You don’t trust Steemit and I don’t trust you - Please don’t comment on my future post if you’ve less than 100SP

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Why you must have minimum 100SP to comment on my future posts ?

You guys consider its risky to invest your money with Steemit.

You guys not spending enough time to explore steemit to earn your 100SP

You guys are lacking imagination
You guys are lacking creativity
You guys are just lazy
You’re here for short term profit
You’re not dedicated
You’re looking to make easy money
You guys are just begging
You guys don’t have right attitude

Please wait 7-10 days and I’ll show you how to do it to earn your first 100SP using your imagination

If you’ve less than 100SP then please do not comment on my future post and if you do I would consider as you’re begging

If you want to talk to me about anything, please contact me on Telegram

My video is at DLive


I have invested my savings though...
I trust steem a lot.
It will cross $100 within a year.
@nathanmars instead of writing a comment, i have decided to make Dlive vlog for this post.

I will not sell steem for less than $100

Good friend this will be my last comment I hope to get my $ 100 soon, to be part of this project

Considering how cheap steem is at the moment, most could easily afford to buy 100 SP. I can imagine in poorer parts of the world, that could be almost half of someone's monthly salary.

I agree with your sentiments. Some people always find a reason to complain:

Steem price low - "omg, my earnings have gone done, what's the point of posting or being here"

Same people a few months later when steem price is high - "it's too expensive to invest now, I missed the boat. All these dolphins and whales just got lucky"

Worst part is, even when they earn some money, first thing they do is sell it off and cash out 🤦

Thanks for commenting on my post and Please get me in touch
Telegram (@nathanmars) or WhatsApp (+447901003594)

Thanks :)

Quite true. I personally believe if you've spent more than 2 months on this platform and haven't made your first 100 SP yet, then you're either not experimenting enough or you just don't believe in Steem.

I will not sell my SP for less than $100

I have noticed this too, some people don't believe in steemit. They keep powering down something from their account without thinking about the long-term investment on steemit.

Me I have close to 1300 steem power and it was all hard work I used to get it and am not planning to power down any of it.

am investing my time in this community by spending more time here and making more videos may be that can help me archive my 100sp. so i believe for you to move on in archiving your own goal, we should never distract you. so i huge my fellow steemian who are in the same shoe with me to walk hard in archiving is 100sp so that we can later join them. i believe this is the task we have to pay if you are really a true followers of him...
this are the video i made and i believe it can also help me on my journey

Please wait 7-10 days and I’ll show you how to do it to earn your first 100SP using your imagination

Excellent, Helping others, for this we were called.
A hug my friend

Luckily I have more than 200 SP, so I have every right to do comments on your post. I respect your dedication and devotion toward this community. But in my 2 cents opinion there should be some relaxation to newbies. what is your opinion @nathanmars

Thanks for your comment.

Newbies just to find some other Steemians and earn thier steem by adding value.
They can purchase steem in the open market and invest thier own money

Nathan I say goodbye to you since I do not have 100SP and it's not because I'm lazy or because I'm praying for work every day and I dedicate many hours to this platform that has been very helpful for me, I have a teenage daughter and so I can study and eating well steemit is my only economic entry in venezuela and you can not eat well a minimum salary is almost equivalent to buy only two items and you can not get sick because you eat or buy medicines.
I do not have the necessary tools to be recording videos, I wish luck to all who stay with you but my trip to your side I get to today I thank you very much for the support you gave me, many blessings for you.

I'm so sorry to leave you behind too @jennimorillo. However I believe that you'll earn your 100SP soon and we can engage as usual very soon!

Good luck @jennimorillo

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