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RE: Do You Respect People With Less Power Than You?

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

When I lived in Munich the first question you were made by a person on a get together, party or whatever was: What's your job?

They didn't even ask you for your name first. The single most important thing was to know how much money you supposedly had in your bank account, to then decide whether they wanted to have a further conversation with you or not. I'm not kidding.

Well Munich was special, it's a city full of snobs and posers. So you always have a great chance to run into some of them :-)

These type of actions where one of the reasons why I left the bigger cities and decided to live at a place that's more back to basic. On my island nobody is interested in how much money you have, the only thing that matters is having a good time together. That's totally my style!

Have a great weekend, @furn01 - and thanks for commenting in my blog ;-)



That was the first question, not how are you? How has your day been?

I bet you are glad you do not live there anymore :-)

You could just lie about how much you have in the bank to fit in with these people if you were that way inclined.

Really crazy!!

Although why anyone would want to "fit in" is beyond me. Just be yourself :-) Many fall into the trap of peer pressure, unfortunately.

I think as you get older fitting in and peer pressure becomes much less, at least for me.

I genuinely don't care what anyone thinks of me, I treat others as I would like to be treated myself, regardless of age, gender, religion etc.

Congratulations on finding somewhere that you love and enjoy. An island sounds pretty cool!

Thank you for responding to my comment and I hope you have a great weekend too.

Take Care.

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