The Stray Dog, part 12

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

The Stray Dog, part 12

my buddy big... (images by Krazy Uncle)

Monday 25th
A new day dawned with a new worry, but with the morning light came hope renewed. I’d settled down with new resolve to find an answer to the problem Karl presented with chasing vehicles. One thing I’m not sure of is his penchant for the chase open to all vehicles, or was it just the three motorcycle type conveyances where he could see the human operator? As much time as we spent on the front porch today waiting for a car or truck to drive by, not one did. So, I can’t answer that question yet.

I found a day-old donut and downed that, Karl had some breakfast of Doctor Lady healthy dog food. Karl doesn’t seem to be all that enthralled with that particular fare… hmm… sorry Bud… that’s what ya get for giving Doctor Lady those puppy dog eyes. Seems I needed to read the instructions on the bag, yeah high-end dog chow has instructions. I thought it was like any other dog food, tear open bag, have dog clean up kibbles that escape from tearing open the bag, pour the rest in the dog dish and stand back – enjoy happy snuffles as dog devours vittles. Not so much in this case. I’d noticed that Karl wasn’t eating quite as much as our earlier feedings with the old stuff, but the new healthier food stated that a dog will not need as much of this food than traditional dog food, okay. Still for me to get Karl to eat this food I have to sit by his bowl and hand a couple of pieces to him and he eats form my hand until he finally eats directly from the bowl. He is eating the amounts listed on the bag for a dog his size, plus the few training treats I give him. I’m not too worried about his eating, I figure he’ll get hungry enough and he’ll start eating what I have him. Just so you know the Doctor Lady told me, “No, more people food for Karl!” and who am I to argue with Karl’s girlfriend? Actually, the way the doctor described it dogs can have issues with their pancreas if they eat as much fat and sodium as humans eat – hmm… maybe I need to go on the ‘Dog Diet?’

Karl decided I needed my morning walk, so after groaning and moaning I loaded our pack with the water supplies we’d need, grabbed his leash and some treats and away we went! Our walk was through a beautiful clear, sunny and crisp morning, and it was fairly uneventful. Except when I wasn’t looking – somebody who is not me, was rolling in coyote poop and something greenish that looked like upchuck… great, just great.

It was on our way up Cardio hill that Karl snapped at a yellow butterfly just right to turn it into his unfortunate toy. He played with that poor butterfly until it almost broke. It lay between his outstretched paws and he nudged it back to life. Finally, the poor thing flew into a group of its brethren and escaped worse for the wear in a cloud of flittering yellow. Karl lost track of his toy and lost interest in his sport.

As we were walking through the final stretch to home Karl came barreling past me after another butterfly. This one would evade his best efforts, but it got me to thinking in conjunction with some of the morning’s comments from Karl’s valued readers; what if I could break the spell of Karl’s instinctual pursuit of butterflies to our mutual benefit? What if, by the sound of my voice, I could get Karl’s attention long enough and quick enough to stop him from the chase? Could I then get him to pay attention to me as he broke to give chase to vehicles? I think it’s worth a try, and I’ll start working on it on our next walkabout!

One thing I did do today was work our network of groomers and pet store employees to find Karl and I an obedience trainer. Turns out one of the best trainers lives in my country neighborhood. Close enough that she offered to give me a discount on a private lesson with Karl. We do have to wait until next week when she returns from vacation, but it sounds like a pretty good deal. She did offer me some tips on becoming the pack leader to Karl -- like always going through doorways first, always controlling Karl when I put his dog dish down, and not allowing him to ‘lunge’ at the bowl, which will probably be easy the way he’s been eating lately. These things establish dominance in a gentle but firm way, I’ll be on the lookout for other opportunities to demonstrate to Karl who’s the leader. Any ideas?
Karl’s snoring beside me is making it hard to concentrate so, we bid you farewell tonight, and stay tuned for tomorrow’s new day’s adventure!

buddy Karl... (images by Krazy Uncle)

To see what you’ve missed so far here are the links to the previous installments.
The Stray Dog part 1:
The Stray Dog part 2:
The Stray Dog part 3:
The Stray Dog part 4:
The Stray Dog part 5:
The Stray Dog part 6:
The Stray Dog part 7:
The Stray Dog part 8:
The Stray Dog part 9
The Stray Dog part 10:
The Stray Dog part 11:


It's always more difficult to train an older dog that has already established unwanted habits. Difficult but doable. My Max was a biter when I got him.

Old habits are hard to break. Your issue with Max, was it him just playing too hard, or was it something more?

My buddy is actually really easy going. And, he really just wants to eat, sleep and be with me... with forays into the great outdoors...

If I put in the effort, Karl and I could learn new behaviors together... I need him to stop barking at strangers that come to the house, or into our territory... and, I sure wish he'd come to my side, when I call him.

It was a dominance issue. He had been allowed free rein on climbing furniture getting behind people and chewing on their heads. He would jump up and bite arms, hands, the leash whatever he could get. He assumed he was alpha in his new pack but he was wrong.

Max doesn't respond to the recall command when he is outside and distracted. Inside the house he is fine. We're working on that one.

That must have been tough to deal with... how did you get him to stop?

Sometimes when he wants Karl is great at following me without a leash...
but, sometimes a leash is barely enough to get him to move. I just wish I could get him to listen to my command when his safety is an issue.

The other question I have is, sometimes Karl is real timid when I open the door to call him in. He kind of cowers a little bit, tail tucked and he's real wary... I think a previous owner called him and then booted Karl when he was in range.
It makes me angry to think some one tormented him... I can't imagine...

When he moved into my home he was banned from getting on all furniture. As for the biting whenever he brought the teeth into play he got alpha rolled. A procedure where you flatten the dog onto his back or side and hold him immobile til he submits. Took 3 months for him to get the picture.

Karl sounds like he is food motivated. Make coming when called always a positive experience. Call him and reward him with a small tidbit. Do it randomly inside the house as well. Once he associates good things from responding to your call it will get easier. Spaniels are very intelligent and he should catch on fast.

I haven't really addressed the getting on the furniture thing yet... I just put empty boxes on the couches and chairs we aren't using and he leaves them alone -- the house is furnished and we don't need the hassle of worrying about him getting that stuff dirty.

As far as behavioral problems the hardest to overcome was him running off. Once I got the electronic collar set up and learned how to use it, life became much easier for us and I could stop stressing he'd run out into the road.

I'll have to consider the 'treat' thing again. I taught him how to play bribe fetch, but I had to withdraw the treat eventually, because it became the focus of the game for him. He got to where he'd randomly go get the ball just so I'd give him a treat. Now, I might have to bring it back once in awhile as it seems the game has changed to where I have to go get the ball from him about half the time... lil' stinker...

I'll give your suggestion a try... I do have to watch the treats he gets... he's about ten pounds overweight and seems to have plateaued there.

Once he associates good things from responding to your call it will get easier.

I've tried your advice on treats, it definitely gets through to him. Now I just have to careful that he doesn't turn it into a game that only benefits him... like he'll only come in for a treat :)

Living on a working Ranch, the boss has his employees use my front yard to park vehicles they need to use. It becomes quite full during harvest.

So, today someone showed up to grab a fuel truck and Karl got to barking... so, far that's all he's done... I was prepared and grabbed a treat, then went out to calm him down... once I got his attention and he saw the treat, he immediately stopped barking and came to me -- that was a first... now I just have to make the treat thing work for me...

Thanks for reminding me, sometimes I forget the things that go into a Karl, Uncle relationship...

More than 1 in 3 American families own a dog.

my Buddy Karl is my first dog -- thanks for the comment

Get back to basics in food @krazyuncle I left some advice in an earlier read, try change food slowly or it upsets dogs stomach as well.

Kibble really is not what they make it out to be.... Hard lesson learned after thirty years of having dogs in my home.

I'll have to look into your advice. What kind of differences did you see in your dogs when you switched?

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