Do You Respect People With Less Power Than You?

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Ken Blanchard said once:

The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority.

True leadership implies the ability to respect other people no matter what - even or especially if they have a subordinated rank or position.

But how often do we experience the complete opposite? How often do we witness alpha personalities taking advantage of an hierarchic position in a way they shouldn't, degrading others just because they can?

I've got a very clear position in that context.

Check my today's video message - clicking on the picture above or HERE - in order to compare it to your own :-)

Tim Minchin would say:

I don't care if you're the most powerful cat in the room. I'll judge you on how you treat the least powerful.

Me, too.

Talking about the most powerful cat in the room - here's mine: Ruby

Remember: We're all Earthlings in the end.

Much love,
Marly -

PS: Don't forget that it's #LoveFriday - my favourite steemy series hosted by the amazing @liliana.duarte. Also if you're interested in watching the whole speech from Tim Minchin (called "9 Live Lessons") to which I referred here, check it out following this LINK.

My video is at DLive


There’s always someone with more power and there’s always someone with less power. This is a fact of life that we all need to get used to. It’s the same way with sports. To be the greatest player ever isn’t something we should strive for. It’s not realistic. The key is finding the small things in life that make you happy and put that at the center of your universe, then power levels seem a bit less important. Thanks for the share! Great topic! Resteem

Thanks for your support @brettcalloway!
Obviously, there will be always rankings, hierarchy levels and unequal power distribution - that's how evolution actually works every since :-) Yet, this doesn't mean that we need to treat people disrespectfully who're not on the same rank. Just consider the example I mentioned in my video: the producer eating in the restaurant may have more power than the waitress serving him. However, true leadership and personality are shown by people who don't abuse their power in order to disgrade others.

Have a great Friday :-)

The Golden Rule pretty much sums this question up: Treat others as you want to be treated.

For a reason it's the golden one...:-)
Thank you!

Abraham Lincoln once said that to test the true character of a man, give him power.

It is the way people treat others when they have hierarchical authority over them that we can actually know the true character of the person. So, lets watch out how we treat the little guy in the room.

Nice quote and great way of thinking.
Indeed, it's about how a person treats the little guy in the room.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your valuable thoughts :-)

I think it is very simple in life, treat others with respect and as you would like to be treated yourself.

Just because you think you are more powerful or have more money or influence doesn't justify you to be a dick to someone.

It is always worth remembering that someone's position today could change drastically in the next year or two.

I had it some time ago when I first started a new job, my ideas were mocked and dismissed by rude individuals and I never forgot them.

A few years later when those same people were pitching to me it was very interesting to see how they acted very differently.

Because someone is working in a coffee shop/restaurant doesn't mean that you are above them, you dont know their story.

They could be training to be a doctor, earn some extra income for there family or even doing the job for some social interaction.

I could go on as I see rude people all the time and it infuriates me.

Overall conclusion - Please dont be a dick!!


When I lived in Munich the first question you were made by a person on a get together, party or whatever was: What's your job?

They didn't even ask you for your name first. The single most important thing was to know how much money you supposedly had in your bank account, to then decide whether they wanted to have a further conversation with you or not. I'm not kidding.

Well Munich was special, it's a city full of snobs and posers. So you always have a great chance to run into some of them :-)

These type of actions where one of the reasons why I left the bigger cities and decided to live at a place that's more back to basic. On my island nobody is interested in how much money you have, the only thing that matters is having a good time together. That's totally my style!

Have a great weekend, @furn01 - and thanks for commenting in my blog ;-)


That was the first question, not how are you? How has your day been?

I bet you are glad you do not live there anymore :-)

You could just lie about how much you have in the bank to fit in with these people if you were that way inclined.

Really crazy!!

Although why anyone would want to "fit in" is beyond me. Just be yourself :-) Many fall into the trap of peer pressure, unfortunately.

I think as you get older fitting in and peer pressure becomes much less, at least for me.

I genuinely don't care what anyone thinks of me, I treat others as I would like to be treated myself, regardless of age, gender, religion etc.

Congratulations on finding somewhere that you love and enjoy. An island sounds pretty cool!

Thank you for responding to my comment and I hope you have a great weekend too.

Take Care.

I love this quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer...
“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”
It says it all!!!

Have a lovely weekend☀️🤗☀️

Nice quote, @naturald! Great wisdom in here.
Thanks for sharing it with us and have a wonderful weekend, too! :-)


I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university... that's what humanity teach us 😊

That reminds me of this one here btw...:-)

this is great wow 😍 good for. humanity

Yeah... It's one of my favourites in this context :-) #purehumanity

nation will be blessed if we would have leaders like this

Love this one😍😍😍😍

The way to go! Me, too :-)

@surfermarly , I agree with your saying & all others who had commented on this Post, I believe each of the words they comment on the post ise from there heart, I hope so.

before I like to say about this I like to share 2 quotes with you all.

Never judge someone by the way he looks or a book, by the way, it's covered; for inside those tattered pages, there's a lot to be discovered. -
Stephen Cosgrove

The second one is

I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university. - Albert Einstein

i like to mention here 3 people one is @lordjames,@muhasib & @brettcalloway , i completely agree what they say ,because in this world people are categoriesd into various hierarchicay like Power,Money,Skin Color .etc

One example I like to share -
so if someone get a higher position or he or she became head of a project of the company or even get higher salary than others . they treating his or his co-worker in a way that no one can tolerate .

in this world money is everything without money no one will respect you . the world is changing.......for bad not for good. so people are become selfish

one thing i like to say here is Power,Money, Luxurious Lifestyle is just for a minute not for a lifetime. Respect is the thing which lasts for a Lifetime till you get buried, you can't buy respect from others its comes along the way you interact with others the way you treat others.

Respect the People who have no money, who have no power, if he or she is a begger or poor person help them giving a little money or food.

Please Don't Be Same This is the Right time to Change .. - think About it guy's this is all i like to say . Let's grow together

@surfermarly for such opportunity to Speak/Comment .

Thanks for digging deeper into the topic @alexkp!
I fully agree with everything you said. The world is changing, but it's on us to impede that it's going to have an impact on ourselves.

one thing i like to say here is Power,Money, Luxurious Lifestyle is just for a minute not for a lifetime. Respect is the thing which lasts for a Lifetime

Yes. It's human values that last, not monetary values.

Again thanks for stopping by! :-)

How we treat others is a reflection of who we are. What are our motives when we treat others well? How would we want to be treated if we were in their shoes? Others may not know our thoughts and heart, but God does and is aware of how we treat others. Thanks for sharing.

How we treat others is a reflection of who we are.

YES, it is. Fully agreed.
Thanks for the adding, @enjoywithtroy (I like your nickname :-)).

Well that does determines our true character while often people forget that and just doesn't respect the people who are less powerful.

Treating people equally is the most beautiful thing indeed.

You seem to be in a nice place.

While Ruby looks really beautiful and seems like tired by the way ;)

If I ever had the chance to be born again, I would want to be a cat in my house. They sleep the whole day. And if they ever wake up, they eat. Then they sleep again :-D

Hahahha who does not love that routine ;)

Of course, we should all be treated with the same respect, we have the position that speaks of you, you should never look at other people over your shoulder, we are all children of God and we deserve the same respect, thank you for sharing

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