Draw on Blockchain : Continuous Line Drawing Challenge 一筆畫挑戰

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)


This is the live of entry of Kristyglas's drawing contest. There was an unexpected slow down of the notebook @@ I did live draw before but didn't have this problem. I suspect it is the update of macos makes my old mbp slow...

I did another one after the live, including the process. A fun experience!! I will try using this skill for quick sketch in the future :)


這是一位喜歡畫龍的Steemian--Kristyglas 的一筆畫挑戰的作品。之前也做過LIVE,但這次電腦意外地慢,卡的很。不知道跟舊MBP裝上新UPDATE有沒有關係,應該極有關係吧.... 所以之後再畫一張,也截了過程圖。這個方法有趣而且對物件觀察有另一種體會,以後也多多運用 ^^

Process 過程










你好请接受cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 对你作为cn区一员的感谢。如果我打扰到你,请回复“取消”。

Morning! How come I can’t click on the thumbnail?

I tried to replace the temp cover image by the final drawing on dlive, but it loads ages to update. I update it through steemit 😵

Ahhhhh no wonder.


君子遠庖廚的道理🤣 (所以海鮮魚缸有點... 不過人們喜歡吃鮮的,還要自已選)
我感情出發,喜歡的不吃就算了,也不浪費食物 (可惜富裕地區就是每天在浪費食物...)


不知是好是壞,如果養太好牠們生太多易招恨... 畢竟不是人人喜歡。最好不要浪費食物就是了,多買的也是要錢,不如省下來再想如何運用:(




Beautiful work and thank you for sharing many steps :D I'm glad you had fun. Was it exercise harder or easier than you thought when you saw the contest? ^^

Um... Easier I think, as I am the type of go too deep into details and get lost in whole picture. The problem like where should I start, the flow, how to link up the object without make too mess. (Always think too much) So I keep in mind that follow the tutorial steps and the example, it helps me to over come those concerns 😀