The Stray Dog, part 13steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dog6 years ago (edited)

Tuesday 26th
Well, well… Today I decided to take my buddy down to the office for the farm I live on. I wanted Karl to take a ride in the van again and I wanted to introduce him to more people. New experiences for my little buddy, and no he still doesn’t like the van. Once we got there I parked my van and started across the lot. My boss and his two sons each have dogs, the lot came with a lot of dog scents for Karl to smell. We got there right at the end of break for the crew and I showed off my new dog.

One thing that came out of that visit with the crew that was of particular interest is this; one of the guys tried to reach out to Karl and Karl didn’t care for that, he actually growled a little bit both times the man reached out to Karl. Now, this is the first time I’ve been present when a man tried to be friendly with Karl, but every time I’ve seen a woman reach out to him, including the office lady at the farm, he’s never growled. It kind of makes me wonder if he was abused by a man in his past?

After our office visit, and many treats by the previously mentioned office lady, I took Karl out to the van. Karl wasn’t willing to jump in the van like he has so far, so foregoing anymore persuasion on my part I lifted him up and put Karl in the back, and wrapped his leash around the front passenger arm rest like always. Our trip to town was good and Karl is starting to tremble less and less each trip we take. When we got home I remembered the advice my local dog trainer recommended and when I opened the driver’s door instead of letting him jump over me to get out I made him wait until I got out first, pack leader first and all that.

doggy yoga (images by Krazy Uncle)

Karl and I did all the normal things we’ve been doing, with a twist – I’m the boss – I’M THE BOSS!!! (yeah, right… ) We took our afternoon walkabout and Karl actually stuck closer to me than in the past, except once when he caught a scent and went farther from me than I cared. I called and whistled and he’d stop and look at me than just keep going away. Of course, he came back and it’s not like he went further than he ever has, but I haven’t been as insistent with trying to get Karl to stay close. We were a mile or so from the road, so Karl wasn’t in any danger, but I’m trying to do the Leader of the Pack thing, And, so… well… we’re working on it.

We also spent some time on “sit” and “stay” and Karl is actually understanding what I want, I think. He does sit better than stay, but I think we are making progress and I wanted ‘training’ to remain fun, so we stopped and played. If he is waiting at the door when I open it, I tell him to stay, most of the time he does, so that’s improvement. A lot of this is on me too as I’ve been letting him do pretty much whatever he wanted, one because I didn’t know better, and two because this is only the start of the second week, since the first time I first physically touched him.

So, that’s really about it today, nothing big, but then again? Maybe it was actually a big day if it was good for me and my buddy.

Stay tuned for more tomorrow.

the big sneeze... (image by Krazy Uncle)

To see what you’ve missed so far here are the links to the previous installments.
The Stray Dog part 1:
The Stray Dog part 2:
The Stray Dog part 3:
The Stray Dog part 4:
The Stray Dog part 5:
The Stray Dog part 6:
The Stray Dog part 7:
The Stray Dog part 8:
The Stray Dog part 9
The Stray Dog part 10:
The Stray Dog part 11:
The Stray Dog part 12:


I've had Max for 6 years now and he still isn't crazy about car rides. His two biggest phobias are seeing someone climb a ladder or someone standing on a roof. He's better about it at least he doesn't scream in terror any more when he sees them. Weird dog my Max.

Max sounds like a funny guy... at least weird is interesting...

Pekingese and Japanese Chins were so important in the ancient Far East that they had their own servants and were carried around trade routes as gifts for kings and emperors. Pekingese were even worshipped in the temples of China for centuries.

thank you my friend... hey are you a bot? no offence meant... it's just...hmm...

With fresh fur starting to come through he sure is handsome, training dogs I have never taken my dogs to training schools, always treated them like a child in the home, they learn soon enough what keeps you both happy.

My guy is always growing hair, luckily he sheds just a little all the time. It's not hard to keep up on.

You, know I never did take Karl to see a trainer, or have one come here. The trainer I talked to was only about five miles away from my remote home, and she would take her dogs to my Bosses main operation to walk the roads between the fields... it's nice living in a fairly sparsely populated place... everyone knows everyone else. But, the trainer did give me good advice that I still practice daily and that is I make Karl sit by his full food bowl and wait until I give the command to eat. I don't stretch out the time, I don't want to torment the little guy, beside the more he sits there, the more he drools on the floor. The other thing I do is make him wait for me to go out the door first... it's all in an effort to let him know who's the pack leader... psst... I slip up on the door almost all the time, but it's still a good tip...

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