Coco Survived!

in #dog6 years ago (edited)

I am very happy to let you all know that Coco the dog survived and he can continue with his happy life.

Coco is Abdiel’s dog, and Abdiel is a local young man that could not afford the treatments for his dog who was suffering from a Canine transmissible venereal tumor, as well as having a necrotic tongue due to something he ate that poisoned him.

On August 29th I wrote a fundraiser post about Coco’s health issue: Coco needs our help!. A lot of steemians showed support and few people donated some STEEM. Also in the community where we live, few people donated cash to contribute.

Coco has been under chemotherapy treatment for the last 4 weeks and this week he had his last session.

The Vet is going to spy him this coming week as Abdiel promised he was going to allow it if Coco survives.

I have decided to make this short video about his last week of chemo treatment, since few steemians have been asking me about his progress.

Abdiel is very happy with his dog and in the video he says thanks to everyone!


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The world's oldest breed, the Saluki, originated in Egypt around 329 B.C.

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It's me @yann0975

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God bless that little guy :-)

Coco is a sweety...awesome what your doing for this dog. All love brother

I am so happy to read this update!! I was wondering this a few days ago, didn't check your posts yet though :) thank you for letting everyone know coco is doing ok :)

thanks to you for the support!

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