Why I Think we Shouldn't be Allowed to Upvote Our Own Posts

in #discussion7 years ago

I know this might upset some people but this is my opinion. Two times in my life I upvoted my own posts. Both times were accidental, a slip of the finger. Once on my introduceyourself post and once on a comment. Again accidental, and I felt like a noob for doing it.

Here are my reasons why I think you should not be able to upvote your own material:

1.) It's tacky!! Need I say more? Well, yes I need to say more. Tasteless is another great adjective for it.

2.) It's selfish! Sure, it's great to have confidence in yourself and not need validation from others, but wouldn't you feel better if your payout came into your wallet because others saw value in you and your work??

3.) It's bad for the community. There is so much undervalued material here and if you're using your steempower to fill your own pockets, you're showing everyone that you don't really care about others.

4.) It's spammy! It's something a spammer would do! Do you really want to be like a spammer? Speaking of spammers, do spammers know they're spammers or is this a blindspot of theirs. I really want to know.


If I upvoted my own posts, I would give myself a penny. Perhaps if I was a whale 🐋, my heart would turn to stone and my perspective on this would change, but honestly I don't think so...

What's your opinion. Should we be able to upvote our own posts? Am I a hypocrite for using upvote bots sometimes?? What do you think?

Love, snowpea ❤😘🙂🌸

Image credit: Pixabay


One of my pet peeves is when I give a good comment or feedback and the author comments back thanking me. Upvotes themself and doesn't give me one for the thoughtful comment.

Makes me unvote a article and unfollow pretty quickly.

I give votes for comments only if they have voted my post. Not many do that I have found. Love to you

I read an article yesterday about voting power. My voting power is lower than I'd like because I upvote too many posts and comments. I asked the person if it's appropriate to comment without upvoting if you're trying to give your voting power time to rise and she said that it's absolutely ok. People who comment without voting may be trying to regain their voting power as well. :)

There is nothing wrong with commenting. I was saying that people who reply to your comment then up vote their own comment without doing the same to yours is a little tacky. If you are upvoting your own comment you are not trying to regain voting power.

So, we must not vote our post and comments?

I have no problems with you self voting your own posts. You invest time in making it you should up vote it.

What I have issue with is just going through your own comments and spending all your voting power on your self generated comments rather then thanking people who commented on your posts and gave worthwhile responses before selfvoting for your comments.

Especially if you just posted a spam-like comment then self vote it.

If they add to discussion to your article I think you should upvote them regardless if they didn't upvote your own post. Sometimes they are giving feedback to improve the post so that they will up vote it once the article has been edited.

Agree @snowpea I found my voting power had gone down and was worth nothing, also started to give better comments and not upvote when knowingly the upvote is worth literally nothing.

Replying to good comments and upvoting the person leaving the comment, I agree with you @healthbasics but upvoting yourself to me is very tacky.

Switched on for a couple of days to do self-votes and always felt it just looked wrong, so off it went again. Many a good post is being passed over and those are the ones with little or no value at times, sad actually.

I agree it's weird to thank people for comments without upvoting. That's a mixed message. I wouldn't unvote something else because of that though.

I think voting should be based on the merit of the post or comment being voted on. When people vote or flag things just to reward or punish the author for some other action elsewhere it obfuscates the value of the posts themselves and undermines the integrity of the curation system.

Good response. That happened to me. I will do what you do.

Ha ha yeah that's funny, say that scam too, avoided it also.

I agree with you, and I am unfollowing those steemian who self vote their post. I am just annoyed with them even upvoting their own comments.


Finally, someone who agrees with me!! Felt a little outnumbered there haha! :)

Self-voting can't technically be prevented, since people could just create two accounts and upvote one from the other. The purpose of voting on posts is to curate content, and that purpose doesn't change based on whether you wrote it or someone else. If you don't think it's worth upvoting you probably shouldn't post it in the first place.

I usually don't upvote comments unless I think they're particularly notable contributions or they're in a long thread that needs to be sorted.

You do have a point about multiple accounts. I feel that most of my own posts should be upvoted, but I just feel that it comes off as arrogant to do it myself, and I want to be recognized for my talent (we all do). If I don't put much effort into it (for example, when I showed off a cute picture of my 2 year old for the fun of it) then I don't promote it in post promotion spots. That's how I operate anyway.


It's ok to upvote yourself because people here are working hard to make their upvote worth more, I am working 6 months here to make my upvote worth 0.03, why I don't help myself if I earn cents ? sometime that upvote boost my post and I get much more upvotes.

Other people are investing very bog money here, why they don't have to upvote their selfs ? it's their money !

In the other hand if the whale upvote others he will also earn from his upvote, so upvoting others or yourself is both good !

It depends, like the posts that are small and poorly done, plagiarised material, anything NOT deserving it shouldn't be up voted.

I up vote mine for two reasons:

  1. I put in the effort to provide proper, good content and feel it deserves my few cents.
  2. I want to help my account grow as to better provide to others who like me, provide those good content posts.

:) :)

Ok, but if we weren't able to upvote our own, maybe we would spend more of our time gaining wealth from curating other's posts, and more people would also find your posts. ;)

I do already look for other posts to up vote, that are worth it.

Well, thank you for upvoting mine, even though you disagree. I see by the few comments I received so far that this is a very common practice! :0 Very interesting.

You're welcome and it's the people that mostly just up vote their own stuff, not other or like whales that just share up votes to gain the money, that I don't agree on. But keep writing good posts and it works out in the end and it grows. :)

I agree with @thegoliath and my reasons are the same. A few cents invested in me. On bots that seem wrong to me another word I believe would be mining. I like real persons

I too agree with @thegoliath for the same reasons. However, I think that the use of bots is okay and I use them sometimes....but you bring up some interesting points. I just think that if you write well, that you do well.

I took three tries each and finally past comp 1 and 2 some Twenty years ago. I Have to do anything I can for my goal here on steemit. I need more communication in my life. I am enjoying being me in a social community with the add reward system. Feed back is important here where I hope to learn to earn respect by giving respect. I may just not understand bots bits or much else here. How ever I have learned more in the last five months and I hope to learn more. Love for you

Hi abbi, I need more communication in my life, too. I made a post about being a hermit, but it is partly out of necessity, bc I take care of my 92 yr. old dad, and rarely get out. I am a teacher by heart, and a really good cook. My grandchildren encouraged me to start doing YT videos and the comments really give me the boost I need from outsiders. Then I found steemit and am hoping to enlarge my circle of "friends". I don't understand much about this yet, either, but I have time on my hands to learn and hope to make some good, strong connections with people who share the same interests.

Hello I am julie of @abbijulie Thank you for the reach out. The one thing Ibhave learned is to keep posting. Post, comment and reply often to be seen. Try to make your post interesting. There are many people and they are hit and miss until we build a repore. I to am a caregiver to Abbi she is 25 with Cerebral palsey. Love to you good day. I am following you now please follow us.

On the first day of steemit I went wild and upvoted everyone including myself. I didn't know anything about Steem power and didn't see the arrogance of upvoting a post I liked even if I wrote it. About having two accounts I think it would be a headache for me to control two accounts now and don't you need two different phone numbers?


My view of the community a week ago was the same as my kids' happy meal toys.

I have only been on this sight for a few days but it is obvious that so many want to be a witness. There is Mr. Angry and Little Miss Happy. There is Mr. Funny and Little Miss Oops. But things have changed. I have found some real humanity and some friends who support me. Thank you^-^

Let's make Steem the best community^^

Thank you


I think your post is worthy of reposting and a strong upvote^^

Your comment is awesome!! Speaking of different phone numbers check this out: I know someone who bought about 1,000 simcards and opened up that many accounts. He has a reputation of -8 partly because of that lol, so it can be done... Not recommending it!! IMO he's overall a great guy too--just made some poor decisions.

That's wild. Part of me says, "cool. That's an easy way to get votes!" Another part says, "What a headache. One account is enough."

Amen to that. I totaly agree. Its like givin yourself a high five.
I had a fun reading. Nice post

I agree with number 3. only. It's usually not a good idea to tell ppl how to make money, unless they are taking advantage of someone. Not everyone has the privilege of choosing how they pay rent/food. If I lived in a country where the currency was less than a dollar... and then find Steem convertible to something worth more than a dollar... I would choose the fastest way to rent/food.
I made a couple self upvotes way back too, but now I've stopped. I have the privilege to endulge in satisfying my morality, sometimes I'm grateful.
Anyway, really cute images of guy in money pile. Are you an artist?

I didn't create that image lol. I indicate at the bottom of my article that it is from Pixabay. :)

Lol... uh duh, sorry. I still like it and I still like you. 😁

Thanks! I like you too! :) <3

i personally agree with you on this my only self upvotes have also been accidental

I respect it’s an individual choice how it it allowed now but woul be happy if the ability to self vote was blocked

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