Wonderful and Amazing Exhibition Which Can Melt Anybody's Heart II

in #dollsmeltingheart7 years ago

I wrote in my post Wonderful and Amazing Exhibition Which Can Melt Anybody's Heart about this wonderful exhibition.

It is the amazing exhibition of the dolls made of felt we visited again with my friends. We again had a girls' party. No kids, no husbands. I was never a fan of felt but I am always open to something new. There are four themes and each season exposition is being changed. I visited two: winter and spring. Summer and autumn will be the next.

Last time I visited winter one. This one is a spring exhibition

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That exhibition will bring you to your childhood. The atmosphere of warmth and love reigns there. It overwhelms you and you don't want to go away. You want to inspect all the details and touch all these unbelievable creatures. You start to make up stories about them in your head. I am always impressed how all these ideas come to the mind of the artists. Her name is Irina ans and last time we got acquainted with her. She uses wild felt. And she opened that world to me a little bit by telling how all those dolls were made and where she got ideas.

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Enjoy! They are wonderful

I don't if you had it on your windows. But I think in all Russian families you could find onions giving roots to plant them later

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Yours, @aksinya.


Interesting collection of dolls.
Very different from the dolls in "It's a small world " in Disneyland

)))))))))))) thank you!

That's some pretty mad felting :O

they are indeed! Thank you very much!

This is amazing works

They are unbelievable! Thank you very much!

I am not sure if I am creeped out out or fascinated.
I would need to commission one portrait at some point to find out.

they can not creep out)) they are wonderful

wonderfully creepy!

This really brought me back to my childhood. Thank you so very much for sharing. So heartwarming.

thank you!!!!!!!! They are wonderful indeed! and I will go to two more exhibitions when they start))

Its weird but beautiful.

I agree that they are beautiful and made with love))

So soft and cozy exhibition. Thank you @aksinya

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!

На улице солнце светит
В доме некто не спит
Бабушка кушать готовит
Дедушка мышей ловить
Детки умываться холодной водой
Я ищу ботинок второй
Чтобы на улицу быстрее
До игать скорее

Спасибо тебе большое, что помогла вспомнить :)

How do you do that????????????????? Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been telling poems since I could talk. Like since I was two years old. They just come to me. Russian was my very first language but I never learned it in school. I hope I did not make too many mistakes.

You can't imagine how much you impressed me!

so you have Russian roots?

I was born in Kazakhstan. My mother is German my father Russian. After the soviet union broke down my family moved to Germany. I was just a little over 7 years old.

Interesting. I am very glad to meet you here))

Very happy to meet you too. :) you can read more about my families story here if you like. :)

You're doing a great artistic activity.
i'd like to introduce an wonderful artist like you.
Her name is Kim Young-hee, who makes a Dakpaper doll.
She's from Korean and lives in Germany.
Here are some of her works.
Look for more work on the internet.

looks great! is she at steemit?

no, she isn't.
I just know her on TV and I like her work.
if u are interested in her works, seek on the internet.
I'll show you some more here.

thanks a lot!

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