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RE: Dieting Via Fruit Fasts and Fasts....

in #diet7 years ago

best of luck with the waters fasts, great idea! I'm on one myself right now, wish you the best - I'll keep be keeping an eye out if you decide to blog about it as I'm trying to organize once a week fasts in the steemit community.


That sounds like a good idea. I do my water fasts on a Saturday. It is the old "sabbath day". In Spanish it is called sabado. I like the idea of doing it then because it is a day of rest... so you are also resting your digestive system. It is also good, because most of us are off work then. So consider organising doing it on a saturday and I will join the group. But I actually didn't do it yesterday because I had to work. I'm never going to water fast and work at the same time, that would be too challenging!

Interestingly, a lot of people workout in a fasted state (myself included). I find that especially if you fast for more than 1 day, on the second day you get a lot of energy (I believe the reason is HGH production and adrenaline are quite high, not entirely sure though). You could try experimenting with that and seeing how you feel sometime.

I might try fasting for two days some time myself, and see how that works out for me, but at the moment it takes me all my will power to get through one day of fruit fasting and one day of water fasting.

It becomes a lot easier once you adapt your body to burning fat instead of sugar. I couldn't imagine going an entire day without food sometime ago, now I recently went a week. I don't think I have really good will power at all, just that I made it easier for my body to handle. That said, it is still impressive you so doing intermittent water fasts - don't discredit that achievement as it is having great health benefits.

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