Why do people gain back weight after "extreme" weight loss?

in #diet7 years ago (edited)

You do NOT starve when cutting calories drastically.

Here is the thought, slightly mislead from superficial dietary and health misconclusions:

Your body is amazing at survival so when you cut calories it will increase efficiency and adjust/adapt to the reduced caloric intake. Not sure what other factors apply. I believe 6-8 pounds loss per month, is the range that is effective for keeping it off.

There is truth to this. However these are not factors that apply given the context for the above writing: "Why do people that lose weight through extreme diet and exercise gain it right back?"

The factors that apply are the amounts of acidic elements introduced to your system which become acidic waste in the tissues and inflame. Your body does not go into "starvation" mode, per se, when drastically cutting calories. Instead, the body goes into something that can be referred to as "detox" mode or cleansing mode (this is for the civilized eater).

Calories are not Human Energy units

Don't forget that calories are merely heat units -- NOT "human vehicle energy units", and in no way are these units related. Therefore, comparing calories will always give you mysterious examples when relating to the human body.

So why do people lose or gain "fat" weight?

You should know by now that there are many factors to "weight": fat, bones, muscle, water, the clothing you are wearing, and the undigested food still in your colon.

Any unnecessary weight is all waste anyways. The weight loss and gain we continually experience in today's society is WASTE loss and WASTE gain.

Weight Loss = Waste Loss

Waste is easy to accumulate in a waste-infused diet. Waste is also easy to lose when you know what foods have the most waste in them... when it comes to the weight of "fat", that's the storage of waste that would burn up (via acid) your blood vessels if it weren't pushed into the tissues in time.


I am certain that the civilized human being using social media often experiences de-bloating, de-inflammation, and withdrawal symptoms far more than what they believe to experience starvation. For more insight, a good starting point is "Mucusless Diet Healing System" by Professor Arnold Ehret.

Follow @maria-mariah for drops of information from Arnold Ehret.

Extra Thoughts?

This is a subject that does not have clear and widely-agreed upon diction. Therefore, the more we discuss and share our words, the quicker we will have a universal language for humanity to conceptualize and share the truth of....diet things :)


I looove this post and especially when you said "undigested food still in your colon." I need to do another colonic again. Princess Diana used to do those weekly!

Can you expand a little in regards to the clothing a person wears? @robertgenito

Thank you for this post! :)

This only meant that the clothing you wear will affect your weight effect on a scale lol. If you're wearing 2 lbs of clothes, you'll weigh 2 more lbs. if the next day you are wearing 3 lbs of clothes.... etc. By mentioning clothing weight, my aim was to get readers to realize that weight is more than your body: it's also uneliminated urine, feces, water withheld to buffer toxic solutions in the body....

Hey man can I make friend with me ? If you whant write on my fb.com/rafetmaxhuni

Beside eating healthy (non processed food) it is important to regular fast for at least 12 hours to give the body (liver and pancreas) time to detox and rest. Digesting both unhealthy and healthy food costs energy.

Dr Greg Ellis totally disagrees and shows how glycation is the main cause of most disease.

You didn't even read my post :D

Actually i did, my respone was to mucusless diet healing system. Its a good post thanks

Thank you for clarifying! :) I edited and expanded.

There is one simple rule to weight loss calories out > calories in. The same concept applies to weight gain also. When people are successful in their weight loss, as times goes by, they again direct to their old eating habits. If you want to maintain that weight you should consume according to your maintenance calories.

Upvote 100% this comment of mine, and I'll give you a common real world example that breaks your "simple rule" :)

With your rule, weight loss cannot be maximized.

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