Renegade Rants - Lumber Prices

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


In the last year lumber prices in Canada have pretty much tripled. The main stream narrative is that these higher prices are due to US tarrifs and increased demand but this makes no sense. If Canada is shipping less lumber to the US because the tariffs make US producers more competitive then that should mean more supply for Canada. Instead, they have chosen to raise prices on us too. Why? Because they can!

In this video I rant on this topic in further detail and explain how these ridiculous prices are affecting our family directly.

Even mainstream news articles are basically saying what I am, they just tippy-toe around the issue.

The bottom line for North American lumber demand is that it will grow by only about four per cent per year. Although forecasted to expand steadily, even in five years’ time it will still be well below previous peaks.

So even with continued growth in lumber demand, in 5 years we still will be using less than previous peaks? Yet, the price of lumber at the consumer level is 50% higher than I can remember it ever being. Why is that?

As a result, sawmills are achieving incredible earnings, with some (West Fraser, Canfor, Weyerhaeuser, Resolute) seeing 20 plus per cent EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax and depreciation) on Canadian and U.S. sawmill operations in Q4 2017 and again in Q1 2018.

Wait, so demand isn't even close to past peaks yet Canadian companies are making record profits. Something doesn't add up..... Oh yeah, that's right they are using the tariffs as an excuse to price gouge us.

My video is at DLive


Yeah, the same shit down here fam. They say it's cause of the hurricane last year or whenever and I call bullshit.

Wonder if they're trying to justify sky high housing prices and inflate yet another facet of the economy.

Tariffs between neighboring allied countries that supposedly have some kind of trade agreement? Sounds central bank-y.

There is always some excuse or cover story they use to justify the ripping off of the common man. Around here a few months ago they were blaming record high fuel prices on the local refineries doing maintenance. I was thinking isn't maintenance something that is ongoing and can be predicted? if they were actually competing with each other wouldn't they stockpile fuel for when they had to shut down?

Oh yeah, they stock it up. Texas has billions of barrels stocked away. They call it the rainy day fund.

You've got me wondering if I can make my own lumber with a cheap sawmill...

I think the cheapest mills are the ones that use a chainsaw. There are a whole much of videos on Youtube with them. You can even make your own.

Ooh, that would make life really easy! I'll look into that. Tyfys!

Looks like a good time to get a small sawmill for the Homestead!

Supply yourself and your trade partners (neighbors) and tell them to stuff it!

hilarious.... I should have read the comments. You took the words out of my mouth! :-)

Great minds think alike, ROFLOL! The more they run things up, the more people will make their own lumber.

I am looking for a saw mill now myself. >:(

For future projects that is definitely going to be in the cards in think.

I saw a good u tube design that used tires to mount the band saw blade. He tightened the tension by inflating the tires. :)

Interesting. Lots of creative stuff on U tube for people that care to look for it.

So true, but some of the stuff is on the edge of crazy. Those are usually the most fun too, LOL! :)

That's true, experimentation is fun. Sometimes even if it doesn't work you still learn something valuable.

Sometimes the machine becomes a work of art in the process, which can be as much fun as the original idea! :)

sounds like it is time to find someone with some woods and get one of those portable lumber mills and start milling it yourself.

Work out a trade. For every board cut, the land owner gets one board too.

Anyway, either way.... hope you are able to get done all that you need to.

Take care,

Thanks, yeah it is getting really bad. I think for future projects on the homestead I might go that route. Or even mill my own lumber. We are sort of on a time crunch with our home build though.

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