My Take On The DMania Drama - Conspiracies? Zombee?

in #dmania6 years ago

I have been following the drama about Dmania closely for a while now. Watch my video and then let me know your take in the comments.

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Great video @fruitdaddy !! I feel for @zombee after all the hard work he has done ! this is just so unfair how quick some people are to judge you and say your guilty with no chance to prove your innocent !! There should be no witch hunting allowed on Steemit or dMania !! Upped and resteemed for more to see I hope @ned sees this and redelegates to @zombee ! 👍👍👍

Dangit I meant to say that exact same thing in this video that I hope @ned considers redelegating. Someone upvote Karen's comment up!

Awe thanks @fruitdaddy ! I just posted a meme in dMania about how there should 🐝 zero tolerance for Witch Hunting on Steemit and dMania ! keep up the great work , im following you now !💕👍

It was actually the other way..... Those who always blamed dmania and zombee are more greedy...Its unfortunate that the delegation was gone away, but I think, we should be united to continue to take dmania to next level.

Strange you where saying opposite things in my post :))

Greed would have been that after I found out a about this, I would have created 20 accounts and voted them with my main account. I would have got like at least 6 upvotes per day. Guess you forgot to read the part in the post where I proved that zombee said that we can return, because he knew it was a bad blacklist. Unvoting was the only way to do proper curation like explained in the post. Please read it one more time before making assumptions.

Proof :


Link to my post :

This is the biggest problem. I said those not one. There are many people who were greedy to dmania delegation :) I m sure you know it.

You just brought something to debate. Did anyone came forward and tried to do something to improve the system ? like putting a plagiarism detector for memes etc.

And what is the end result ?

Every system has problems. But few are there to improve it, instead of complaining about it. This place is full of greed. That is why your post reached trending page soon. Have you ever seen they taking a very good poster to trending page ?

Saying that in this post is putting me in the same place as others. So I explained my situation and I cleared the things about me.

Of course I know there where many greedy people who delegated to dMania, I sent the info everytime and even posted in the general section many times in the past, without success sometimes, like explained in my post.

Actually there's one guy that build a plagiarism detector for dMania that commented in my post, can't remember his name, but you can check it. Zombee and okean always said in the past that there's nothing wrong with copied memes, the platform is build for people to have fun, so they didn't care about plagiarism. I doubt that they would have implemented the plagiarism detector.

My post reach the trending page because I've promoted it with my own SBD, after that it got the later upvotes. So nobody took me there, I've did it myself. You can check that out also.

I agree, it was a swift decision. It should have been investigated more before undelegated.

I think steemit knows how to investigate, they didn't had to much to investigate, it was all there.

I totally agree @direwolf !👍👍👍

What is the history of delegations being reinstated on Steem?

Just rewatched my vid I guess I did mention Ned redelegating

This whole ordeal is nuts. I'm all in for re-delegation, but do somewhat agree with the idea that @ned should not be picking an choosing which platforms succeed or fail. Also i think it just creates too much of an obvious target for those who wish to cause drama

You hit it right on the head with zombee not needing to use a few upvotes on alt accounts. lol. He gets 10% of dMania, which is cool, it takes a lot of work. Why would he intentionally maliciously use dMania bot for some alts.

People need to think for a couple minutes. So quick to jump into the circle jerk/witch hunt.
Jealousy and anger shouldn't guide you.

I totally agree !!👍👍👍

:)) Replying to your son @gavinthegreat, I'm sure you agree. Are you making comments next to each other?

You ok?
You need a life bud. Is this what you do all day? Follow people around and try and insult them. Grow up.

Oh look family members on steemit. Lets make fun of them.... Like wtf.
You must have some real problems going on and now you just talking them out on steemit... What you are doing and how you are acting is pretty pathetic. I have never said one word to you yet here you are taking digs.

Stop letting jealousy and anger guide you.

If you think that putting quotes will stop me defending myself, you are wrong. Also learn when to use them, they must be used in a positive way, they are for you, not for others, if you get what I mean. Also you can give yourself this quote, you started implying things first by using words like "witch hunting" , "full of anger"... So it is actually you that is interested in discussing other peoples lifes. So don't be a hypocryte.

It is you that insulted me by implying in a post(video), that discusses about me, that I am witch hunting and I am full of jealousy or anger. I only said the truth about your mother being biased on her reply and had some fun, because it is funny. If you feel that I have attacked family members though that sentence, you may be reconsider your logic and reanalyze what I said.

I'm sure that by getting a life you mean that you guys want me to stop making waves. I'm not that kind of person that quits, you should have known that from my post. I have plenty of time for this, after this I will take a vacation, but I don't let things unfinished.

I replied to you already in someone elses comment below or above this thread...

This is very unproductive. I am going to do other things now.

I hope you have a good vacation. Take care.

You are right, better to use our time more wisely. Have fun man. Take care.

Why would he risk the legacy of Dmania for a $100 USD upvote?

Why would he also create account @meme-maniac and take rewards ? this was also for "testing"? Your answer is simple : Greed. The evidence can't be denied.



What was the reaction of those 5 people you told like when they saw your meme get 50$ +.

I was plugging steemit on a facebook post I made a few weeks ago. Like 4 hours after I made the facebook post, I was like since I made this post I have earned $x usd (because I got the dmania bot upvote) and the comments section blew up after that. This is why @ned should redelegate

Maybe post a screenshot for @ned to see.

Also do you happen to know a bitcoin millionaire ready to delegate to dmania? 😁

LOL Just tracked down the Facebook post, and the conversation was so long with so many people and not all of them confirmed in that conversation they were joining. But through dm's etc. I know about five are signing up; a rapper, a podcaster, a couple randoms then @alexa.janell and she already had a super succesful first post. But my guess is she found out about Steemit from that Facebook post.

Also upped and resteemed into my @momskitchen blog ! @karenmckersie is in full support of your awesome video , I have dropped links in my recent meme I posted as well as in other posts that support @zombee I really hope @ned watches it !! 💕🐝👍

Very good video, thank you for sharing.
I really hope that zombee will get back to work on dMania and won't leave just because of some nonsense.

Yes same with me. I understand how hard he worked on Dmania, so I get how burnt out he is getting this heat when he is grinding 24/7 on the site.

Thanks for sharing such a fact about the guy, he had also attack me too,as Dmania had Upvoted in my three posts.You can read it in the reply of rahul. stand. Yes we need jombee again in Dmania. Let's help him unitedly.


Hi equilibrium, I am a single mom of two sons @rahul.stan and rv wolf. I am going to write something about me, I was introduced in steemit community by my son rahul .stan.Befour steemit I had passed my time lonely, but by joining this beautiful community as if I get the track to express my feelings and emotions to my friends. You had already mentioned me as" a old lady with only a name ".I request you please go through my blog, you will find out everything about me and my work. Yes I am not so much efficient technically so I often transfer my reward to my son's blog, so he could make it draw for me. You had mentioned that" the old lady had making meme "I have tried my level best to make my meme expressible so that you people like it. I am a teacher, so I have also little sense of humor. But you had potraied me as an old vulture with full of greed. For your kind information ,I am not a greedy woman I can look after my two sons without the help of steemit money as I have a govt service .So please don't abuse my son rahul.stan .He is a helping hand for all the accounts he had mentioned in his blog. I appreciate your efforts to make things positive and successive by your research, but you have completely wrong notion about us. So I again invite you to my blog and check it out properly and clear your mind. We are not conspirators, but would like to make friendship and love with people of this beautiful community.wish you good luck and happiness in life.

Possible, but it doesn't look good you know? Check the explanation one more time. It was funny when he explained it. And you are twisting my words here. I never said you are a greedy woman, neither that I said "a old lady with only a name". I just said imagine and old lady posting memes and upvoting with bidbots, referring to the fact that the steem blockchain is quite complicated and you don't see that to often, not that it isn't possible.

If you don't have something to hide, then you have nothing to worry about, so I will stop mentioning you here and won't say another thing anymore about the accounts mentioned.

Don't let this guy get to you. He has some issues/problems of his own to deal with. All he is doing is going around insulting poeple. He is now resorting to attacking people's family members on steemit. Pretty low of him.

He is led by jealousy and anger. This is never a good thing.

I have to protect myself against people who insulted me, it was not the case of maya7, which I didn't even insulted btw. If you see an insult against her, please tell me.

As for the rest of you, I just made fun of you, because you where actually insulting me.

Stop throwing stones at me and I will do the same, but don't expect me to back down.

As for insulting, you guys are the only one insulting me on false claims without any piece of proof. I am just telling the truth about you by defending myself.

I didn't attacked your family. I just said that your mom agreeing with you it's kind of biased, isn't it ?

Why won't you instead of telling me that I have problems of my own "to deal with" and putting emotional pictures used in order to distort the truth, just stop attacking me saying that I am led by jealousy and anger and that I am wit ch hunting ?

It is you that insulted me first... so I will stop replying now, like you said I should spent my time better than this, just wanted to let people know so they can decide who is telling the truth.

I have sat by for a while as you try and play a hero all while insulting anyone who has a different opinion than yours.

If you talking about my witch hunting meme insulting you, I was speaking to the situation. I purposely didn't use your name. But you tagged me just to try and insult someone cause their mom is on steemit. I get what you were doing... But thats being kind of childish.

Anways, I am not into pissing contests and insulting eachother.

I just didn't like being tagged than insulted for something like family... And really don't like seeing you doing the same things to others.
To me this whole thing looks like you are just upset that zombees bot stop upvoting you, (cause you were actually manipulating the system) so you spent a month in a dark room writing your consparcy novel. It really does look as if you are guided by anger and jealousy. You following people around on steemit than attacking/insulting them cause they disagree with you or what you are doing only proves that your motives aren't as pure as you portray.

Anyways, I am done with this. It is unproductive. Take care @equ1l1br1um.

You should be done, because you need to learn how to read the whole post, before making false assumptions, but we both know what's going on here. I could have continued posted and earn rewards from dMania. The proof is in this post comments and in the main post. So what you are saying doesn't make any sense. I will stop also. And I didn't insult you btw, you did. Take care.

Hmm. Thanks for sharing and adding value.

i see your all video, u make special good stuff bro
thank you dear for share.

Your comment means a lot to me. Thank you.

I agree with you. Thank you.

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