Discover Your Body - Art Contest - #1 Feet/ My son's feet

in #discoveryourbody6 years ago

Good morning, my beautiful steemit people!. With this drawing that I finished last night, I want to participate in the new contest of my beautiful friend @yoganarchista, who will help us discover our body as a tool of art. A great goal for us art lovers and the experienced ones as well.

In this post, I would like to take this opportunity to thank @yoganarchista and this great steemit platform, because through these contests I was able to regain the inspiration to paint, I had left it in oblivion for about 12 years. Part of me longed to paint again. Everyday life and routine made my inspiration numb. Oh, thank you.

This time I took my little model son, and made his beautiful feet. I used graphite pencil, and then with bits of tips I shaded around my feet.

Los pies de mi hijo.jpg

Step 1. Sketch


Step 2. Drawing


Step 3. Shading


I hope you like it!.

Link to enter the contest



Dear Artist ! This post has been resteemed and upvoted from FineArtNow account ! Take a look at our latest posts : To Honor Old Masters , if you like them upvote , comment , resteem ! We very appreciate it ! See you soon !

Thank you : ). I will do as soon I can. Thank you for your support.

Great job! Feet are realy difficut to draw!

Thank you. Yes it is very difficul.

You look great on those feet, buddy. Good luck with the contest.

Gracias amiga bella.

Eres toda una artista amiga. Te quedo genial. Saludos

Gracias por tan bello comentario, saludos.

Que ternurita de pies, jajaja. Que buen producto amiga. Mucho éxito. Un abrazo

jajaja. Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado amiga.

ejejej lindios pies... Que bonito amiga felicitaciones y éxitos en el concurso.

Amén amiga. Saludos

I always told you friend, you're a natural artist. Your gift is innate. I congratulate you and wish you the best in this and any other challenge, which I am sure you will take on. Brotherly hugs for you.

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