Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

in #dlive6 years ago


What makes a standing desk so extremely helpful for video production and live streaming? Will you please look at this with me because for the first year or two I did live streaming and video production, I sat down to record my videos and I learned that having a standing desk makes the video production process so much easier, more effective and it has a ton of health benefits?

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

When people watch our videos, our energy comes through very clearly. What kind of energy do we want to transmit on our videos?

I got feedback when I used to do my videos sitting down that I talked in too much of a monotone, that I sounded too boring, that I didn't sound enthusiastic and excited about what I was doing.

I discovered that it is a part of body language, especially if we do something like we cross our arms and we sit down, we get defensive, we get annoying: “I don't really like this. I'm going to tell you about this product today.”

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

When you stand up, open your arms up, jump around, move your hands, it gets really easy to essentially turn it into a performance, instead of trying to sit there and, “Oh! I can't record this right now. What's wrong?”

You stand up. You pitch. You get all the way into it. You have fun. You present.

Essentially, I feel like I'm on stage, like doing stand-up comedy or some kind of a routine. Having the body language of standing up is extremely helpful for a more animated and exciting video.

Now, sure, some people are turned off by excitement?

Do you want that for your audience?

I personally want an audience that's turned on by genuine enthusiasm and excitement. I saw a comment on one of my posts, "How can you get up there and lie and look so genuine while you're doing it."

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

Maybe it's easy for me to just share my truth, especially standing up. I've noticed when my mother talks on the phone with me, she's consistently walking and pacing around, and then if she wants to listen she sits down.

I've noticed the same thing, if it's time for me to talk, all I need to do is stand up, stick a microphone and a camera in front of my face, and words will just come out.

When we script stuff and try to sit down and read it, "my God, that's boring." I can't stand courses that are like that.

"Now, when you're in this program, you go over here and click on that, and then you go down here. You click on the …"


I need to get out and let it out.

A standing desk for almost all of us helps us to just let it all out. I challenge you to notice how you are behaving when you are sitting down versus standing up. When you are standing up, I bet you will notice it's a lot easier to just talk to people.

I notice most of the conversations I have with people are standing up unless at night with my wife, we will have a nice calm situation relaxing at the end of the day. We will sit down on the couch and talk quietly.

If what you have to share is more appropriate to a sitting down and talking quietly on the couch conversation, then go for it.

I encourage you, based on 10,000 reviews on my courses, hundreds of thousands of comments on YouTube, the thousands of comments on Steem and Facebook, to get excited, to put your passion and energy, to let it all out.

A standing desk makes that way easier. It's just natural.

Now, some things that are challenging, which standing desk do I use?

This is the exact standing desk I use. This was one of those things I spent months researching. I got this desk and it works perfectly.

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

It sits perfectly. It doesn't shake. My two and a half-year-old daughter has even played and swung around on it. It sits perfectly on the floor. It's got great reviews. It works outstanding.

What I do, I just put it at a static level. I don't put it up and down, but this is awesome because it's a sit-stand desk. It can sit and stand. I just use it as a standing desk.

I will show you what's really nice about this desk, it is big enough for all this equipment on it too. I was thinking about getting a smaller standing desk, but you don't want it to feel crowded, especially if you are producing videos.

You can see how much equipment I have on this desk.

This desk is wide enough for two monitors side-by-side, and if I show you the full picture you can see that I actually have three computers on this one desk.

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

Now, technically the PC base station is down on the bottom, but the Mac Pro is up here. I got an iMac on the side, and then I've got the Windows PC.

I've got the preamp over here and I even have room for a bass trap. I've got speakers and a keyboard. I've got musical interfaces here and another keyboard here. I have two different mouse pads.

It’s really nice to have some space and the standing desk is really helpful for that. I then got a shelving unit over to the side, which I can put this monitor.

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

I wall-mounted this other monitor over here.

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

So, I got four monitors all in one standing spot, which makes my life just so much easier.

This is the exact sit-stand desk I have and it works perfectly. It's a beautiful size to have a nice open space. You see how much I'm moving and talking on here. I want to be able to have a nice open spot so there is room for my hands.

I got the microphone a good distance from my mouth and I've got just a perfect setup to essentially step into here effortlessly and perform every day.

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

The standing desk is a big part of that.

I researched it so much because I was so afraid of buying the wrong one. I was so afraid of setting it up. I was afraid of it not balancing. I was afraid of so much. I bought this standing desk about two years ago, set it up and it's been absolutely perfect since then.

Now, for standing desks, there is a ton of health benefits because these human bodies are not designed to sit down all day. Back pain and neck pain are signs that we are doing something our body does not like. It's trying to tell us to stop that.

You sit down hunched over a computer all day, then your back and your neck hurt.

"Stop sitting down hunching over the computer all day!"

Simple message.

You don't need back surgery.

You don't need a bunch of medication.

Do something else.

When I was filming video courses often eight or ten hours a day, five or six, sometimes seven days a week, I was also playing video games sitting down, and I often had the desire to stand up.

I found myself wanting to stand up and move around more. It got uncomfortable sitting down for long periods of time. My first innovation was to use the shelving unit as a standing desk and to split my time between my sitting desk and my standing desk.

I noticed people liked the videos I did a lot better at the standing desk on the shelving unit than they did on the chair with the sitting down. I then got used to standing up and now I can stand up all day if needed and just film videos and work on a computer.

I've played video games standing up for six or eight hours before live streaming and what's funny is at the beginning of the live stream, *"I'm up here. I'm good,” and then by the end of the live stream, I'm like hunched over leaning on the desk like tired.

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

That's good because our body is like standing up for a lot of the day. Our bodies are built to stand up and move around. That's why they are designed in the upright position. If we were supposed to be bent over all day, we'd have four legs instead of two arms and two legs.

These things are meant to stand up. When you don't follow the operating instructions, it will cause pain.

Since I've started standing up my back pain and my neck pain have been greatly reduced. My energy levels have greatly increased. The responses to my videos have gone way up and it burns extra calories.

I've also lost weight because what you will notice if you are overweight like I was, I weighed 70 more pounds than I do now, which is about thirty kilograms, when I started doing videos at my stand-up desk that was exhausting to stand up: "I've been on my feet all day."

I've said that lots of times, "I've been on my feet all day filming videos."

It shouldn't be hard to be on your feet all day. These bodies are meant to be on their feet all day, and then to sit down and rest at night, or to sit down and rest at some point during the day.

Read the book, "How Not to Die."

If you are struggling with your weight, read the book like I did, "How Not to Die," and follow the instructions in it. It works really well, not just for weight, it works to prevent almost every single cause of death.

It's like the Bible for food and diet written by a medical doctor. Tons of amazing scientific research with very clear instructions.

Eat half-whole fruits and vegetables mostly raw.

Eat nuts, whole grains, and beans with minimal processing as possible, like hummus, oatmeal and peanuts, or if you are allergic try something else.

Fruits and vegetables.

Raw carrots.

I like all kinds of raw fruits, and then occasionally something cooked like kale chips or a cooked meal, so you feel like a normal person here and there.

Very little animal products.

Very little things like added sugar, salt or you can have some, but if you want to look good and feel good, do the best videos, be able to stand up at your desk all day and not feel tired, this is what it does.

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

I feel better. I've got more energy than I ever have in any other part of my life, even as a teenager. I feel better at 30, almost 34 than I ever have before.

Age is just an idea. It's not a reality.

What you do to your body is a reality.

Sitting in a chair bent over every day, that's a reality.

The standing desk is an absolute miracle for health, it's an absolute essential tool to do an outstanding live stream that's energetic, that's passionate and natural, where you don't need a script, where you don't have to force yourself.

I don't have to force myself to come up here and make videos.

I know how to talk to people, I've got thirty-one or thirty-two years of experience, according to my mother, talking.

Talking is natural.

Telling the truth is natural and easy.

This is my truth.

It's easy to share that standing up moving around the same way I would have conversations with other people. You basically just have to get used to talking to this camera like it's another person.

I talk to you like you are right here standing across from me in the room. That makes it easy. A standing desk is a huge part of that.

Thank you very much for reading this.

If you want to find the link to this exact standing desk, you may wonder, "What's the name of that again?"

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

I've got all the links in one spot for everything, except a few things like the link to my speaker, that I will add later.

This is useful if you'd like to look more at something I mentioned or get to know the rest of my business, like the microphone I use, the Bitcoin wallet I use, the video course hosting, the email marketing, Wirecast, the software I use to record my videos, or the WordPress website hosting I have.

Man, that was a big breakthrough getting on Kinsta from all those other crappy web hosts. Look around my website and watch how fast it loads. Here's the thing, if a million people come through my website in the same day, it will cost me more money, it won't cost me performance and a slow page load time.

If you'd like to buy something or look at something, will you please go to Jerrybanfield.com/resources and use the links on my page because many of these are affiliate links and you will feel good knowing that you are helping me earn something off the same purchase you are going to get anyway without it costing you anything.

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

If you are like me, I know I feel good when I help other people earn money in the same way, especially friends. I have a friend who referred me to several things on this page. I use his affiliate links every time.

I used his ActiveCampaign affiliate link to register and I actually had his affiliate link on my website for a long time.

It works really well and it's absolutely worth it. I feel great paying my $3,600 ActiveCampaign email marketing bill.

I've got up to twenty-five thousand contacts, it has beautiful automation. It's way better than what I was using before, which I will not name out of not wanting to promote it.

ActiveCampaign is amazing. I feel great knowing he is about to get a seven-hundred-dollar commission, even though he got one when I signed up a year ago, and he's going to get another one for the rest of the time I am using it. I love that. I feel great knowing I'm helping him earn just by using something that I love using anyway.

That's how this all works, and this allows me to also share this message for free as much as possible.

Unlock Extra Energy Filming Videos, Burn More Calories, and Lose Weight with a Standing Desk!

I'm filming this for a video course and putting in enough free tutorials out there on Steem and on YouTube that anyone can get this information without having to give me anything because I've set up a way like this to give back, which you can do that if you want to.

I love you.

You are awesome.

Thanks for learning about the amazing help a standing desk has for me in live streaming and filming videos. I appreciate you spending this time with me and I hope it's helpful. If you found this post helpful on Steem, would you please upvote it and follow me because you will then be able to see more posts like this in your home feed?


Jerry Banfield with edits by @gmichelbkk on the transcript from @deniskj

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My video is at DLive


tried it before but ended up having 2 desks, 1 with a chair and one standing and I just moved my laptop from desk to desk =)

Hey jerry hi. I have a problem. I sent sbd but my post not upvote.

I really liked the information that you gave in the video.
It's true some people walk around when talking on the phone
but when there receiving information they tend to sit down, that realization just hit me!
Great Job, Keep on steemin'

had a standing desk working at progressive insurance. It was great!

Standing desk it is! Thanks for sharing Jerry! you save lives!

Hello @jerrybanfield, a standing desk, forgive me but I do not like it, I feel more comfortable sitting, especially to write, I help with the translator, I do not know much English.
I go for a walk every day, this helps my health a lot, I burn calories and I relax, you are very young , I need to sit down, I'm 58 years old, you understand
Happy day:)

@jerrybanfield I have been wanting to get one of these for ages, I had a back op a few years ago and then took up running, which has completely rid me of any problems, but in the process have looked at the standing desk option, as my work requires me to sit in front of a computer for the better part of my day.

So I did some research and was also informed by my doctor about the benefits of a standing desk, there are also the treadmill ones, but I do think that is a bit much as I have to be fairly precise when working so that would not do, but definitely am keen to try the standing desk soon.

Great post, writing this sitting down - how mundane, lol. hopefully will be doing this standing up soon.
thanks, stay blessed.

Great post, writing this sitting down - how mundane, lol

I appreciate the laugh seeing this and good luck with getting your standing desk!

Thank you, glad I could add a smile :-)

Greetings friend Jerry, I am sorry to communicate with you in this way, but I wanted to do it in private by a direct message in the discord and it was impossible for me, 6 hours ago I used your bot to promote one of my messages. but two rounds of voting have passed and my publication has not been voted on. What worries me the most is that it does not even appear on the list of those who used the robot, even when I made the transfer as I show you in the image.

I am sure that there is no intention to provide a bad service, however, I would like to know the origin of the problem and if there are possibilities to remedy it, since 1 SBD for me is very important given the smallness of my account.

Sorry for any inconvenience that may arise with this comment, I know that you are a responsible person and you will understand that there is no offensive or negative intention in it.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and response


Next, I leave not only the proof of the transfer, but also the link of my publication to be able to validate what I said.


PD: Your post is very entertaining, creative and fun, but above all quite useful to understand how our body language influences when transmitting a message clearly and precisely, excellent post

I enjoy my office chair too much. I'd rather hit the gym instead, but I can see how people who do don't have time for gym it makes a lot of sense .

Hey @jerrybanfield, I love the standing desk!

I was doing a lot of work in coffee shops in Boulder when I was producing indie film and one of them had a desk like yours. Changed my work day!

I don't have one like that now but have a couple of other tables that are similar which I use all day and love being able to stand and move about.

It comes in handy when I bust out my Push 2 and start messing around with Ableton and Melodics.

Gotta love the way it keeps the body moving!

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