Perspective Shmerspective. [Drop in the Ocean]

in #dito6 years ago (edited)

I promised I'd write this week.

Why? Why did I promise that when I would much rather just come and sit and listen to the group of beautiful word-painters that continue to gather in the DITO room each week.

Peer pressure, probably.

At the end of the show last week, I immediately began thinking of things to talk about. I knew exactly what I would say.


What was mine? How did I derive it? Simple. I had just exchanged some neat little words with @penderis about all the cultures and influences that made up Dreemie - that sweet little mutt that you all love to giggle with. hehehe (Sorry, "with whom you love to giggle. @Penderis says if I care about winning DITO, then I should write to win. Of course, I care. I'm competitive! So, I best use proper grammar.)

How many lines and genes and cultures spring out of my 5'2" frame, winding back to the old country, the old ways, the... well, it doesn't really matter, because every single line ends up at a dead end. Slave ships, diluted tribes, adoptions, ship stowaways... if I am the sum of my parts, I'm an unknown. A part of an equation with too many variables. But, I digress. (tee hee, I didn't write for that DITO topic, but I've been wanting to say it!)

Regardless - somewhere in the midst of this week, I decided I'm not going to write from that perspective. (see what I did there?) I'm going to write something different.

I dont like perspectives.

Whoopsie. yep. hate em.

This is 2018, dreemsteem!!! We are supposed to embrace one another's differences, learn from them, and understand that unique perspectives are what helps us to grow.

Hm. We are. True, but....

I wish we all had the SAME perspective, in other words... none. Don't try to sway me. I am not easily swayed. Ask @bluefinstudios.

I don't like clashing. I don't like being rubbed the wrong way. If we all lived in Stepford, I'd be happy as a clam. (well, minus the robot thing.)

Truth be told

I love when there is connection and unity and peace. I hate when perspectives divide us. I'm talking about real perspectives - not just differences of opinion like which ice cream is better? ( Clearly, truth would dictate that rum raisin is best. YES. It is.) However, I'm talking about the perspectives that split people. I detest when opposing mindsets fracture friendships, and beyond.

Actually, maybe that does have something to do with not having an "ancestral home" to relate to. (oops. sorry Pen. "to which I can relate.") Maybe, my extended family becomes the people I've allowed to nestle close. Since genetic and geographic ties are less likely to be an issue for me, perhaps my desire for a unified connection with the people who are near and dear to me becomes of utmost importance. They become my home, and I like a unified home. No?

Maybe it comes from the fact that some perspectives are born out of trauma, and I recognize the evidence left behind. Maybe my heart just aches for the person who wasn't able to escape unscathed. Maybe I see those darker perspectives as the scars left behind when innocence was lost. Maybe my rejection of alternate perspectives is really a disgust for the person that would take a clean slate and spray it with their vile graffiti. Reaching?

Maybe I'm just an immature child having a tantrum. Maybe I'll grow up one day.

Then again, I'm 42. Maybe not.

Amazing banner created by @liberty-minded


blocks of letters

grammar man


"Don't try to sway me. I am not easily swayed."

Really? Duh... Ask anybody. ;)



Dont you dare start talking about a certain platform!!!! Lolollol if I go there I have to giive up something already on my current plate.

And I can't.

Cuz I love my plate.

Love my my my Steemit (even though it's dropping so low it can officially limbo now)


Keep on reaching Dreemie! Reaching out. Reaching a hand. Reaching with your heart. And pulling US all in. We are all part of your ancestral make-up. Every last one of us.


hehehehehe that is actually VERY true.

it's what @penderis said too. When I said.. "i just wonder where I'm from.. that's all"

he replied simply, "the world"

hehehehehe yes - yes. YES. can't deny that!!!! LOL

i know there is truth on both sides! the world at large - and the smaller nuances that seem to hit closer to home.... but... when those are a little fuzzy...

the world can be my ancestors! :)

(and the nice thing about meeting them as I go along??? i kinda get to pick and choose! LOL that's fun hahahahahahaha)

so what perceptions have you developed from your perspectives?

That opposing perspectives stink

(I know that really doesn't apply to all... Just the ones that divide)

Posted using Partiko Android

Are you sure they are opposing perspectives and not conflicted perceptions?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I have a feeling I'm going to be educated on this very subject later today! hehehehe

Ya think? LOL

Posted using Partiko iOS

I know what you mean Dreemie. When our perspectives divide us, that is no bueno. We used to live in a time when we all seemed to get along and we knew that even though our perceptions were different we could agree to disagree and move on. Everyone views things differently and there is some beauty to different perceptions ... sometimes you may be able to learn something from someone who has a different perception... but nowadays well... let's just say if we had a time machine that would be ideal. Glad to see you back for Ditto am3ga!! 🖤

Posted using Partiko Android

no bueno indeed. hehehe

I really know that there are differing perspectives that are beneficial. hehehe this post was more a rant about the ones that aren't beneficial. You know in my life over the past few years - there has been one heartbreaking situation that stems from this. and... it's just probably where the sting comes from :)

and - when you find that time machine - please drag me into it! i have SO many things I'll change! hahahahahaha

i love you :)

Haha I don't think you're just a child! It is hard to watch and look at someone's darker perspective because you know something caused that. It would be nice to be able to come together more and not have perspectives divide us.

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