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RE: Humans are not herbivores

in #diet7 years ago

I have always seen the fact of being vegetarian, like giving up our position in the food chain, that is, eating animals is part of being in harmony with the environment, in some strange way these subjects say that being vegetarian is friendly to the planet, I do not see it that way, I like meat, and I think it's natural that we eat meat.


Thanks Vieira. I agree. It is natural and, therefore, better for our health.

The environment arguments they have are nonsense really. They grow vegan food and use shit tonnes of shit from those cruel factory farms to fertilise it. Also, they spray toxic chemicals on the soil which then poisons all the animals and other plant life in the area. Vegans probably kill more animals than meat eaters do.

Soil erosion is caused because the animals are not replenishing the soil with their shit, feeding the natural flora and fungi, which in turn feeds the herbivores that graze there. The beautiful natural cycle of life. Vegans are brainwashed into thinking their way is the kindest way. It's not. Big food and big pharma want us all dependent on chemical products so that we're sick customers during our lifespan. Vegans are victims of this propaganda. I want them to wake up. That's why I write about it.

Thanks for popping by :)

@sift666 Always. I talk too much ahaha...

Here it is:

Oh dear... Sally's fella was the touchy-feely type then. Difficult situation for any organisation and within any marriage eek :S

Thanks for that. Very informative. I had no idea about the fermented vs non-fermented oil debate. I just buy cod liver oil capsules online or at the supermarket. Wow, your cod liver oil is expensive. That means mine is deffo crap and probs not doing me any good lol.

Nutra organics golden latte: that sounds wonderful. Does it still have the live bacteria from the manuka honey? That's supposed to be magical stuff innit.

Pretty sure I'm D3 deficient. Bloody English winter!

Do you ship abroad?


PS You may get the same problem at your post relating to abiotic oil haha

I think you did not hit the person you were trying to answer... ;)

oops sorry vieira :S
Have a great day :D

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