Free Market

in #discussion7 years ago (edited)


The other day I was in a conversation with a statist. She was against the Republicans lowering our taxes. She used all the same old tired arguments. One thing she said was "has there ever been a free market?"

Today I found this.

  • Hong Kong has one of the highest GDPs per person of any nation in the world. It has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world, and one of the highest life expectancies in the worl. It has one of the lowest murder rates in the worl Hong Kong has the most skyscraper of any city in the world and the people who live in those skcyscraper remember those same areas were squatter villages in the seventies.

why is that I wonder? Hmmm...perhaps it because it's a free market?

  • Tariffs do not exist in Hong Kong. No business licenses are required for any business. No restrictions of any kind are imposed on financial transactions in or out of Hong Kong.

it get's better

  • Hong Kong citizens pay no sales tax, no capital gains tax, no goods and serviced tax, no value added tax, no annual net worth tax, no inheritance tax and no estate tax. The government's Housing Authority provides homes for 30 percent of it's population, residents receive free emergency health care, the bottom 60 percent pay no income tax.

Same thing in Singapore.

quotes from the book I am currently reading... Seasteading


Hi, @everittcmickey, I really agree with that Hong Kong is the best Free Market place in the world. People are happy and proud of Hong Kong. I was there 3 weeks ago and posted a few pictures, I go there really often. For people who come to Hong Kong for the first time, they are shocked by the wealth of the place. But Hong Kong is even cheapper then Singapore and life there is more Freedom as Singapore everything is forbidden.

I don't have a pot to piss in except my beloved Lisa Marie camper van! And I want taxes lowered!!
I make my own way without govt and I like everybody around me having extra money to pay it forward. I want employers offering work because business is going strong!

compared to anyone when your grandfather was born you're filthy rich.
we all are.

I'm 300 pounds, I eats well! When I'm not eating out, shawarmer whatever, I'm cooking right in my van


Hisar great information of Hong Kong was unknown for me

Unfortunately, our government needs taxes in order to pay for the wars that we are involved in. Wars that create the terrorists that we "Need' to fight, which create more wars and more terrorists.

What's the solution?

Clean out DC and vote in libertarians, but that's unlikely to work, since politicians are only in it for the money. They are very unlikely to voluntarily leave such a rich revenue source.

I meant what's a workable solution?

Damned if I know. I hate politics, don't really like politicians, and despise anyone that works in the halls of congress.

read this then read the book I'm discussing. only fifteen dollah from Amazon can be reading it in ten minutes from now.

It'll give you some ideas that might help understand the problem and work toward a solution.

one more thing.
Youre an author.

Maybe going into crypto and start a new (this time) free market which is government and taxes proof. This could be a solution

I think so.
You can't fight city hall.
but you CAN subvert them...go around them every chance you get.

Yep, and sadly because both Singapore and Hong Kong are linked to China it gives the illusion of legitimacy to Communism because China is being fueled by these two places that are the opposite of Communism.

what about Mauritius?

I can honestly say I don't know much about them. I searched it on DuckDuckGo (haha... I didn't google it) to see what it was. I've heard the name before, but really I've never heard much about them.

That might make for an interesting post if you know much about them.

Mauritiuis is a small ISLAND off the coast of Africa.
Singapore is a small ISLAND (for all intents and purposes) off the coast of Malaysia.
Hong Kong is a small ISLAND (for all intents and purposes) off the coast of China.

do I detect a pattern?

London ,Vatican ,D.C. to the list

I don' THINK so.

I was referring to City States not island's..
And not to Free markets...
But City's That are World power points...

Read up on Sir John Cowperthwaite.
He was 'running' Hong Kong for the British during their massive economic boom.
One of my heroes.
London was worried about the lack of employment statistics being reported back, so they sent a team of statisticians to gather the info.
Ol' mate John put them on the next plane back; saying that if they get their statistics, they'll start trying to plan stuff.

I seem to recall reading a speech he made when the Brits conceded Hong Kong to the ChiCom.

It seams "they" would rather send us to mars.
Easier to control food, water and air....

The problem with a free market is that it leads to inequality and the disappearance of the middle class. The less government laws/policies you have the more inequality grows, the rich get richer while the poor the poorer.

And that is basically what Hong Kong is, a tax haven for the rich and one of the most unequal places on earth.

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