Protest Against ACTA 2 in Warsaw | Skrót

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Yesterday 29.06.2018

There were protests in few cities in Poland. One of those cities were Warsaw where I was.
Protests against "ACTA 2.0" which actual name is EPICA - European Parliament Internet Censorship Act
It's mainly about articles: Art. 11 and Art. 13
Art. 11 is about the ban on sharing shortcuts of messages and articles on social networks (fee for links)
Art. 13 is that the owners of websites, on which users can upload images, video and music, will have to automatically check every material before it is uploaded for potential copyright violation.
Here is a link where you an read about it more or less:
Where you can send an e-mail or call the MEPs form your country.

And here you can read the articles:
Art. 11 & Art. 13

I didn't know what to expect because from what I know on last protest like this there was a handful of people.
When we arrived people began to gather.
I promised that I will do a live stream of that "event".
Before I started live streaming Janusz Korwin-Mikke appeared. Too bad he was gone befre I was able to show it on my stream though :P
At max peak there were 1226 people watching my stream!

Which to me it is a record on Twitch (had more on YouTube) specially streaming threw my phone.
I was there not only to show this event to people, who couldn't be there, but also to entertain them.
Which of course I did. This video is a short part of it. Later I can upload a whole thing. Unfortunately my phone died.

At one point I entered the stage

This guy at 9:35 Triggered me by saying something like "to reduce hate speech on the internet"
I was like "you done fucked it up!". There is no such thing as "hate speech". It is just another tool to censor people invented my regressive left. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING can be "hate speech".... You can persuade others to hate, but there is no such thing like "hate speech"

Once I was on the stage I decided that I could say something more then what already has been told. So I started to talk a bit about blockchain, crypto and @dlive
I'm sure that most of these people who were there (except buch of those who were there and are watching me :P) had no idea what the hel I was talking about but in short I said that if it PASS, there is an alternative to YouTube which is DLive.
Blockchain itself is resistant to censorship (text) and some stupid EU "law" won't change that (well "hard fork" might change this or that but not some retarded "law").
DLive don't give a damn about some retarded EU articles cause it is USA where there still is "fair use" and "free speech" (less and less but still)
There was more that I could say like mentioning about VPN or what is blokchian, or that DLive depends more on Bitcoin price *since most crypto depends on it) or more like STEEM price, then some retarded articles from EU.

One woman - which you could here - said "thank you for what you are doing" and that I am good in what I do, which was very motivating since she don't even know me.

I think there were something like 600~people maybe more but with me alone you could say there were 3x more since I brought with me 1226 people! ;)


Filmy bez cenzury jak na SafeSpaceTube:

steemit -
DLive -
DTube -

Art. 54. Zasada wolności poglądów
Dz.U.1997.78.483 - Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997 r.

  1. Każdemu zapewnia się wolność wyrażania swoich poglądów oraz pozyskiwania i rozpowszechniania informacji.

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Protesty jak najbardziej za...tylko to jak zachęcali do skakania to odbierało powagę tego protestu...Dziecinne z deka to było.

Dlatego ja zrobiłem "kto podskoczy ten za ACTA", bo to idiotyczne było ;)

świetna przemowa a z tym kto podskoczy ten za acta to już wgl padłem ładnie wszytko wytłumaczyłeś super myślę że wszyscy widzowie są z ciebie dumni
a ja to podziwiam ja mam tak że cały się trzęsę jak muszę coś przed 30 osobami przedstawić

Szkoda że nie mogłem być...lecz stream był zajebisty :D

Protest lepszy niż nic ale politycy mogą zbyć go wzruszeniem ramion. Większość elektoratu przedkłada wygodę i spokój nad wolność czy prywatność. Większość ma też krótką pamięć. Do wyborów zapomną.
Państwo zawsze będzie miało sprzeczne interesy z mieszkańcami kraju.
Może zamiast tego Anarchokapitalizm?

Niby protest a wygląda jak kabaret na żywo

zwłaszcza jak podskakują

byłem na chwile przelotem i zdziwiło mnie jak ludzie w dupie mają wolność słowa.
Spodziewałem się tłumów, a tymczasem było maksymalnie 300 osób z czego większość to takie młode wykopki które z wielką radością podskakiwały.

Stream udany, skecz na początku bawi :)

Dobre dupencje tam były xD

This post received upvote from @tipU :) | Voting service | For investors.

Z tym skakaniem trochę cringe. Prawie jak w przedszkolu. Tym posunięciem tylko obniżyli swoją wiarygodność.

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