from logging-in.
I will continue to report back here to give my results....

Another question f0r you! Does the wallet have to be open@all times in order to be staked? I read that we have to have our wallets opened. Does this mean it cannot be X(closed) out? 0r as long as it's in the desktop tray(Windows users) even after closing?

I just have it unlocked in the background minimised.

0k nice! And I can see the little miner icon @the bottom of the Client, so this tells me that we would need to have it minimized@all times but this requires us to have to leave computers on@all times.
So, I will use my mining computer to stake these D0pe c0ins since the computer is constantly running ;)

@markush had a question a couple wk's ago - https://steemit.com/marijuana/@weeds/dopecoin-brings-on-board-liftedbud-com-dispensary-my-journey-towards-staking-an-ounce-of-marijuana
"I just bought 10 dollars on potcoins. Can you tell me the difference between the dope and potcoins".

My answer is underneath 0f course ;)

D0PE going back up to the 1000-$ats - I'll be doubling up my 1st pr0fit ;)
D0pe is quite fun to trade now tht I'm involved and am seeing.
D0pe Back 0n Tha Ri$e_5-23-17.PNG

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